Che ora è? Che ore sono? Telling time. Fate Adesso: If you were to stop someone on the street to ask the time how would you get their attention? If you.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Che ora è? Che ore sono? Telling time

Fate Adesso: If you were to stop someone on the street to ask the time how would you get their attention? If you were to stop someone on the street to ask the time how would you get their attention? Traducete (Translate): Traducete (Translate): Ci sono sessanta secondi in un minuto. Ci sono sessanta secondi in un minuto. Ci sono sessanta minuti in un’ora. Ci sono sessanta minuti in un’ora. Ci sono ventiquattro ore in un giorno. Ci sono ventiquattro ore in un giorno.

Che ora è? Che ore sono? Per rispondere… Per rispondere… È… È… 1.00________________ 1.00________________ 12:00 PM ________________ 12:00 PM ________________ 12:00 AM _______________ 12:00 AM _______________ Sono le… Sono le… 2.00 ___________ 2.00 ___________ 3.00 ___________ 3.00 ___________ ___________ ___________

i Minuti Expressed by “e” and the number of minutes Expressed by “e” and the number of minutes 2.05 _______________ 2.05 _______________ 4.10 _______________ 4.10 _______________ 5.25 _______________ 5.25 _______________

i Minuti (cont’d) There are 2 ways to say 15 and 30 minutes, 4 ways to say 45 minutes There are 2 ways to say 15 and 30 minutes, 4 ways to say 45 minutes 2:15 2:15 2:30 2:30 2:45 2:45

Dopo trenta minuti Expressed by subtracting minutes from the next full hour Expressed by subtracting minutes from the next full hour Use the word “meno” Use the word “meno” 2:40 2:40 2:55 2:55

24 ore In Italy, for official times (train schedules, store hours, etc) the 24H clock (military time) is used In Italy, for official times (train schedules, store hours, etc) the 24H clock (military time) is used 12:00 AM = :00 AM = How do we convert it? How do we convert it? = _______ = _______ = _______ = _______ = _______ = _______

AM or PM? It is common to use the 12H clock in conversation. To specify AM or PM: It is common to use the 12H clock in conversation. To specify AM or PM: Di mattina/ del mattino Di mattina/ del mattino Del pomeriggio Del pomeriggio Di sera Di sera Di notte Di notte

Pratica – Che ore sono? PM PM AM 4. 4:45 PM AM AM

Extra “Time” words L’orologio = clock L’orologio = clock L’orario = schedule L’orario = schedule Aperto = open Aperto = open Chiuso = closed Chiuso = closed L’ora = time L’ora = time È tardi = It’s late È tardi = It’s late È presto = It’s early È presto = It’s early in anticipo = early (ahead of schedule) in anticipo = early (ahead of schedule) in orario = on time in orario = on time in ritardo = late (behind schedule) in ritardo = late (behind schedule) fuso orario = time zone (Italy +6) fuso orario = time zone (Italy +6)

Train schedule