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Transcript della presentazione:


Da sinistra Franco Prosperi Scultore - Prof. Giovanni Zavarella Critico d'Arte - S.E. Domenico Sorrentino Vescovo di Assisi - Ing. Claudio Ricci Sindaco di Assisi - Prof. Marina Samarina Università Statale di San Pietroburgo- Prof. Dipak Raj Pant Antropologo ed Economista nepalese Università Carlo Cattaneo Italia

Prof. Franco Prosperi scultore - Assisi

Prof. Giovanni Zavarella Critico d'Arte – Assisi - Italia

S.E. Domenico Sorrentino vescovo di Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino

Ing. Claudio Ricci Sindaco di Assisi

Prof. Marina Samarina Università Statale di San Pietroburgo

Prof. Dipak Raj Pant antropologo ed economista nepalese Università Carlo Cattaneo Italia

Aesthetic Issues and Sustainable Economy Il Bello ed il Buono: la dimensione estetica dell’economia sostenibile Dipak R. Pant Unità di Studi Interdisciplinari per l’Economia Sostenibile/ Interdisciplinary Unit for Sustainable Economy Università Carlo Cattaneo (LIUC) Assisi (Italy), 21 August 2012

Aesthetic Issues and Sustainable Economy Il Bello ed il Buono: la dimensione estetica dell’economia sostenibile Aesthetic Issues and Sustainable Economy Il Bello ed il Buono: la dimensione estetica dell’economia sostenibile Sustainability/Sostenibilità derives from… Italian: sostenere (v.) / English: ‘to sustain’ (v.) - from Middle Age English sustenen - from old French sustenir (v.) – from old Italian – sustinēre (v.) from Latin sub (“below”) + tenere (“to hold”) - subtenere = “holding from below”; in Mexican Spanish: Sostén = bra (n. Eng.) / reggiseno (n. Ital.) A variety of meanings: To keep in existence; to maintain. To supply with necessities or nourishment; provide for; to keep up competently To support from below, keep from falling or sinking; to support the vitality; to encourage. To bear up; withstand.; to experience or suffer. To prove or corroborate; confirm… Conceptual implications: ‘Sustainability’ is not natural (automatic). Deliberate and measured efforts (actions) are required to sustain any system. ‘Sustainability’ is a dynamic to preclude the disruption (collapse) of a/any system and to enhance its resilience. Sustainable Economy: Careful and frequently revised system to manage human, natural and artificial resources, with maximum concern for the eventual costs and burdens for all in the future, while fulfilling the basic needs of all in the present.

Aesthetic Issues and Sustainable Economy Il Bello ed il Buono: la dimensione estetica dell’economia sostenibile Potential costs and burdens for all in the future: Devastated landscapes, polluted ecosystems, scarcity of resources, massive migratory movements, conflicts, violence, insecurity... Such costs and burdens are avoidable or, at least, diminishable to a large extent if the needs of all in the future are equated with the needs of all in the present. The basic needs of all in present: Reduction of human vulnerability in all mundane (this-worldly) matters - physical, social, financial.... This is attainable through the quality in good governance, civic awareness, family and community relations. Enhancement of human wellness in every-day life experience. It is possible through the improvement in the quality of habitat (the mix of technosphere, ecosystem, natural and cultural landscapes, and atmosphere), prevention and control of waste (of all kinds) and in the quantity of non-material richness (all forms of artistic and cultural production). The only way forward to economic development is in the vertical dimension: value, brand, prestige, security, trust, sublime experiences… Because, there are concrete risks of causing costs and burdens for the future generation (perhaps already for our old age) by pursuing development in the horizontal dimension: volume, stuff, growth, numbers, objects, speed… The vertical dimension of development is, perhaps, what we may call the aesthetic dimension of sustainable economy (?). True, good and beautiful (Satyam-Shivam- Sundaram)? Dipak R. Pant Unità di Studi Interdisciplinari per l’Economia Sostenibile/Interdisciplinary Unit for Sustainable Economy Università Carlo Cattaneo (LIUC) Assisi (Italy), 21 August 2012


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Ingresso Esposizione. dal Bosco di San Francesco

Il Prof. Marco Pucciarini. Macrocosmo e micocosmo nell'arte indiana

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Daria Zaitseva disegna, Anna Kazdhan e Iana Sighinevitc

Iana Sighinevitc e le sue Bambole Archetipiche. San Pietroburgo

Daria Zaitseva di San Pietroburgo dipinge nel Chiostro durante Natura & Archetipi

Daria Zaitseva e le sue valige dipinte. San Pietroburgo.