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PubblicatoNereza Castellano Modificato 11 anni fa
Ultimo aggiornamento 24-02-2003
Profilo Aziendale Ultimo aggiornamento
Dati finanziari Principali attività Chi siamo
Leader nella distribuzione di soluzioni tecnologiche e
Chi siamo? Leader nella distribuzione di soluzioni tecnologiche e servizi per l’industria del turismo e dei trasporti
La nostra storia 1963--Viene realizzato il primo sistema Sabre
1976--Sabre è installato nella prima Agenzia di Viaggi 1986--Sabre diventa una Divisione indipendente del gruppo AMR 1994--Nasce “The Sabre Group” 1996--IPO per il 18% delle azioni Sabre (NYSE) 2000--Sabre diventa indipendente al 100% 2001--Sabre vende ad EDS l’infrastruttura di “Airline Outsourcing Business” The history of Sabre all began with a chance meeting … American Airlines President C.R. Smith and R. Blair Smith, a senior sales representative for IBM, met on an American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to New York in 1953. Their conversation about the travel industry sparked the idea of a data processing system that would create a complete airline seat reservation -- and make all the data instantly available electronically to any agent, at any place. Six years later, the airborne exchange of ideas became a reality. American Airlines and IBM jointly announced their plans to develop a Semi-Automatic Business Research Environment — better known as Sabre. The revolutionary system was the first real-time business application of computer technology. It enabled American Airlines to leapfrog from handwritten passenger reservation information in the 1950s to an automated system. In 1960, the first Sabre system was installed. It grew to become an integral part of AMR. In 1986, Sabre became an independent division of AMR. In 1994, AMR named the extension "The SABRE Group." In 1996, Sabre did an initial public offering of 18 percent of our stock, while AMR retained 82 percent majority ownership. In 2000, Sabre spun off from AMR to become a 100 percent publicly traded entity. In 2001, Sabre announced a transaction with EDS, which included the sale of our airline infrastructure outsourcing business, and a 10-year contract for EDS to manage our internal IT systems. Sabre would now focus on our core business of travel marketing and distribution, as well as airline software.
Il Gruppo Sabre 100% Sabre 51% Sabre
Affidabilità del sistema prenotazioni mondiali
I numeri di Sabre Affidabilità del sistema 99,9% Presente in 46 Paesi con oltre dipendenti Agenzie di Viaggio collegate Fatturato di 2.9 Miliardi di Dollari nel 2002 Gestione del 40% delle prenotazioni mondiali
Fonte: Industry data e Sabre
Share di mercato - Bookings 2001 Nord America 48% EMEA 14% Asia - Pacifico 53% Sud America 51% Fonte: Industry data e Sabre
Market Share Globale per Canali di Distribuzione (Bookings)
40% Online Consumer (B2C) Online Corporate (B2B) Agenzie di Viaggio Canale di Distribuzione Sabre Share (2002) Fornitori Online Fornitori Diretti 46% 67% 19% Fonte: Industry data e Sabre
La Struttura Sabre Italia
Direzione Generale Sud Europa Mario Cardone Direzione Commerciale Roberto Rabagliati Direzione Logostica Andrew Welcomme Direzione Business Development Roberto Grande Direzione Risorse Umane Stefano Rossignoli Direzione Supporto Clienti Nicoletta Gerichievich Direzione Progetti Speciali Mariano Viola
La Struttura Sabre Italia
Sviluppo Prodotti e-Commerce Nuove tecnologie Partnership Business Development Supporto Clienti Help Desk Assistenza tecnica Sviluppo formazione Supporto Commerciale Assistenza Clienti Nuove Installazioni Addestramento Direzioni Area Progetti Speciali Project Management Supporto alle Vendite Gestione Risorse
Sabre in Italia In Italia dal 1988 Uffici a Roma e Milano
88 dipendenti 3.500 agenzie collegate. 29% Share di mercato
Travel Agency Solutions
Aree di attività Airline Solutions Airline Products and Services Airline Reservations Consulting Travel Agency Solutions Agency solutions GetThere Sabre Businesses can be divided into three areas of focus — Travel Marketing and Distribution, Airline Solutions, and Emerging Businesses. Travel Marketing and Distribution facilitates the commerce of travel using innovative products and technologies. This includes booking airline seats, hotel rooms, car rentals, cruises, and more. Sabre innovations help travel agencies compete online, corporations to manage travel expenses and consumers to quickly and easily shop for travel online. Agency solutions provides products and services that enhance travel agency operations. These offerings include Web-based technologies, travel agency pricing solutions and customer relationship tools. One example is Sabre Virtually There, a personalized Web portal for confirmed travelers detailing itineraries and destination information. Airline Solutions, which includes Airline Products and Services, Airline Reservations and Consulting, focuses on assisting airlines and other travel suppliers with many aspects of their business operations. And Emerging Businesses identifies and evaluates new business concepts, potential partnerships, and merger and acquisition opportunities, while incubating new ideas into business realities. Emerging Business
La Divisione Travel Agency Solutions
Sabre offre i propri servizi ad oltre Agenzie di Viaggio : 450 Compagnie Aeree Hotel 54 Società di Autonoleggio Travel Marketing and Distribution offers technologies to all travel channels, including traditional travel management companies and online agencies. Through the Sabre System, our network of more than 59,000 travel agencies worldwide provides content from an enormous array of travel entities including: 450 airlines 53,000 hotels 54 car rental companies 8 cruise lines 33 railroads 228 tour operators 8 cruise lines 33 Compagnie Ferroviarie 228 Tour Operator
I Prodotti “Travel Agency Solutions”
AGENZIE DI VIAGGIO Sabre® eVoyaSM Customer Relationship Management Profile Sabre®.Res FORNITORI SERVIZI Distribution Products Sabre® Compensation Manager Sabre® Sales Manager CONSUMER (B2C) Sabre® Virtually There™ SISTEMA CENTRALE Gestione Tariffe Passenger Name Record Management Biglietteria CORPORATE (B2B) GetThere Sabre® Corporate.ResSM [Note to presenter: Consider substituting other TM&D product and services samples below to best suit your audience.] Sabre TM&D enables the four primary travel distribution channels — travel agent, consumer, corporate, and travel supplier — which share the same core products. Our clients across all four channels benefit from Sabre’s Pricing Engine, Passenger Name Record (PNR) Management, and Ticketing tools. Products for the travel agent channel include: Sabre eVoya – a suite of technology tools for travel agencies Customer Relationship Management Tools – tools that help agencies better serve their clients Sabre.Res – booking engines for agencies’ Web sites Consumer products include: Sabre Virtually There – a personal travel site based on a trip itinerary – one-stop shopping online for consumer travel Sabre products that assist the Corporate travel channel include: GetThere – online corporate travel management for Fortune 500 companies Sabre Corporate.Res – online corporate travel management tools for mid-sized companies Travel Supplier products include: Distribution Products – handles availability and reservations processing for every channel Sabre Compensation Manager – tools that dynamically customize commissions to agencies Sabre Sales Manager – tools that travel sellers use to present offers during the buying process
Maintenance & Engineering Airline Products and Services
La Divisione “Airline Products and Services” Maintenance & Engineering Flight Operations Airports Cargo Airline Products and Services Sales & Marketing Sabre is the clear market leader in airline products and services, enhancing airline operations in key areas such as: Pricing/Yield Management, Crew Management, Flight Operations, Planning/Scheduling, and Maintenance & Engineering Airlines can select individual modules or install entire suites of Sabre products using an Application Service Provider model. The Sabre eMergo suite of products assists airlines with their operations through a Web-enabled, dedicated network. The eMergo products offer a way for suppliers to focus on their core business, rather than their internal IT operations. Pricing/Yield Management Planning/ Scheduling Crew Management Revenue Accounting
La Divisione “Consulting”
La Divisione “Sabre Consulting” offre supporto nelle seguenti aree : Airline Start-Up Assistance Revenue Management Distribution Strategy e-business Over the years, Sabre has helped large, medium, small, and start-up airlines get results they might never have found alone — or with less experienced partners. In doing so, our consulting expertise has transformed the bottom line from red to black for numerous travel suppliers. Through Sabre Consulting, our clients get solutions from an industry insider with more than 30 years of successful experience. Sabre Consulting delivers solutions in such areas as: Distribution Strategy, E-business, Maintenance and Engineering, Network Profitability, Revenue Management, Crew Contract Negotiations, and Airline Start-Up Assistance Crew Contract Negotiations Network Profitability Maintenance & Engineering
La Divisione “Emerging Business”
La Divisione “Emerging Business” identifica e valuta nuove opportunità : New Business Concepts Potentiali Partnership Opportunità per Fusioni ed Acquisizioni New Business Concepts While incubating ideas into business realities, Emerging Businesses identifies and evaluates: new business concepts, potential partnerships, and merger and acquisition opportunities One example is Sabre Financial Settlement, which extends the Sabre product and service offerings into the payment processing arena.
Fatturato 1997-2001 in Miliardi di Dollari
$1.6Mld $2.3Mld $2.4Mld $2.6Mld 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 $1.8Mld $3.0Mld $2.5Mld $2.0Mld $1.5Mld $1.0Mld $.05Mld $0Mld $3.0Mld $2.5Mld $2.0Mld $1.8Mld $1.8B $1.5Mld $1.0B [Revenue] Sabre has experienced a 63 percent increase in revenue since 1996. Our five-year compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) from 1996 to 2000 was nearly 13 percent. [Stock] The Class A Common Stock of Sabre is listed on the New York Stock Exchange with the symbol “TSG.” If we look back at the last 12 months, you can see Sabre’s stock price beginning to reflect the work we’re doing to reposition the company for higher growth and profitability. From Sabre’s low trading point of just over $22 during the summer of 2000, the stock price increased more than 127 percent to close the second quarter of 2001 at $50. $.05B $0B 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Fatturato in Miliardi di Dollari
Fatturato 2001 90% 10% Fatturato 2001 $2.6 Miliardi di Dollari
Travel Agency Solutions 90% 10% Airline Solutions ed Emerging Businesses About 90 percent of Sabre revenue is generated from our fast-growing Travel Marketing and Distribution business. The majority of TM&D’s revenue comes from “associates,” which are airlines, car rental agencies, and hotel properties who pay Sabre booking fees for reservations made through the Sabre system. Airline Solutions & Emerging Businesses may be just a small part of our revenue today at about 10 percent. However, it’s a dynamic segment, with plenty of opportunity for growth.
Come contattarci : Sabre Italia Via S. Maria Segreta, 6 20121 Milano
Tel Fax In summary, Sabre is the world leader in both traditional and online travel marketing and distribution channels, as well as in providing solutions to suppliers. We have taken aggressive action to position the company for short and long-term growth across our businesses. And, we have a track record of financial strength. For more information, we hope you’ll visit our Web site: Thank you, and now I’ll be glad to answer your questions.
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