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HL-LHC Corrector Magnet Design & Construction Activity Status Giovanni Volpini on behalf of the LASA team presented by Sorbi Massimo Milano, CdS July 8.

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Presentazione sul tema: "HL-LHC Corrector Magnet Design & Construction Activity Status Giovanni Volpini on behalf of the LASA team presented by Sorbi Massimo Milano, CdS July 8."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 HL-LHC Corrector Magnet Design & Construction Activity Status Giovanni Volpini on behalf of the LASA team presented by Sorbi Massimo Milano, CdS July 8 th, 2014

2 MAGIX & INFN participation to HL-LHC 2 MAGIX WP1CORRAL Design, construction and test of the five prototypes of the corrector magnets for the HL interaction regions of HiLUMI WP2 PADS 2D & 3D engineering design of the D2 magnets WP3SCOW-2G Development of HTS coil for application to detectors and accelerators WP4SAFFO Low-loss SC development for application to AC magnets MAGIX is a INFN-funded research project, (GrV, «Call») whose goal is to develop superconducting technologies for application to future accelerator magnets. It includes four WP’s, two of which are relevant to HL-LHC 2014-2017, 1 M€ + personnel funds CERN-INFN Collaboration Agreement INFN already involved in FP7- HiLumi (UE-HILUMI, GrV) WP2 beam dynamics, LNF WP3 magnets, MI-LASA WP6 cold powering, MI-LASA 1 2 Approved by the INFN Board of Directors on June 2014. Soon to be signed by the INFN President and by CERN. CERN endorses MAGIX WP1 & WP2 deliverables and milestones, contributing with 527 k€ Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014

3 Name Orientation Order Aperture Int strenght at radius = 50 mm Magnetic length Wire diameter Yoke o uter radius Stored energy Weigth -mmTmmmm kJkg QuadrupoleS21501.000.8070.7230.024.61000 SextupoleN/S31500.0600.1110.5160.01.380 OctupoleN/S41500.0400.0870.5160.01.470 DecapoleN/S51500.0300.0950.5160.01.475 DodecapoleN61500.0860.4300.5160.04.3250 DodecapoleS61500.0170.0890.5160.01.075 magnet characteristics Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014 3

4 Quadrupole 4 yoke bore coil Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014 891 460

5 coil pole iron yoke bore outer air HX hole Quadrupole 2D cross section High Precision Zone for harmonics computation boundary Yoke radius = 230 mm HX bore D 60 mm @ r = 185 mm J eng (overall) ~ 300 A/mm² B peak coil = 2.97 T Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014 5

6 Symmetric flux return plate round bore flux return plate Iron yoke total length 800 mm HX hole D60 @ r = 185 mm

7 Sextupole Yoke laminations machined by laser cut followed by EDM (final accuracy 1/100 mm) on the relevant surfaces: poles, coil slots, alignment slots. 5.8 mm thick iron laminations 7 Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014 320 123

8 NbTi SC wires Bruker-EAS NbTi for Fusion application Fine filaments PF wires Wire type 2 Cu:NbTi ≈ 2.30 Number of filaments 3282 Filament diameter ≈ 8 μm @ 0.73 mm Two wire diameters: 0.5 and 0.7 mm S2-glass insulation 0.14 mm thick (on diameter) Jc (NbTi only) 3,000 A/mm² @ 4.2 K, 5 T An order for 8 km (0.5 mm) + 8 km (0.7 mm) has been placed in Feb 2014. Delivery in July 2014. Luvata Pori OK3900 Cu:NbTi ≈ 2.00 Number of filaments 3900 wire diameter 0.575 mm Filament diameter ≈ 5.3 μm Bare wire An order for 20 km has been issued - Small wire (low operating current), but not too small (must be easy to handle, insulation should not reduce too much the Je); - High Cu content (again, low operating current, protection (4-pole)); - From the shelf product (season sale?): small amount required (tens of kg); -Small filament: not a strict requirement, but these magnets are designed to operate in the whole range 0 A to Imax; 8 Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014

9 winding and insulation 9 Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014 Insulation scheme: -wire w/ S2 glass 0.14 mm thick (on dia) -ground insulation applied after removing the coil from the winding tool w/ two crossed, 50% overlapped, 0.13 mm thick S-2 glass tape (total 0.52 mm) Use of polyimide-insulated wires discarded since: -neither European company is able to provide kapton insulated wire, at least for such small supplies; -could not identify an external supplier for dip coating, but only tape coating; -doubtful behaviour during impregnation w.r.t. fiberglass: is polyimide porous enough and does it stick well to the resin? Winding machine: -Commercial winding machine -Home-developed braking system, controlling the wire tensioning between 0.5 and 20 kg ;

10 Impregnation mould Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014 10

11 Oven & impregnation Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014 11 Temperature monitored with a PT100 on the mould, in agreement within +/- 1°C wrt the set temperature (in stationary conditions) CTD-101K resin

12 Cross section 12 outer side inner side Far from perfect, but this was a first test for the whole system! Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014

13 Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 lulgio 2014 «Coil 1» under the optical measuring machine Giovanni Volpini CERN, 1 July 2014 13

14 Coil assessment 14 Test protocol - Coil resistance @ RT -Ground insulation test @ 5 kV (different techniques) > 8 Gohm -Dimensional measurements; w/ gauge, w/ optical measuring apparatus -> mould parts misaligned, tolerances of +/- hundredths seem feasible -Thermal shock @ LN on coil and on resin sample -> some crack in the coil, near bubbles, but not only. No crack in resin sample -Repeat resistance & ground insulation test -> OK TBD -Inductance measurement -Cut & cross sections Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014

15 Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 lulgio 2014 15 ID 510 2700 Test cryostat A new cryostat, to be fit inside the DISCORAP vertical cryostat, has been designed. This allows to use the exsisting services (current, LHe feed and GHe recovery, signals, etc.) Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014

16 NbTi wire (8 km 0.5 mm dia + 8 km 0.7 mm dia, for all the corrector magnets) to be supplied by B-EAS, already insulated. Delivery scheduled in July; S-2 tape, 0.13 mm thick, delivered at LASA; Duratron plates delivered at LASA; 1st CTD-101K resin batch delivered (CERN order); 4 iron plates (580x3975 mm 2 ) ex-LHC to be delivered from CERN to LASA for the sextupole manufacture; Impregnation mould teflon coated at an external company; First impregnation test performed in June; Curing oven refurbished and tested with the CTD-101K resin; Winding machine being upgraded with a new wire tensioning system; 1 year contract, HiLumi funded, for a physicist, Luca Somaschini, to follow corrector magnets manufacture QA and room temperature and cryogenic tests, started on May 5th, in addition to the established technical staff (~3 FTE). procurement and activity status @ LASA 221/II 108/I 16

17 Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014 Costruzione (M1.2) e collaudo del sestupolo aprile 2015 è importante per validare tutte le soluzioni tecnologiche e costruttive Progetto preliminare di 4-polo, 8-polo, 10-polo e 12-polo (D1.1) marzo 2015 Progetto esecutivo di 4-polo, 8-polo, 10-polo e 12-polo (D1.2) ottobre 2015 il 6-polo segue infatti una corsia preferenziale Affidamento contratto per la realizzazione del criostato verticale indispensabile solo nella fase finale per il collaudo di 4-polo e 12-polo (più lunghi degli altri) Affidamento contratto per la fornitura di ferro magnetico per i gioghi prodotto speciale (è il medesimo ferro dei gioghi di LHC) Progetto preliminare del magnete in MgB 2 (M1.3) settembre 2015 dimostratore di questa tecnologia (per il quadrupolo) principali obiettivi per il 2015 17

18 INFN-CERN Agreement approved by INFN board of directors in June ‘14, to be signed by INFN President 18

19 Richieste 2015 Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014 19 MissioniRiunioni di collaborazione, visite presso ditte, visite CERN10 ConsumoFerro x gioghi 5,000 kg x 6€/kg30 Altri metallici: SS CuBe Ti8 Altri non metallici: Resine3 Lavorazioni esterne28 Qualifiche e collaudi8 Attrezzature costruzione19 Elettronica (sensoristica, acquisizione)17 Manutenzione5 Criogenia (altri materiali di consumo) 15 InventariabileCriostato D500 x 260070 DCCT12 Impiantistica14 Altra strumentazione10 TOTALE249

20 Persone Coinvolte Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014 20 Alessandria, Franco 1.0 FTE Bellomo, GiovanniP. Ass.40% Sorbi, MassimoRic20% Volpini, Giovanni1 Ric40% Leone, AugustoCTER50% 2.2 FTE Paccalini, AntonioCTER50% Pedrini, DaniloCTER50% Quadrio, MauroCTER20% Todero, MaurizioCTER50% Somaschini, Luca 100% art. 2222 sui fondi di HiLumi + supporto officina meccanica 40%

21 The End 21 Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 lulgio 2014

22 Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014 22

23 2D cross sections: 6-pole Yoke radius = 160 mm Recooler bore D 60 mm @ r = 185 mm, so it’s outside the yoke J eng (overall) ~ 260 A/mm² B peak iron = 3.7 T B peak coil = 2.0 T 03.12.2013 p 140 Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano 8 luglio 2014 23

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