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PubblicatoPerlita Massaro Modificato 10 anni fa
1.E un algoritmo ricorsivo: Tutti le istanze di oggetti raggiungibili da un oggetto persistente diventano anchessi persistenti.
Persistence Context
Soluzione di NHibernate: Persistence by Reachability con Cascade Associazione Cascade Behaviour
Context Context Provider User Interface Layer Business Layer Data Access Layer DAO Context: Identity Map Unit of Work Automatic Dirty Check Optimistic Concurrency Pessimistic Concurrency Proxy per Lazy... Context: Identity Map Unit of Work Automatic Dirty Check Optimistic Concurrency Pessimistic Concurrency Proxy per Lazy...
...Hibernates job is to reduce the amount of code you have to write for the most common 90 percent of use cases (common CRUD and reporting)... …Hibernates learning curve is high at first. In our experience, a developer needs at least two to four weeks to learn the basics. Dont jump on Hibernate one week before your project deadline. It wont save you… …Finally, use SQL, JDBC, and stored procedures for the 5 percent of use cases you cant implement with Hibernate, such as mass data manipulation or complex reporting queries with vendor-specific SQL functions… [Gavin King, Hibernate in Action]
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