tau- tau-->leptone-adrone in collisioni a 7 TeV in ATLAS" Federico Meloni – "Ricerche di Supersimmetria ad ATLAS a LHC" Ruggero Turra – "Ricerca di SM Higgs nel canale di decadimento H->gamma gamma in ATLAS“ 26-Mar-123"> tau- tau-->leptone-adrone in collisioni a 7 TeV in ATLAS" Federico Meloni – "Ricerche di Supersimmetria ad ATLAS a LHC" Ruggero Turra – "Ricerca di SM Higgs nel canale di decadimento H->gamma gamma in ATLAS“ 26-Mar-123">

News LHC recommissioning is continuing Sucessfully achieved so far 4 TeV beams, 0.6 m beta* (at least with few bunches) Some beam splashes last week; still.

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Presentazione sul tema: "News LHC recommissioning is continuing Sucessfully achieved so far 4 TeV beams, 0.6 m beta* (at least with few bunches) Some beam splashes last week; still."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 News LHC recommissioning is continuing Sucessfully achieved so far 4 TeV beams, 0.6 m beta* (at least with few bunches) Some beam splashes last week; still expect stable beam collisions around Easter: – ATLAS upgrade week at SLAC this week Phase-1 upgrade LOI ready and presented last week at the LHCC The plan to do an ATLAS-CMS Higgs combination has been dropped: – Will be reconsidered after ICHEP 26-Mar-121

2 ATLAS talks Iro Koletsou – " Other SM Higgs searches at LHC (ATLAS+CMS) 25'+5'“, Spring-2012, April 16th-20th, 2012 at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, US. Leonardo Carminati – "Photon and photon+jet production measured with the ATLAS detector" (15'+3'), DIS2012, 26-30 March 2012, Bonn, Germany 26-Mar-122

3 IFAE 2012 Only accepted as posters: Marcello Fanti – Ricerca del bosone Higgs SM nei canali h->gammagamma e h->ZZ*->4l nell'esperimenti ATLAS" Sofia Consonni – "Ricerca di SM Higgs nel canale di decadimento H-->tau- tau-->leptone-adrone in collisioni a 7 TeV in ATLAS" Federico Meloni – "Ricerche di Supersimmetria ad ATLAS a LHC" Ruggero Turra – "Ricerca di SM Higgs nel canale di decadimento H->gamma gamma in ATLAS“ 26-Mar-123

4 ATLAS Italia Workshop Fisica ATLAS Italia, Roma2, Tuesday 17 April 2012 Two contributions from Milano Silvia Resconi: – Effetti previsti del pile-up: Missing ET (15') Leonardo Carminati: – Effetti previsti del pile-up: gamma (15') There will also be a longer (2 days) ATLAS-IT Physiscs Workshop in Lecce in the period end- September/beginning-October, focused on 2012 results. 26-Mar-124

5 Corso PROOF Corso Proof/Proof on Demand for ATLAS users on April 18 e 19 at LNF: – Maybe 2 participants from Milano 26-Mar-125

6 Summer Schools Rosa, Sofia: – CERN Schools of High-Energy Physics, European School, Anjou, France, 6-19 June 2012 Federico: – 69th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, St Andrews, 19th August - 1st September 2012 26-Mar-126

7 Shifts Fewer shifts this year, people is having trouble finding available shifts. Shitfers that I know for the first half of this year: – Tommaso: Comp@P1 shift (class 1) – Marcello: Calo ACR shift (class 1, June) – Ruggero: Lar HW on-call expert (class 2) – ??? 26-Mar-127

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