Activity diagrams Data & Control Flows Esempi 2015-12-14.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Activity diagrams Data & Control Flows Esempi 2015-12-14."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Activity diagrams Data & Control Flows Esempi 2015-12-14

2 Riferimenti Esempi – da discussioni su Forum del corso – Vedere anche Bock (Articoli riportati sul sito del corso) Documentazione Visual Paradigm – Help on-line di VP – Generale su UML: – (VP) – Fowler UML Distilled –...eccetera (fate ricerche in rete!) OMG (standard ufficiale) http://www.uml.org Wikipedia (un po’ vecchio) - References - References “Though well-known and widely used in education and academic papers, as of 2013 UML is little-used in industry, and most such use is informal and ad hoc”...che è un po’ quello che cerchiamo di approfittare delll’uso di UML come stimolo per chiarire concetti generali e abituarci ad essere precisi e concreti...... Chiedendoci cosa significa quello che stiamo “disegnando” in UML 14/12/15Control & Data Flows2

3 Un cammino suggerito (Google search: “VP activity diagram”) -> http://www.visual- Activity An activity specifies the coordination of executions of subordinate behaviors, using a control and data flow model Activity Action An action represents a single step within an activity Action Accepteventaction is an action that waits for the occurrence of an event meeting specified condition Accepteventaction Controlflow is an edge that starts an activity node after the previous one is finished Controlflow Objectflow is an activity edge that can have objects or data passing along it Objectflow Decisionnode accepts tokens on an incoming edge and presents them to multiple outgoing edges. Which of the edges is actually traversed depends on the evaluation of the guards on the outgoing edges Decisionnode... 14/12/15Control & Data Flows3

4 Attivazione delle azioni – Problem architecture An action begins executing when all its incoming control and data are available – For convenience, an action with no incoming control starts when all its data inputs are available (Bock Part 2). This simplifies diagrams where the control dependencies between actions in an activity are exactly the same as the data dependencies. – Assunzione valida “a progetto finito” How: – Evidenziamo quali dati sono necessari – Non facciamo alcuna assunzione sull’attivazione Why/When – Evidenziamo i flussi di controllo che derivano dall’analisi del problema (specifiche) – Anche se sono ridondanti 14/12/15Control & Data Flows4

5 14/12/15Control & Data Flows5

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