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I laboratori. The SMART Project building together the next generation airport 2 maggio 2016 | Aeroporto Internazionale di Napoli Value Proposition Design.

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Presentazione sul tema: "I laboratori. The SMART Project building together the next generation airport 2 maggio 2016 | Aeroporto Internazionale di Napoli Value Proposition Design."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 I laboratori

2 The SMART Project building together the next generation airport 2 maggio 2016 | Aeroporto Internazionale di Napoli Value Proposition Design Boarding 18 maggio

3 Purchase power Market Needs Desires Demand Product services Product services A need occurs when a a basic necessity for human life has not been satisfied Desires are generated by the identification of something specific that can satisfy needs Demand is based on specific desires fonuded on the wish and the possibility to purchase them A product/service is anything that can be offered to someone in order to satisfy a need or a desire Products or services

4 Total cost for clients Total value for clients Value exchange Strategy A: Increase total value Strategy B: Reduce monetary costs Strategy C: Reduce monetary price

5 Value Proposition options Improving design Making products/services more accessible Making products/ser vices easier to use innovating Making products/servic es more convenient Improving performance Reducing risks Reducing price Solving a specific problem There are different ways to add value for customers Branding

6 The “Customer Value Proposition” derives from two main streams, the first concerns the product/service, the other concerns the customer Customers’ profile: a) Customer description;b) “Needs/Wants”c) “Problems/Pains” Product/service cause–effect flow: a) Product’s technology/specific capabilities of consultants;b) Product/service’s features and functionalities;c) Benefits and advantages brought by the product/service. VALUE

7 Customer Profile Basic needs Functional activities Social activities Emotional Activities Savings time, money and effort,... Outcomes level, more of something, less of something,... Level of current satisfaction specific features, performance, quality,... Easier adoption of the solution flatter learning curve, more services, lower cost of ownership,... Social consequences makes them look good, increase in power, status,... Expectations good design, guarantees, specific or more features,... Ambitions big achievements, big reliefs,... Measurement scale performance, cost,... Costs for customers Time expense, emotional costs, effort expense, monetary costs,... Negative feelings frustrations, annoyances, physical feelings,... Lack of performances lack of features, performance, malfunctioning … Difficulties and challenges complexity, difficulties getting things done, resistance … Social consequences loss of face, power, trust, or status … Risks financial, social, technical risks … Issues and concerns Legal, social, environmental … Problems adopting solutions usage, understanding,... Barriers in adopting solutions upfront investment costs, learning curve, resistance to change,... Needs – Customers’ expectations Pains – Customers’ dissatisfactions

8 Introduce new savings time, money and effort,... Produce better outcomes better quality level, more of something, less of something,... Copy or outperform current solutions regarding specific features, performance, quality,... Easier adoption of the solution flatter learning curve, usability, accessibility, more services, lower cost of ownership,... Create positive social consequences makes them look good, produces an increase in power, status,... New features good design, guarantees, specific or more features,... Fulfil ambitions help big achievements, produce big reliefs,... Produce positive outcomes better performance, lower cost,... Better adoption ease lower cost, less investments, lower risk, better quality, performance, design,... Increase savings time, money, or efforts,... Reduce negative feelings kills frustrations, annoyances, physical feelings,... Fix performances new features, better performance, better quality,... Reduce difficulties and challenges make things easier, helping them get done, eliminate resistance,... Reduce negative social consequences loss of face, power, trust, or status,... Eliminate risks financial, social, technical risks, or what could go awfully wrong,... Reduce issues and concerns by helping with big issues, diminishing concerns, or eliminating worries,... Resolve common mistakes usage mistakes,... Eliminate barriers lower or no upfront investment costs, flatter learning curve, less resistance to change,... Creation of new value Solution to problems Product or service Basic proposition Functional proposition Social proposition Emotional proposition

9 Segmenti di Mercato: I segmenti di mercato rappresentano i diversi gruppi di consumatori o organizzazione che l’impresa intende servire. Per meglio soddisfare i bisogni dei clienti l’azienda potrebbe aggrupparli in diversi segmenti in base a bisogni,comportamenti, o altri attributi che hanno in comune. Diversi gruppi di clienti rappresentano segmenti separati se: I loro bisogni richiedono un’offerta specifica Sono serviti tramite canali diversi necessitano di relazioni diverse hanno profittabilità differenti sono disposti a pagare per diversi aspetti dell’offerta Value Proposition: La value proposition descrive come il prodotto o servizio crea valore per un determinato segmento di clienti: è il motivo per il quale un determinato gruppo di clienti sceglie l’offerta competitiva di un’azienda anziché di un’altra. La Value Proposition può essere caratterizzata dai seguenti elementi: Portata innovativa Performance Personalizzazione Soluzione di problemi Design Immagine/status Prezzo Riduzione di costo Riduzione del rischio Accessibilità Convenienza/usabilità Value Proposition: La value proposition descrive come il prodotto o servizio crea valore per un determinato segmento di clienti: è il motivo per il quale un determinato gruppo di clienti sceglie l’offerta competitiva di un’azienda anziché di un’altra. La Value Proposition può essere caratterizzata dai seguenti elementi: Portata innovativa Performance Personalizzazione Soluzione di problemi Design Immagine/status Prezzo Riduzione di costo Riduzione del rischio Accessibilità Convenienza/usabilità Customer Relationship: examples Personal assistance Dedicated Personal Assistance Self-Service Automated Services Communities Co-creation Channels channel phases 1.Awareness 2.Evaluation 3.Purchase 4.Delivery 5.After sales

10 Design thinking framework

11 Design thinking cycle

12 Cosa facciamo Mission Cosa pensiamoVisionChi siamo TO DO (gruppo)

13 Dove e Quando Con chi A chi ci ispiriamoPerché siamo unici Come lo facciamo Per chi TO DO (gruppo)

14 Positioning map TO DO (gruppo) Primary value proposition Secondary value proposition

15 TO DO (individuale) Le nostre 5 keyword Sostantivi, aggettivi, verbi, ecc. che esprimano l’anima della nostra idea !

16 La nostra idea in un tweet 140 caratteri, spazi compresi. 1 tweet ciascuno ! TO DO (individuale)

17 Elementi di attuazione

18 I partner

19 Buon Viaggio

20 /smart smart # smart NAP

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