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Più vicini all’Australia

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Presentazione sul tema: "Più vicini all’Australia"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Più vicini all’Australia
Centro Informagiovani Comunale Senigallia Più vicini all’Australia Il sistema immigratorio australiano SONIA ROSSETTI Australian Migration Agent – MARAN Ringraziamenti Domande di chiarimento durante la presentazione Domande al termine della presentazione sull’immigrazione o sulla vita in Australia Termini in inglese far riferimento al sito

2 Clausola di non responsabilità
In questa presentazione è stato fatto il possibile per garantire l’attualità dei temi trattati; tuttavia la legge sull’immigrazione australiana è soggetta a frequenti variazioni. I riferimenti a siti web sono forniti puramente per praticità. Ogni caso è diverso e bisogna determinare le situazioni circostanziali Le informazioni sono corrette ma cambiano continuamente Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

3 Agenti di immigrazione registrati
Un migration agent (agente di immigrazione) è un soggetto che fornisce consulenza su questioni legate all’immigrazione. In Australia, non è obbligatorio servirsi di un agente, ma solo gli agenti di immigrazione sono per legge autorizzati a fornire consulenza in materia di immigrazione. Gli agenti di immigrazione che operano in Australia devono essere registrati presso l'ufficio della Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA). Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

4 Il visto in Australia Permanent Visa Temporary Visa Protection Visa
Bridging Visa – non sostanziale Special Visas (cittadini neozelandesi, famiglia reale inglese, ex-cittadini australiani, per questioni di giustizia, flotte navali, e per questioni umanitarie) Domande di chiarificazione? Cancellazioni Ricorsi Detention Centre Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

5 I tipi di visti più comuni
Turismo e Working Holiday visa Studio e lavoro Employer Sponsored (457) & Skilled Migration Family Migration, sponsorizzazione da parte di un parente che abbia la cittadinanza australiana o la residenza permanente in Australia Returning Residents Migration, per ex-cittadini o ex-residenti australiani che desiderano tornare in Australia o, in alcuni casi, per cittadini neozelandesi Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

6 Family Migration Partner Migration Parent Migration Spouse (sposati)
Aged Parents (Pensionati) Fiancée (non ancora sposati) Contributory Aged Parents De Facto Other Family Migration Child Migration Remaining relative (per chi non ha altri parenti rimasti fuori dall’Australia) Dependant (figli a carico) Orphan (orfani) Carer (per prendersi cura di un parente australiano in difficoltà) Adopted (adottati) Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

7 Working Holiday Visa 417 – 1)
Per coloro che hanno tra i 18 e i 30 anni al momento della domanda e sono fuori dall’Australia Possono entrare in Australia entro 12 mesi dall’ottenimento del visto Figli non sono ammessi e si devono passare i requisiti medici, finanziari e caratteriali Applicants who have performed specified work in an eligible regional Australian area for a minimum of three months (88 days) while on their first Working Holiday visa may be eligible for a second Working Holiday visa. The requirements are the same as for the first visa. Applicants must have evidence of their specified work and be outside Australia when the visa is granted, if applying from outside Australia or be in Australia when the visa is granted, if applying from in Australia plant and animal cultivation the harvesting and/or packing of fruit and vegetable crops pruning and trimming vines and trees Note: This must be the applicants primary employment task and directly associated with the cultivation and commercial sale of plant produce, such as fruit and nut crops (commercial horticultural activities). General garden maintenance is not eligible. general maintenance crop work cultivating or propagating plants, fungi or their products or parts immediate processing of plant products maintaining animals for the purpose of selling them or their bodily produce, including natural increase Note: Maintaining animals for tourism or recreational purposes is not eligible. immediate processing of animal products including shearing, butchery, packing and tanning Note: Secondary processing of animal products, such as small goods processing and retail butchery is not eligible. manufacturing dairy produce from raw material. fishing and pearling conducting operations relating directly to taking or catching fish and other aquatic species conducting operations relating directly to taking or culturing pearls or pearl shell. tree farming and felling planting or tending trees in a plantation or forest that are intended to be felled felling trees in a plantation or forest transporting trees or parts of trees that were felled in a plantation or forest to the place where they are first to be milled or processed or from which they are to be transported to the place where they are to be milled or processed. mining coal mining oil and gas extraction metal ore mining construction material mining non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying exploration. mining support services construction residential building construction non-residential building construction heavy and civil engineering construction land development and site preparation services building structure services building installation services building completion services other construction services. Construction work can be vital in helping regional disaster zones: demolition of buildings, trench digging, land clearing and earth moving residential and non-residential construction or renovation/repair, including of roads, footpaths, bridges, parking lots, fencing, railways, dams, irrigation systems, sewage and storm water drainage systems. The Australian New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) provides further detail about eligible work in mining and construction. Work undertaken in the mining and construction sectors must appear in the ANZSIC division for these sectors to meet the specified work requirement. Working week Working on a farm for three months for five days each week, where the industry standard is five days a week of full time work. Shift work Employed as a miner for three months and under the employment contract are only required to work every second week, which is the standard full time contract for the industry. Blocks of work Completing 60 days of harvest work, followed by a period of travel for two months. Then completing another 28 days in construction, bringing the total days worked to 88 days. Sick days Employed for a three month period but take several days of sick leave during the period. Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

8 Working Holiday Visa 417 – 2)
Si può entrare e uscire dall’Australia senza dover richiedere altri visti Si può lavorare per 6 mesi con lo stesso datore di lavoro o nella stessa mansione Si può studiare fino a 4 mesi Le ore di lavoro sono contate a seconda dello standard previsto per ciascuna industria di lavoro Applicants who have performed specified work in an eligible regional Australian area for a minimum of three months (88 days) while on their first Working Holiday visa may be eligible for a second Working Holiday visa. The requirements are the same as for the first visa. Applicants must have evidence of their specified work and be outside Australia when the visa is granted, if applying from outside Australia or be in Australia when the visa is granted, if applying from in Australia plant and animal cultivation the harvesting and/or packing of fruit and vegetable crops pruning and trimming vines and trees Note: This must be the applicants primary employment task and directly associated with the cultivation and commercial sale of plant produce, such as fruit and nut crops (commercial horticultural activities). General garden maintenance is not eligible. general maintenance crop work cultivating or propagating plants, fungi or their products or parts immediate processing of plant products maintaining animals for the purpose of selling them or their bodily produce, including natural increase Note: Maintaining animals for tourism or recreational purposes is not eligible. immediate processing of animal products including shearing, butchery, packing and tanning Note: Secondary processing of animal products, such as small goods processing and retail butchery is not eligible. manufacturing dairy produce from raw material. fishing and pearling conducting operations relating directly to taking or catching fish and other aquatic species conducting operations relating directly to taking or culturing pearls or pearl shell. tree farming and felling planting or tending trees in a plantation or forest that are intended to be felled felling trees in a plantation or forest transporting trees or parts of trees that were felled in a plantation or forest to the place where they are first to be milled or processed or from which they are to be transported to the place where they are to be milled or processed. mining coal mining oil and gas extraction metal ore mining construction material mining non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying exploration. mining support services construction residential building construction non-residential building construction heavy and civil engineering construction land development and site preparation services building structure services building installation services building completion services other construction services. Construction work can be vital in helping regional disaster zones: demolition of buildings, trench digging, land clearing and earth moving residential and non-residential construction or renovation/repair, including of roads, footpaths, bridges, parking lots, fencing, railways, dams, irrigation systems, sewage and storm water drainage systems. The Australian New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) provides further detail about eligible work in mining and construction. Work undertaken in the mining and construction sectors must appear in the ANZSIC division for these sectors to meet the specified work requirement. Working week Working on a farm for three months for five days each week, where the industry standard is five days a week of full time work. Shift work Employed as a miner for three months and under the employment contract are only required to work every second week, which is the standard full time contract for the industry. Blocks of work Completing 60 days of harvest work, followed by a period of travel for two months. Then completing another 28 days in construction, bringing the total days worked to 88 days. Sick days Employed for a three month period but take several days of sick leave during the period. Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

9 Studio e Lavoro English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) Vocational education and training (VET) Higher education Postgraduate research Student Guardians Domande di chiarimento Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

10 Skill stream Point Based Skilled Migration
Permanent Employer Sponsored program Business Innovation and Investment program Distinguished Talent. Point based skilled migration There is a range of points based skilled migration visa options for skilled workers who want to live in Australia. Applicants can be nominated by a state or territory government agency, sponsored by an eligible relative or independently migrate (non-sponsored). Independent migrants are selected on the basis of their skills, attributes and suitability for employment so they are in a position to contribute quickly to the Australian economy. They are not sponsored by an employer or relative in Australia. Sponsorship by an eligible Australian relative or nomination by a state or territory government is also possible under points based skilled migration The Business Innovation and Investment Program is designed to increase entrepreneurial talent and diversify business expertise in Australia. It is positioned to target migrants who have a demonstrated history of success in innovation and business and are able to make a significant contribution to the national innovation system and to the Australian economy. Under the Business Innovation and Investment visa program, people with backgrounds as business owners or investors can be nominated by a state or territory government for a provisional (temporary) visa in the first instance. After satisfactory evidence of a specified level of business or investment activity in Australia, Business Innovation and Investment (provisional) visa holders can apply for permanent residence. This is a small category for distinguished individuals with special or unique talents of benefit to Australia. The profiles of people who have been successful under this category generally include sports people, musicians, artists and designers, all of whom were internationally recognised as outstanding in their field. Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

11 Skilled Migration offshore - GSM Fuori dall'Australia -
Subclass 189 (skilled independent)  Subclass 190 (skilled nominated)  Subclass 489 (skilled regional – provisional)  489 - Designated Area: Queensland and NSW restricted by postcodes The relative will have to be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or ‘eligible New Zealand citizen’. You or your partner must be related to your sponsor as: a non-dependent child or non-dependent step-child; a parent or step-parent; a brother or sister, step-brother or step-sister; a niece or nephew, step-niece or step-nephew; an aunt or uncle, step-aunt or step-uncle; a first cousin; or a grandchild or step-grandchild Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

12 Skilled Migration onshore - GSM per chi e’ già in Australia -
Subclass 885 (skilled independent)  Subclass 886 (skilled nominated)  Subclass 487 (skilled regional – provisional)  Skilled – Regional (subclass 887) visa Once you have held your provisional visa for at least 2 years you can apply for a permanent Skilled Migration visa if you have lived for 2 years and worked full-time for at least one year in a ‘Designated Area’ or a ‘RALPGM area Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

13 Requisiti base Calcolare i punti per il Points Test Pass Mark
Meno di 50 anni Livello di inglese competente Qualifiche di lavoro corrispondenti a quelle indicate nella Skilled Occupation List (SOL) Inviare una ‘Expression of Interest’ online attraverso il Sistema Skill Select Una volta ottenuta una offerta si dovranno verificare: Stato di buona salute Carichi pendenti Giuramento sui valori australiani Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

14 Points Tested Pass Mark
The points test pass mark è il numero minimo di punti richiesto per fare domanda di uno skilled migration visa. Il punteggio minimo richiesto al momento è di 60 punti. Non tutti coloro che superano questa soglia minima hanno la garanzia che riceveranno un invito a presentare la domanda per il visto. Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

15 Distribuzione dei punti
Eta’ Massimo 30 punti per età compresa tra 25 e 32 English language ability IELTS 6 senza punti Overseas employment (esperienza) 3 anni 5 punti, 5 anni 10 punti, 8 anni 15 punti Australian employment anno di esperienza 5 punti, 3 anni 10 punti Professional Year Educational qualifications punti per diploma, 15 punti per laurea Australian study mesi di studio garantiscono 5 punti Credentialed community language 5 punti per interpreti e traduttori Studying and living in regional Australia 2 anni in zone regionali dell’ Australia 5 punti Partner skills punti se il profilo corrisponde ai requisiti per il point test State/Territory Government nomination 5 punti per subclass 190 e 10 punti per subclass 489 Designated Area sponsorship punti per 489 sponsorizzato da parente o governo Domande di chiarimento Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

16 Permanent employer sponsored program ENS 186 & RSMS 187
The Temporary Residence Transition Per chi ha lavorato 2 anni nella stessa occupazione con un visto 457 e il datore di lavoro vuole offrire un visto permanente The Direct Entry Per lavori che molto specializzati. I candidati possono essere fuori dall’Australia o devono non aver posseduto un visto 457 nei 2 anni precedenti The Agreement Per chi viene sponsorizzato da un datore di lavoro o un governo tramite un labour agreement or regional migration agreement. Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

17 Temporary Work (Skilled) (subclass 457) visa
Questo visto garantisce 4 anni di lavoro nell’occupazione nominata al momento della sponsorizzazione. Per sapere quali sono i lavori per cui si può ottenere uno sponsor basta guardare Per una spiegazione dettagliata delle mansioni previste per ciascun lavoro, cercare su il numero ANZSCO Code che si trova vicino al nome della professione Sponsorship The employer applies for approval as a standard business sponsor. This is required to nominate an occupation for a subclass 457 visa. Nomination The employer nominates an occupation for a prospective or existing subclass 457 visa holder. Visa application The person nominated to work in the nominated occupation applies for the subclass 457 visa. This is the final step to obtaining a subclass 457 visa. Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

18 Occupations on the SOL from 1 July 2013
ANZSCO Code Occupation 133111 Construction Project Manager 133112 Project Builder 133211 Engineering Manager 133513 Production Manager (Mining) 134111 Child Care Centre Manager 134211 Medical Administrator 134212 Nursing Clinical Director 134213 Primary Health Organisation Manager 134214 Welfare Centre Manager 221111 Accountant (General) 221112 Management Accountant 221113 Taxation Accountant 221213 External Auditor 224111 Actuary 224511 Land Economist 224512 Valuer 231212 Ship's Engineer Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

19 Procedura per il 457 Lo sponsor fa domanda per diventare Standard Business Sponsor Application Form Fee Certified Documents Deve garantire Cooperazione in caso di ispezione aziendale Garantire le stesse condizioni di lavoro previste per i lavoratori australiani Garantire il rientro in patria del lavoratore e di tutta la famiglia Non chiedere allo sponsorizzato o alla sua famiglia di rimborsare i costi di ingaggio, compresi i costi per l’agente di immigrazione Pagare uno stipendio superiore a $ all’anno Standard Business Sponsor - solo una e legata all’ABN valida 3 anni, rinnovabile – working for 12 months paying for training Australians Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

20 Grazie per l’attenzione
Sonia Rossetti - MARAN Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana Senigallia

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