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Advanced EC – Study on Cytoreductive Surgery

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Presentazione sul tema: "Advanced EC – Study on Cytoreductive Surgery"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Advanced EC – Study on Cytoreductive Surgery
New study proposal Stefano Greggi (MITO) Sven Mahner (AGO) Advanced EC – Study on Cytoreductive Surgery Retrospective (2005 – 2015) Multicentre, oncol ref. centres (ORC) MITO & AGO Eligible: Clin./intraop. FIGO Stage IIIA-B, IIIC bulky, IV i.p.

2 Advanced EC – Study on Cytoreductive Surgery
New study proposal Stefano Greggi (MITO) Sven Mahner (AGO) Advanced EC – Study on Cytoreductive Surgery Objectives: i) to assess the therapeutic strategy adopted in ORC ii) to evaluate survival predicting factors iii) to evaluate feasibility & compl. of cytoreductive surgery (CRS) iv) to identify predictors of complete surgical cytoreduction (*) v) to evaluate the role of NACT (*) Planned analysis of TGCA subgroups

3 Advanced EC - Study on Cytoreductive Surgery
Istituto Nazionale Tumori di Napoli Istituto Nazionale Tumori di Milano Centro di Rif. Oncologico, Aviano Università Cattolica, Roma Università di Bari Università di Bologna Università di Varese Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano

4 Advanced EC – Study on Cytoreductive Surgery
New study proposal Stefano Greggi (MITO) Sven Mahner (AGO) Advanced EC – Study on Cytoreductive Surgery Expanding the study to other Groups Evaluation of the “geographic” pattern of the decision-making process If successful CRS is confirmed as the most potent prognosticator after appropriate analysis: - Definition of a score predicting R0-1 (including biomolecular grouping) Potential subsequent prospective phase to validate

5 Advanced EC - Study on Cytoreductive Surgery
Each participating centre will be provided with a study database Centralised analysis c/o NCI – Naples Data Center

6 Advanced EC - Study on Cytoreductive Surgery
CONTACT INFORMATION STEFANO GREGGI, MD, PHD Gynecologic Oncology Surgery, Istituto Nazionale Tumori “Fondazione G. Pascale” Via M. Semmola, 80131, Naples, Italy Tel.: ; Fax: ­E‐mail:

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