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Italy and Europe in the postwar period

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Presentazione sul tema: "Italy and Europe in the postwar period"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Italy and Europe in the postwar period
Unit 3. Rebuilding the world Ch. 8 Italy and Europe in the postwar period S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

2 The birth of the Italian Republic
The first postwar government is headed by Ferruccio Parri; by the end of 1945 he is succeeded by the Christian-democrat Alcide De Gasperi A referendum is held in 1946 to choose between the monarchy and the republic, the republican option wins The Constituent Assembly is elected in 1946; Christian-democrats, communists and socialists prevail. De Nicola is elected president of the republic S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

3 The Constitution The Constitution stems from anti-Fascist views and from a compromise between the main forces in the Constituent Assembly (liberals, Catholics, socialists) The political system is based on institutional checks and balances S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

4 Italy's institutions The legislative power is attributed to the Chamber and the Senate, they have a different composition but the same competences The executive, legislative and judicial powers are autonomous from each other The Constitutional Court and the President of the Republic ensure the observance of the Constitution. The President dissolves the Parliament, appoints the head of the government, promulgates the laws, commands the armed forces S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

5 The 1948 elections The large coalition government ends upon American request: if Italy is to benefit of Marshall aid the Left must be excluded from the government The Christian Democracy and the Popular Front (communists and socialists) face each other at the 1948 elections The electoral struggle is akin to a clash of civilizations: the US and the Church support the Christian Democrats' crusade against the “Bolsheviks” DC wins with 48% of votes (the Front receives 31%) S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

6 The question of Trieste
The peace treaty of 1947 assigns Gorizia and Monfalcone to Italy; the Free Territory of Trieste is divided in two parts, one controlled by the Allies, the other by Yugoslavia The London Memorandum assigns Trieste e the Zone A to Italy, it is sanctioned by the Treaty of Osimo in 1975 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

7 Catholics and Communists
Alternation of government is not possible because of the Cold War The feeling of belonging to a single national community is relatively weak Communists and socialists are marginalized in and by the state institutions S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

8 The crisis of centrism The electoral strength of DC drops between 1948 and 1953 To shore it up the Acerbo electoral law is introduced, but it fails and is abolished In governments are weak and unstable Socialists break from the Communists and dialogue with the DC, they become more influential Tambroni forms a center-right government in 1960, supported by the neo-fascists. Violent demonstrations force him to resign S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

9 Industrialization in Italy
S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

10 The economic boom Italy undergoes a great economic
development in the 1950s Public companies (IRI, ENI) and private ones grow (Olivetti, Pirelli, Montecatini) Increasing migration from the South to the North and to the rest of Europe Real estate speculation, the urban sprawl grows The South remains economically backward, the agrarian reform is ineffective and the Cassa del Mezzogiorno favours clientelism S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

11 The boom and the daily life
Industrial development favours the success of consumerism Television (levelling out culture and language) Electrical appliances Automobiles Cinema S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

12 The Fifth Republic in France
The French Constituent Assembly sets up a bicameral Parliament in The coalition government is formed by three parties (MRP, SFIO, PCF) Communists have to leave government in may 1947, because of American pressure Governments are weak and short-lived, they have to face military and political defeats abroad De Gaulle is asked to form a government, but he poses the condition that the Constitution is changed. France becomes a presidential republic and exits from NATO S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

13 Britain's political life
Atlee's Labour wins the 1945 elections and launches some planning for the economy, strengthens the welfare state and promotes the nationalization of strategic industries The independence of the Irish Republic is definitively recognized in 1959 Conservatives come back to power in 1951 (Churchill, Eden, Macmillan). They seek to relaunch the economy and stress the relationship with the US S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

14 West Germany's political life
The Federal Republic of Germany is established in 1949 The party system is dominated by CDU and SPD The Christian-Democrat Adenauer rules for 15 years, promoting economic liberalism Brandt's SPD wins in 1969, a new political era begins S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

15 The project of European integration
The US supports European integration for economic and political reasons The Council of Europe is established in 1949 Six countries found the ECSC in 1951 and the EEC in 1957 The EC expands in 1973 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

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