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CdL Lingue e Comunicazione L’Esame INGLESE 1 – 60 ore semestre1-2

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1 CdL Lingue e Comunicazione L’Esame INGLESE 1 – 60 ore semestre1-2
La prova orale consiste in: 1- Presentazione di 1 articolo in lingua inglese tratto da: Economist, National Geographic, Time, Times, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, New York Times, Financial Times (anche le edizioni domenicali), ecc. Domande sul programma di teoria linguistica studiato nel I semestre, a partire dal testo che lo studente deve conoscere perfettamente (lessico, grammatica, sintassi, fonetica).

2 CdL Lingue e Comunicazione L’Esame INGLESE 1 – 60 ore semestre1-2
2- Analisi di 2 pubblicità tratte da riviste anglosassoni con testo scritto in inglese (non solo slogan) che non siano quelle trattate in classe o nei testi in programma (consegnare 2 copie alla commissione esame al momento della prova); Colloquio in lingua inglese sui temi affrontati nell'ambito delle lezioni sull’analisi del discoso e sul linguaggio pubblicitario. The final mark will take into consideration the results of both the practical and the theoretical part.

3 Libri di testo e materiale didattico
Inglese Libri di testo e materiale didattico INGLESE 1 Reference texts: Parte I: D. Crystal. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, Cambridge University Press, 1995 e successive edizioni (PARTE III). L. Pinnavaia, Introduzione alla Linguistica Inglese, Roma: Carocci 2006 (Estratti); G. Nelson. English an Essential Grammar. London: Routledge 2011 (2nd edition) (Estratti); Parte II: Pennarola C. Nonsense in Advertising Editore LIGUORI EDITORE Anno 2009. G. N. Leech. A Linguistic Study of Advertising in Great Britain. London: Longman 1966 (Estratti). Teacher’s slides

4 The English Language (I semestre)
Topics covered during the classes: 1- Modern English and word formation: lexical innovation, internal and external processes, lexical borrowings. Morphology; inflectional morphology, derivational morphology (Fodde’s slides; Pinnavaia ch. 3, pp ; Nelson ch. 5 pp ; Cambridge Encyclopedia ch. 14). 2- The stucture of the English sentence: word order. The sentence, types of sentence, sentence functions, sentence elements . (Fodde’s slides; Nelson: pp: 8-28; L. Pinnavaia: pp ; The Cambridge Encyclopedia: chapter 16). 3- Complex sentences; The clause: clause elements. Subordinate clause types; Adjunct or adverbial clauses; connectors, fronting, cleft sentences. (Fodde’s slides; Nelson ; Pinnavaia 60-66, The Cambridge Encyclopedia, ch.16).

5 The English Language (I semestre)
Topics covered during the classes: 4- The phrase. Phrase types. The noun phrase: determiners, pre-modifiers; function. The verb phrase: function, aspect, mood. The adjective phrase: function of adjective phrase; prepositional and adverbial phrases, their function (Fodde’s slides; Nelsonpp.75-96; Pinnavaia 60-62; The Cambridge Encyclopedia, ch. 16: ). 5- The sounds of English: describing consonants and vowels; the IPA; the phonetic symbols, recognizing phonetic transcriptions. (Fodde’s slides; Pinnavaia 9-27; The Cambridge Encyclopedia, ch. 17).

6 The Discourse of Written Advertising (II semestre)
Topics covered during the classes: The English language and advertising. How does advertising work? Layout of print advertising: definitions. (Fodde’s slides). The visual code. The role of visuals in advertising; types of visuals (people, products, objects). Frame, gaze, Z-reading; given/new; ideal/real; framing. (Fodde’s slides, Pennarola ch. 2). Jakobson’s functions and advertising. Factors and Functions. Examples. (Fodde’s slides)

7 The Discourse of Written Advertising (II semestre)
Topics covered during the classes: Barthes’s semeiotics and the rhetoric of visual images. Connotation and denotation. Icons, symbols and indexes. (Pennarola, ch. 2, Fodde’s slides) Appeals and types of advertising. Presupposition, anchorage, relay. Advertising appeals. Nonsense. Products, Media, Audiences and Aims (Leech 57-66). Standard advertising language (Leech, Chapters Pennarola: Chapter 3) ARMS (Attention-seeking devices, readability, memorability, selling power): Leech ch. 2, Fodde’s slides.

8 The Discourse of Written Advertising (II semestre)
Topics covered during the classes: Language variety and registers (Leech 67-72). Style of discourse (Fodde’s slides +Leech chapter 8). Mode of discourse. Disjunctive and abbreviated grammar (Fodde’s slides + Leech Ch.9). Figures of speech-Rhetorical devices (Pennarola, ch.VI, Fodde’s slides)

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