GRIDCC A realtime interactive GRID to integrate instruments, computational and information resources widely spread on a fast WAN Status Report e Richieste.

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1 GRIDCC A realtime interactive GRID to integrate instruments, computational and information resources widely spread on a fast WAN Status Report e Richieste Silvano Squizzato Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro Legnaro Italy GM, , CNAF

2 GRIDCC main goals ... the GRIDCC project extends the state of the art of computing Grid technologies, by introducing the handling of real-time constraints and interactive response into the existing Grid middleware Our goal is to build a widely distributed system that is able to remotely control and monitor complex instrumentation …These new applications introduce requirements for real-time and highly interactive operation of GRID resources. One of the main objectives of the project is to verify the feasibility of a Grid-based remote control of systems requiring real-time response with real applications running on existing Grid test beds over both national and international network infrastructures (e.g. GEANT). GRIDCC integrates a “grid of instrumentation” into existing Grid infrastructures that provide the computational power and storage needed for the applications …. GM, , CNAF

3 General on the GridCC Project
It is a 3 years project. Started the 1st September 04 INFN is the partner coordinator of the project Funded by EU in FP6, 4 MEuro 10 Partners from 3 EU Countries + Israel About 40 people engaged Participant name Country Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications Greece Brunel University UK Consorzio Interuniversitario per Telecomunicazioni Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.P.A IBM (Haifa Research Lab) Israel Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine Istituto di Metodologie per l’Analisi Ambientale – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Università degli Studi di Udine Greek Research and Technology Network S.A. GM, , CNAF

4 Working Package List WP1: System Architecture (Imperial) – Overall system architecture. Definition of the QoS parameters needed for a network infrastructure where real time and interactive services are used. WP2: Real-time and Interactive web services middleware (Brunel) – Extending web service based middleware into interactive and real time computing. WP3: Grid-Enabled Instrumentation (INFN) - Development of generic Virtual Instrument Service (VIS). Development of the all Supporting Services needed to catalog, configure, monitoring, analyze errors, fixing automatically problems and finally read out the Grid-enabled instrument resources. WP4: Brokering access to existing Grid resources (Imperial) - Controlling access to gridified resources according agreed levels of service and providing mechanisms for determining and organising complex workflows. WP5: Cooperative Environment (Elettra) - Design and development of a multiuser cooperative environment (i.e. a groupware software) that will be a common component of the various GRIDCC applications. WP6: Integration and Pilot Applications (IASA) - System integration and deployment of a small number of pilot applications on existing Grid testbeds. GM, , CNAF

5 Working Package List WP7: Information dissemination and exploitation (CNIT) – To ensure that the results of the project are widely disseminated and that the results are exploited by existing (e.g. EGEE) and future Grid development projects WP8: Management (Brunel) - To ensure all objectives are realised and all deliverables are completed according to schedule and within budget. Management and resolution of conflict within the project, including the redefinition of WP deliverables. Protection and exploitation of the IP arising from the project. GM, , CNAF

6 GridCC Architecture Overview
Instrument Element Instrument Element Instrument Element Virtual Control Room Virtual Control Room Computing Element Computing Element Computing Element Storage Elements Storage Elements Storage Element Web Service Interface Exec. Service WfMS WMS AgrS Existing Grid Infrastructures GM, , CNAF

7 Partecipants vs WPs Person per month IASA BRNL CNIT ELETTRA IBM Imperial INFN IMAA UNIUD GRNET TOTAL PARTNERS Research/innovation activities WP1: System Architecture 6 30 WP2: Real time Web Service 38 36 33 107 WP3: Grid Enabled Instrumentation 106 42 20 154 24 346 WP4: Real-time workload 149 WP5: Cooperative Env. 101 48 WP6: System integ. & deployment 136 50 62 54 44 80 75 531 GM, , CNAF

8 Main Milestones X Architecture document Web Service evaluation
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Architecture document X Web Service evaluation Collaborative Environment core Security plan implementation VIGS, Resource, Info&Mon, Problem Solver Service prototypes Coll. Envir. Final Installation of the applications VIGS, RS, IMS, PS final Application tests complete 1st September 2004 1st Annual Rvw Roll-on Rvw 2nd Annual Rvw GM, , CNAF

9 CMS , Main Pilot Application di GridCC
GridCC middleware in use to control the CMS Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge (MTCC) worked over the summer GM, , CNAF

10 CMS Prototype: IE at work
CMS Instrument Element GridCC middleware used for CMS MTCC (Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge) - 11 Instrument Managers with a hierarchical topology - Instruments are, in this case, Linux hosts where the cms on-line software is running - More than 100 controlled hosts - First MTCC phase successfully completed TOP Det 1 Det 1 Det 1 Detector GTP 8 1 DAQ DAQ Instrument Managers DAQ TTS FedBuilder RuBuilder FilterFarm Trigger GM, , CNAF

11 Main GridCC Pilot Applications: Remote Operation of an Accelerator
Demo foreseen For the next Annual Review October 2006 Elettra Synchrotron GM, , CNAF

12 Main IE Pilot Applications: Power Grid
Demo foreseen For the next Annual Review October 2006 Virtual Control Room Instrument Manager Power Grid V.O Instrument Element Solar Panel .. Power Generators GM, , CNAF

13 The other GridCC pilot applications
IDS Intrusion Detection System. Demo at the roll-on review Meteorology (Ensemble Limited Area Forecasting). In progress Device Farm for the Support of Cooperative Distributed Measurements in Telecommunications and Networking Laboratories. In progress Geo-hazards: Remote Operation of Geophysical Monitoring Network. In progress GM, , CNAF

14 Status GridCC 1st Annual Review (29 October 2005)
“In general, the project is well on its way. A few recommendations to further strengthen the success of the project are given in Section 9 of this report.” “All project partners except IBM, have performed well in the first year of the project and mainly achieved their objectives. Corrective actions for IBM have been discussed and agreed which will allow effective integration of this partner in the second and third year of the project.” “Overall, the project consortium has worked efficiently and is encouraged to continue with their future planned activities and increase the coordination among partners.” Roll On Review (28 April 2006) “The most outstanding achievement is the progress with the Instrument Element which is considered to be the flag ship of the project, in particular since several basci Grid definitions state that “a Grid combines storage and computing resources as well as scientific instruments”. Therefore the project has good potential in the coming years” 2nd Annual Review (18 October 2006) Deployment of the Instrument Element on the main applications Integration with gLite (WMS, CE, SE). Use of gLite/Cream. Use of Storm as SRM Agreement Service and Quality if Service. GM, , CNAF

15 Motivazioni Trasferte Interne per LNL
GridCC Servono principalmente per meeting tra i partner italiani e attività di integrazione del middleware. INFN infatti sviluppa nel WP3 il middleware di GRIDCC che va poi integrato nelle applicazioni pilota previste. Ci sono infatti tre applicazioni italiane che richiederanno un’attività di integrazione sul campo da parte dell’ INFN: 1. Controllo strumentazione per telecomunicazione (Device Farm CNIT); 2. Controllo remoto di un acceleratore (Elettra); 3. Controllo remoto e monitoraggio di un territorio ad alto rischio sismico (IMAA/CNR). Vengono richiesti: 15 Keuro GM, , CNAF

16 Motivazioni Trasferte Estero per LNL - I
GridCC: sviluppo del middleware in collaborazione con gli altri partner del progetto e con CMS/CERN. CMS/CERN non partecipa direttamente al progetto, ma collabora attivamente allo sviluppo del middleware e di un’applicazione (vedi sotto). sviluppo e integrazione del Run Control dell’esperimento CMS, una delle principali applicazioni pilota del progetto. Questa parte del progetto viene sviluppata in stretta collaborazione con CMS/CERN (gruppo TriDAS – S. Cittolin) e abbisogna di un rapporto costante con il CERN. integrazione del software di WP3 nelle altre applicazioni pilota (per UK e Grecia). INFN-LNL e’ coordinatore del progetto. intensa attività di “dissemination” a livello internazionale (conferenze, workshop, etc ...) visto che si tratta dell’ultimo anno di progetto. GM, , CNAF

17 Motivazioni Estero per LNL - II
Vengono richiesti: 90 Keuro per trasferte di lavoro estero + conferenze internazionali Previsti poco più di 10 FTE per l’intero progetto GRIDCC In media si stima per queste attività: 2 mesi / FTE Costo medio per 2 mesi di trasferta: ~ 9 Keuro Totale: 9 * 10 Keuro 10 Keuro per il coordinamento del progetto GridCC a livello europeo GM, , CNAF

18 Richieste per 2007 FTE/person Missioni Interne (Keuro) Missioni Estere
Consumo Totale LNL 10.3/12 15 100 10 125 CNAF 0.2/1 2 4 6 GM, , CNAF

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