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PIEDE premesse anatomofisiologiche

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1 PIEDE premesse anatomofisiologiche
UOMO QUADRUPEDE UOMO BIPEDE innalzamento baricentro restring. area sostegno Uomo = Essere vivente a maggiore instabilità Piede = Organo controllo antigravitario Trasforma forza gravità (fattore di instabilità) in Meccanismo Efficiente di movimento

2 premesse anatomofisiologiche
rappresentazione corticale motoria MANO sensitiva +++PIEDE PIEDE mirabile strumento di sostegno organo propriocettivo organo biomeccanico

3 premesse anatomofisiologiche
Retropiede: astragalo calcagno Mesopiede: scafoide cuboide cuneiformi Avampiede: metatarsi falangi

4 premesse anatomofisiologiche
2 arcate o volte : Arcata mediale (blu) Navicolare Astragalo I Cuneiforme I Metatarso Arcata laterale (rosso) Calcagno Cuboide V Maetatarso

5 premesse anatomofisiologiche
PIEDE (Insieme muscolo - scheletrico - legamentoso) Unica unità funzionale Complessi movimenti Flessione – Estensione Pronazione – Supinazione Inversione - Eversione

6 MOVIMENTI PIEDE Equinismo = Flex. plantare dita
Talismo = Flex. dorsale dita Adduzione = Spostamento dita all’int. Abduzione = Spostamento dita all’ext. Supinazione = Rotazione pianta all’int. Pronazione = Rotazione pianta all’ext. Varismo = Adduzione + supinazione Valgismo = Abduzione + pronazione Inversione = Varismo + equinismo Eversione = Valgismo + talismo

7 varo - valgo Varismo normale valgo

8 Alluce valgo bilaterale + grave a sinistra

9 INTRODUCTION Distal osteotomy of the first metatarsal, follow to Bösch technique, is indicated for the surgical treatment of mild-to-moderate hallux valgus deformity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of a subcapital distal osteotomy of the first metatarsal, performed in our department, with use of a percutaneous procedure. 

10 MATERIALS & METHODS In this study:
40 patients with painful mild-to-moderate hallux valgus mean age of 56 years old clinical and radiographic protocol at a mean of 9 months clinical assesment with AOFAS hallux valgus scale Exclusion criteria: antecedent surgical treatment in the same hallux severe hallux valgus rheumatoid arthritis arthrosis metatarsophalangeal hallux rigidus

11 SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Kirschner wire is inserted, starting from the medial corner of the nail of the great toe The wire is placed in an extraperiosteal position The skin incision is carried directly to the bone, cutting the periosteum

12 SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Distal osteotomy is performed with use of micromotorzed bone-cutter The level of the cut is checked under fluoroscopy

13 SURGICAL TECHNIQUE The osteotomy is performed with use of a corticotomy technique from within the medullary canal The osteotomy is made perpendicular to the long axis of the shaft of the first metatarsal in the sagital plane

14 SURGICAL TECHNIQUE The curved end of the grooved instrument is then introduced into the diaphysis of the first metatarsal Kirschner wire is advanced manually into the medullary canal as far as the base of the first metatarsal

15 SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Correction is performed through lateral displacement of the metatarsal head The realignment is stabilized by the Kirschner wire The correction achieved is confirmed radiographically Postoperative taping is maintained for 5 weeks and is changed weekly precocious weight-bearing with a flat rigid shoe sole is allowed

Punteggio medio scala AOFAS 89.7 Significativa diminuzione del dolore Significativa diminuzione dell’angolo IMA e MTF Nessuna complicanza significativa

17 ALLUCE VALGO studio preoperatorio

18 Alluce valgo post-operatorio

19 tecnica chirurgica valida anche per altri raggi

20 Alluce valgo + Bunionette ( Tailor’s Bunion )

21 CONCLUSIONI Procedura mininvasiva Approccio extracapsulare
Controllo del dolore post-operatorio Tempi chirurgici brevi se chirurgo esperto Minor rischio di complicanze Carico precoce Paziente molto soddisfatto MAIN REFERENCES Magnan B, Pezze L, Rossi N, Bortolozzi P. Percutaneous distal metatarsal osteotomy for correction of hallux valgus.J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005; Jun 87(6): Bösch P, Markowsky H, Rannicher V. Technik und erste Ergebnisse der subcutanen distalen Metatarsale I osteotomie. Orthopaedische Praxis 1990;26:51-6. Ibrahim , A . Beiri , M . Azzabi , A . Best , G . Taylor , D . Meno The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery , Volume 46 , Issue 2 , Pages Harold B. Kitaoka, M.D.; Ian J. Alexander, M.D.; Robert S. Adelaar, M.D.American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Foot & Ankle International / Vol. 15, No. 7 / July 1994 

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