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                    Future Prospects for Regional Policy and Structural Funds 2014-2020 and Partnership Agreement for Italy Regional Economic.

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Presentazione sul tema: "                    Future Prospects for Regional Policy and Structural Funds 2014-2020 and Partnership Agreement for Italy Regional Economic."— Transcript della presentazione:

1                     Future Prospects for Regional Policy and Structural Funds and Partnership Agreement for Italy Regional Economic Policy A.A. 2016/2017 di Cristina Brasili  

2 Future Prospects for Regional Policy and Structural Funds 2014-2020
The European Union has been working hard to move decisively beyond the crisis and create the conditions for a more competitive economy with higher employment. The Europe 2020 strategy is about delivering growth that is: smart, through more effective investments in education, research and innovation; sustainable, thanks to a decisive move towards a low-carbon economy; and inclusive, with a strong emphasis on job creation and poverty reduction. The strategy is focused on five ambitious goals in the areas of employment, innovation, education, poverty reduction and climate/energy. To ensure that the Europe 2020 strategy delivers, a strong and effective system of economic governance has been set up to coordinate policy actions between the EU and national levels. 2

3 Future Prospects for Regional Policy and Structural Funds 2014-2020
To measure progress in meeting the Europe 2020 goals, 5 headline targets have been agreed for the whole EU. The 5 targets for the EU in 2020 1. Employment 75% of the year-olds to be employed 2. R&D  3% of the EU's GDP to be invested in R&D 3. Climate change and energy sustainability greenhouse gas emissions 20% (or even 30%, if the conditions are right) lower than 1990 20% of energy from renewables 20% increase in energy efficiency 4. Education Reducing the rates of early school leaving below 10% at least 40% of 30-34–year-olds completing third level education 5. Fighting poverty and social exclusion at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion 3

4 Regional Policy and Structural Funds 2014-2020
EU Cohesion Policy : legislative proposals The European Commission has adopted a draft legislative package which will frame cohesion policy for The new proposals are designed to reinforce the strategic dimension of the policy and to ensure that EU investment is targeted on Europe's long-term goals for growth and jobs ("Europe 2020"). Through Partnership Contracts agreed with the Commission, Member States will commit to focussing on fewer investment priorities in line with these objectives. The package also harmonises the rules related to different funds, including rural development and maritime and fisheries, to increase the coherence of EU action. Cohesion Policy General presentation on the reformed EU Cohesion Policy 4

5 Il futuro delle Politiche regionali e dei Fondi strutturali 2014-2020

6 Europe 2020 Targets Europe_2020_Targets.pdf 6

7 Il futuro delle Politiche regionali e dei Fondi strutturali 2014-2020
La politica di coesione

8 Il futuro delle Politiche regionali e dei Fondi strutturali 2014-2020
EU Cohesion Policy : legislative proposals The European Commission has adopted a draft legislative package which will frame cohesion policy for The new proposals are designed to reinforce the strategic dimension of the policy and to ensure that EU investment is targeted on Europe's long-term goals for growth and jobs ("Europe 2020"). Through Partnership Contracts agreed with the Commission, Member States will commit to focussing on fewer investment priorities in line with these objectives. The package also harmonises the rules related to different funds, including rural development and maritime and fisheries, to increase the coherence of EU action. Sintesi dell’accordo di partenariato per l’Italia, European Commission, october 2014 8

9 Il futuro delle Politiche regionali e dei Fondi strutturali 2014-2020
Sintesi dell’accordo di partenariato per l’Italia, European Commission, october 2014 L’accordo di partenariato riguarda quattro fondi: il Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (FESR), il Fondo sociale europeo (FSE), il Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale (FEASR) il Fondo europeo per gli affari marittimi e la pesca (FEAMP). 9

10 Accordo di partenariato per l’Italia 2014-2020
L’accordo di partenariato si concentra sulle priorità: Creazione di un contesto imprenditoriale orientato all’innovazione, Realizzazione di infrastrutture efficienti per la crescita economica, l’occupazione Promozione di una maggiore partecipazione al mercato del lavoro, sostegno all’inclusione sociale e miglioramento della qualità del capitale umano, una gestione efficiente delle risorse naturali. Supporto alla qualità, efficacia ed efficienza della pubblica amministrazione Rafforzamento della capacità degli organismi preposti alla gestione dei programmi dei Fondi Strutturali e di Investimento Europei (SIE), in particolare nelle aree meno sviluppate 10

11 Il futuro delle Politiche regionali e dei Fondi strutturali 2014-2020
Total allocations of Cohesion Policy * (million €, 2011 prices) Cohesion Fund Less developed regions Transition regions Special allocation for outermost and sparsely populated regions More developed regions Territorial Cooperation Total BE - 958 865 230 2.053 BG 2.376 4.607 145 7.128 CZ 6.539 13.599 78 297 20.513 DK 64 229 198 492 DE 8.719 7.583 845 17.146 EE 1.119 2.190 48 3.358 IE 866 148 1.013 EL 3.396 6.398 2.097 2.299 203 14.393 ES 1.851 11.735 430 10.471 540 25.028 FR 3.136 3.914 394 5.841 953 14.238 IT 20.262 1.000 6.982 994 29.238 CY 285 201 29 514 LV 1.407 2.732 82 4.221 LT 2.137 4.175 99 6.411 LU 39 18 56 HU 6.291 13.405 414 316 20.427 MT 227 439 15 681 NL 905 341 1.246 AT 65 820 225 1.110 PL 24.189 45.756 2.010 613 72.568 PT 2.990 14.956 231 103 1.144 107 19.531 RO 7.226 13.724 403 396 21.749 SI 935 1.130 760 55 2.881 SK 4.346 8.459 40 195 13.040 FI 271 908 141 1.320 SE 184 1.351 299 1.834 UK 2.118 2.326 5.126 757 10.328 HR 2.667 5.206 128 8.001 interregional cooperation 500 technical assistance 1.126 66.130 31.550 1.382 49.336 8.919 * amounts subject to final adoption of MFF and sectoral legislations **The youth employment initiative (top up) of EUR 3 billion is not included in the table 11

12 Riferimenti bibliografici e sitografia
Riferimenti bibliografici e sitografia DA STUDIARE (i documenti sono disponibili sia in italiano che in inglese) Una politica di coesione riformata per l’Europa : La principale politica di investimento per l’occupazione e la crescita ( cohesion_policy_ _it) Investire nelle regioni: la riforma della Politica di coesione dell’UE Commissione Europea Ricentrare la politica di coesione dell'UE per massimizzare l'impatto sulla crescita e l'occupazione: la riforma in 10 punti MEMO Commissione Europea Novembre 2013 Sintesi dell’accordo di partenariato per l’Italia, , European Commission 2014 Letture Accordo di Partenariato -

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