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The Viruses: the Invisible Enemy
Why do we need to study such a collections of monsters?
Nowadays, viruses have really an impact on mankind?
The facts: viral diseases exert a shocking toll on the developing world. Over 2.5 million people die each year from AIDS, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. More than 3 billion people are at risk of infection with dengue fever. Rotavirus, a cause of common diarrhoea, kills an estimated 600,000 children each year. Three percent of the world’s population, around 170 million people, are chronically infected with hepatitis C. In West Africa alone, there are some 500,000 cases of Lassa fever every year. Furthermore, many RNA viruses such as the new H1N1 subtype of influenza or the enteroviruses are emerging in developed countries. Despite these facts, few drugs and vaccines are available for the treatment of these viral diseases.
Prof. Giorgio Gribaudo Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e di Microbiologia, Via Santena, 9 – Torino tel: fax: Orario Ricevimento Studenti: su appuntamento telefonico o via
Virologia A.A. 10-11 - Programma
GENERAL VIROLOGY Structures and classification Replication strategies Cultivation and assay Viral pathogenesis Examples of DNA viruses Examples of RNA viruses APPLIED VIROLOGY Diagnostic virology Viral vaccines Antiviral therapy and development of antiviral molecules Viral vectors for gene expression and therapy Viral transformation and oncogenesis
Virologia A.A. 10-11 - Preparazione della verifica
Appunti delle lezioni Presentazioni delle lezioni su Moodle Testi di consultazione: Flint S.J., Enquist L.W., Racaniello V.R., Skalka A.M. – Principles of Virology – 3rd ed. ASM Press, 2009 Cann A.J. - Elementi di virologia molecolare - CEA, 2006 Murray P.R., Rosenthal K.S, Pfaller M.A. – Microbiologia medica - 6th ed. Elsevier, 2010
Esame di Virologia A.A. 10-11 Esame di Virologia A.A.07-08
L'esame consiste in: Una prova scritta: con domande aperte su parti differenti del programma. Una prova orale: con domande su parti differenti del programma. Chi ha raggiunto la sufficienza nella prova scritta può chiedere di essere esentato dalla prova orale.
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