Accelerator Disision March 3rd 2015

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1 Accelerator Disision March 3rd 2015
KLOE-2 data taking: Status and open points Catia Milardi Accelerator Disision March 3rd 2015

2 Peak Luminosity 24 Nov 2014 95 bunches Lpeak [cm-2s-1] 4.53•1032
DANE CW upgrade SIDDHARTA (2009) DANE KLOE (2005) DANE (CW) KLOE (2012) KLOE-2 (2014) Lpeak [cm-2s-1] 4.53•1032 1.50•1032 1.52•1032 1.80•1032 I- [A] 1.52 1.4 0.93 1.11 I+ [A] 1.0 1.2 0.72 0.88 Nbunches 105 111 100 95

3 Hourly integrated Luminosity
24/11/2014 L∫1 hour = pb-1 moderate injection regime L∫day > 11 pb-1 possible Background was compatible with the detector data-taking

4 4/12/2014 Iniezioni rallentate per problemi a:
Switch sistema d’iniezione UFS Linac Spegnimento alcuni CHV short e long Accesso KLOE in sala DAFNE Si osserva una generale lentezza del Linac nell’andare a regime nel funzionamento per e+

5 Best operation day (2004 – 2005)

6 DAFNE performance for KLOE :
nbunches = up to I-total = A I+total = A Lpeak ~ 1.5x1032 cm-2 s-1 L∫day ~ 10 pb-1 (maximum value) L∫KLOE run = 2 fb-1 (May 2004 ÷ Nov 2005) Lpeak Peak and daily integrated luminosity during the KLOE runs. The maximum value of L∫day ~ 10 pb-1 has been obtained in Nov 2005. L∫day


8 Lpeak at DANE 2001 ÷ 2007 Llogged (fb-1) 2001÷2007
Lpeak had a remarkable evolution mainly due to several machine upgrades Experiments took data one at the time, although DAΦNE had been originally conceived as a double Ips collider Luminosity [cm-2 s-1] NEW COLLISION SCHEME KLOE Llogged (fb-1) 2001÷2007 KLOE 3.0 FINUDA 1.2 DEAR 0.2 FINUDA

9 17/11/14 si interviene per ripristinare il funzionamento di SCHES101 – la pompa peristaltica perde olio 18/11/14 24/11/14 riavvio SC complicato 25-26 /11/14 problemi al modulatore D 15/12/14 misure sicurezze 17/12/14 KCKA1001 ingresso KLOE 18/12/14 inefficenze funzionamento RF e- 20/12/14 thyratron mod D 14/2/14 problemi al modulatore B

10 20/12/2014

11 20/12/2014 Setting up the configuration for beta measurements we realized the betatron coupling of the e+ beam has changed wrt 2013

12 Fit

13 Fit

14 These measurements have not been used due to:
Tunes drift during meas CS faults Betatron coupling in the MRp

15 Restarting operation in 2015 some discrepancies have been observed concerning
Collision reference orbit Q2 tuning in MRp Dq > 60% of the expected value Dq > 40% of the expected value with an important variation in Q2 Dq2 seems to work

16 We were able to tune qx+ till almost the end of December

17 10/12/13 23/2/15 |r(PMQFL)| = 0.8625 degree |r(PMQFS)| = 0.8625 degree
BPM disconnected


19 Model is normal mode 1 tilt when a rotation error Dq is added to PMQFL
|Dq| ~ (450 rotation on the knob) which adds to the nominal rotation

20 23/2/2015 Orbit variation after removing the peristaltic pump

21 Programma Betatron coupling correction in MRp Betatron function measurements in both rings aimed at: Testing measurements application Matching Increasing ac Improve phase advance between CWSTPs and IP

22 H e+ 2 beams

23 2 beams V e+

24 H e- 2 beams

25 V e- 2 beams

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