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PubblicatoMarcellina Grimaldi Modificato 6 anni fa
Adolf Luther Born 1912 in Krefeld, Germany. Died 1990 Krefeld.
Specchi concavi sferici, approssimazione Gauss
immagine virtuale dritta e rimpicciolita se tra fuoco e vertice immagine reale, capovolta rimpicciolita se a distanza molto maggiore distanza fuoco Obviously, that mirror is a concave mirror and the candle has been placed at a point farther than the focal length of the mirror. The image then is real and inverted, and can be projected on a screen. My question is regarding the image that appears on the mirror itself. The image of the candle seems to be located on the back of the mirror, as if it were a virtual image. In other words: if real images formed by concave mirrors are located on front of the mirror, why do we see the image on the mirror itself, as if it were located behind the mirror? Could you please give an explanation for that? The attempt at a solution I guess concave mirrors act like flat mirrors for the real images they form.
Parabolico senza aberrazioni
Specchio convesso . Riflessione superficie esterna (sferica o parabolica) il centro, o il fuoco, della superficie riflettente sulla parte opposta rispetto all'osservatore. Grande angolo immagine virtuale dritta e rimpicciolita Parabolico senza aberrazioni Sferico con aberrazioni
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