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GESTIONE RECLAMI Complaining Di TEA VERGANI Tratto dai libri della stessa autrice “I clienti stranieri nel ristorante italiano”, “Come organizzare.

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Presentazione sul tema: "GESTIONE RECLAMI Complaining Di TEA VERGANI Tratto dai libri della stessa autrice “I clienti stranieri nel ristorante italiano”, “Come organizzare."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 GESTIONE RECLAMI Complaining Di TEA VERGANI Tratto dai libri della stessa autrice “I clienti stranieri nel ristorante italiano”, “Come organizzare convegni aziendali” e “Lavorare in stand nelle fiere” , Editore Franco Angeli 17/09/2018

2 PREVENIRE I RECLAMI Se ritenete, osservando il comportamento del cliente, che stia per segnalarvi un possibile reclamo, la vostra prima frase dovrà essere: Something wrong? Something wrong, Sir? Something wrong, Madam? (è preferibile non usare mai “miss”, soprattutto in queste occasioni) How do we apologize: ( students tell you) I’m sorry I’m terribly sorry How do you resolve: I’ll check in the cook. I’ll tell the cook. I’ll repair to that. I+will+verb. We use the will structure not because it’s future but because you are promising. How would you respond in these cases. 5 minuti 17/09/2018

3 Poniamo il caso che il cliente vi risponda:
We ordered 1 hour ago. The soup is terribly salty. I don’t like to complain, but the meat is cold and underkooked It’s quite uneatable. There’s an insect in my room. How do we apologize: ( students tell you) I’m sorry I’m terribly sorry How do you resolve: I’ll check in the cook. I’ll tell the cook. I’ll repair to that. I+will+verb. We use the will structure not because it’s future but because you are promising. How would you respond in these cases. 5 minuti 17/09/2018

4 DOVRETE SCUSARVI, facendo capire che le vostre scuse sono molto “sentite”, con tutto il vostro comportamento non verbale e con le parole We are very, very sorry. Our apologies, Sir/Madam We’ll change it for you, imediately. Can we get you something else? We’ll see what we can do, as soon as possible. (Ricordate: usate il plurale, gli avverbi a suggestione positiva!) Revises the previous Can I get you something else? If it is not possible to repair, then offer to get whatever else they want. Use: something and not anything otherwise you’ll seem rude. Do not take decisions but remain indifferent. Role play with previous 5 minutes Total 10 minutes 17/09/2018

We’ll get you another one, immediately 30 minutes wait for the wine We call immediately the wine waiter No bread left We get you some more, immediately Meat, undercooked and cold We replace it, immediately Soup, salty We’ll get you another dish, immediately For each problem/ action make ss formulate a sentence More ss repeat the same thing 10 minutes Total 20 minutes 17/09/2018

6 GESTIRE IL RECLAMO Se possibile, ottima cosa è ripetere esattamente ciò che gli è capitato (You mean that you room is dirty?) fategli spiegare esattamente che cosa gli è capitato. RISPECCHIATEVI NELLA SUA SITUAZIONE, convenendo sul fatto che il reclamo sia giusto. Dimostrandogli che comprendete bene la sua situazione, empatizzate. Risolvete la questione, in fretta. Don’t just listen and go but deal with concern with the problems that have risen. Saying you are sorry saying you will arrange to that problem saying you will check. “I’m sorry, I’ll arrange to what has happened/ I’ll check it.” Come back and talk in the past tense about the response: example: The cook’s help got the orders mixed up and served you a well done steak instead of a rare one. 5 minutes Total 40 minutes 17/09/2018

7 Esempi di possibili frasi a suggestione positiva
I’m very sorry,…. We are very sorry,… We’ll see what we can do for you. I’m very sorry about your wine that had a corky taste, he forgot to check it. I talked to the wine waiter and he will bring you a new bottle and this time he will check on it.(if you are not a sommelieur) Exercise the slide with activities, example, I’m sorry about your red wine that you have found sour. It is a new wine and it is still a bit sour. It is possible to have an aged wine if you appreciate.And i will be to serve it to you. 20 minutes Total 60 minutes 17/09/2018

8 Role playing Sei il receptionist di un hotel.
Hai appena assegnato la stanza a due clienti. Ricevi una telefonata dalla camera, con il reclamo: la stanza è fredda, il bagno non è stato rifatto, il wi fi non funziona. Scusati e risolvi la questione, in lingua Inglese. They act out the role play inventing different problems. 15 minutes Total 75 minutes 17/09/2018

9 Role playing Sei cameriere in un ristorante.
Due clienti ti hanno ordinato un pasto. Hanno chiesto una bistecca ben cotta, ma gli hai appena servito carne al sangue. Rispondi al loro reclamo e risolvi la questione, in Inglese. They act out the role play. 10 minutes Total 85 minutes 17/09/2018

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