Biomedical Engineering Dep.,Mario Negri Institute, Bg, Italy

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1 Biomedical Engineering Dep.,Mario Negri Institute, Bg, Italy
today my presentation is about multi scale hem sim of a rare pathology of the circle of willis which is often correlated to aneur growth Andrea REMUZZI Biomedical Engineering Dep.,Mario Negri Institute, Bg, Italy

2 HEAD of Department: REMUZZI Andrea
DEPARTMENT BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Laboratory RENAL BIOPHYSICS HEAD: Daniela MACCONI - Personnel: Fabio SANGALLI Laboratory RENAL BIOPHYSICS HEAD: Bogdan ENE-IORDACHE In the last years image based cfd have been used to UNIT: Tissue Engineering HEAD: Marina FIGLIUZZI UNIT: Medical Imaging HEAD: Anna CAROLI UNIT: Clinical Research Informatics HEAD: Sergio CARMINATI

The Department of Bioengineering conducts research at experimental and clinical level, ongoing studies involve four main areas: 1) the study of the mechanisms responsabile for the progression of chronic kidney disease; 2) the study of the role of hemodynamics in the development of vascular damage; 3) the development of laboratory techniques for tissue engineering; 4) the development of information systems for the management of clinical data and images generated in the context of controlled clinical trials and in clinical practice. Fenestration of the anterior cerebral artery (ACA) is rare and is frequently associated with cerebral aneurysm . Saccular aneurysms associated with fenestrations have been well documented and they are often associated with cerebral hemodynamic changes . The pathogenesis of A1 segment of the ACA fenestrations has not been well established so far. It is generally accepted that …

4 PROJECT Research grant PKD foundation - ALADIN trial “Effect of long-acting somatostatin on disease progression in ADPKD: a long-term three year follow-up study”. LIGASILK, Regione Lombardia - N.534/ Bioingegnerizzazione di tendini e legamenti: impiego combinato di supporti tessili in seta e cellule staminali adulte. Project Coordinator UE – RESET FP7 N "Dreaming of no more renal dialysis: how self-derived tissue and cells can replace renal function”. Progetto collaborativo Regione Lombardia “Utilizzo, integrazione ed implementazione di database gestionali per la valutazione dell’appropriatezza prescrittiva e della continuità terapeutica Ospedale - Territorio”.

5 PROJECT Progetto di ricerca in collaborazione con Roche “Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and the “Intermediate volume” Progetto di ricerca in collaborazione con Fresenius S.p.A. “Studio pilota per valutare l’impatto del modello matematico predittivo (AVF.SIM) nella pratica della clinica convenzionale”. Progetto: CE-US in Renal Transplantation (BRACCO) “A pilot, explorative study to identify contrast enhanced ultrasound (CE-US) patterns that characterize acute allograft rejection and other causes of acute allograft dysfunction in renal transplant recipients”. Progetto di ricerca in collaborazione con Brembo S.p.A. “Valutazione del rischio potenziale legato alla produzione di pastiglie per freni e al loro utilizzo”.

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