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Materiali per energia solare

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Presentazione sul tema: "Materiali per energia solare"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Materiali per energia solare
A. Abbotto, N. Manfredi Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Centro MIB-SOLAR (U5)

2 WE NEED ENERGY FOR Energia dal sole ELECTRICITY Photovoltaics
REACTANTS AND FUELS for manufacturing and transportation 1st and 2nd Gen: natural photosynthesis (biomasses, biofuels) 3rd Gen: Artificial Photosynthesis (reduction of H2O and CO2 to H2, CH4, CH3OH, etc.) WE NEED ENERGY FOR THERMAL ENERGY - HEATING Direct/Fuels

3 L’approccio molecolare
electrolyte/transport layers/… MOLECULAR ENGINEERING tuning of device properties SEMICONDUCTOR OXIDE charge collector ORGANIC/OXIDE INTERFACE DYE/LIQUID-SOLID INTERFACE

4 Fotovoltaico organico
Argomenti Fotovoltaico organico Combustibili Solari

5 Industria: integrazione architettonica
90 mq, 24 kWh/day (9000 kWh/y) SwissTech EPFL convention center, Lausanne (CH) 2014 Austria Pavilion Milano (I), 2015

6 Verso l’economia dell’idrogeno
ITALY: first hydrogen service station (Bolzano Sud, A22, Brennero highway) (June 2015)

7 Fotovoltaico PROGETTAZIONE, SINTESI E CARATTERIZZAZIONE DI MOLECOLE E POLIMERI AROMATICI ED ETEROAROMATICI progettazione caratterizzazione sintesi applicazione dispositivo

8 Molecole e polimeri per l’energia solare

9 metal-free dye-sensitized photocatalysis to hydrogen
WORK AT MIB-SOLAR: metal-free dye-sensitized photocatalysis to hydrogen THE PHENOTHIAZINE SCAFFOLD rear view Da J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 12952 Ruthenium complex dyes have displayed high efficiencies in dye-sensitized photocatalytic hydrogen production from water. Other metal complex dyes, such as metal complex porphyrin (TON . 400), have also presented good hydrogen production rates. A wide variety of organic dyes such as derivatives of coumarin,13a cyanine,13,14 xanthene dyes,15 imide16 and 1,10-bi-2-naphthol (BINOL) have been reported in the literature.17 Compared to metal-containing materials, these dyes have the advantage of being environmentally friendly, abundant, cheap and exible but have exhibited low hydrogen production rates (TON 40) in a similar Pt/dye/TiO2 system. Performance enhancement of these metal-free complexes in water hinges on the design of new efficient sensitizers.

10 metal free sensitizers
Design of metal free sensitizers * Enhancing optical properties and light harvesting efficiencies » Introduction of π spacers between D and A groups * Enhancing wettability » Hydrophilic groups phenothiazine scaffold * Enhancing the stability of bonding with TiO2 in water » Different anchoring groups * Bio-inspired conjugates » Sugars, Hydrogenases

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