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1 30

2 Agenda Rationale for Italian Government Proposal
Public Procurement Learning Lab: Core Contents Expected Results Preliminary Planning Contact Point and Next Steps

3 Rationale for Italian Government Proposal
Public procurement is becoming increasingly important within the European Union because it represents a channel through which Governments try to monitor current expenditure Procurement agencies have been recently created in Europe, while they have existed for longer in the United States Procurement entities face almost similar problems and difficulties related to new technology adoption, market supply transformation and change management complexity There exist, indeed, reasons to suggest that some coordination among procurement entities might be useful Rationale of Italian Government Proposal Public Procurement Learning Lab: Core Contents Expected Results Preliminary Planning Contact Point and Next Steps The proposal is to launch a Learning Lab among European procurement agencies for benchmarking activities and knowledge sharing

4 Core Contents (1/2) The Italian Government is proposing four major areas for analysis and benchmarking: Economic performances Peer support on technical knowledge sharing Information sharing on suppliers Market shaping and EU market integration Rationale of Italian Government Proposal Public Procurement Learning Lab: Core Contents Expected Results Preliminary Planning Contact Point and Next Steps

5 Core Contents (2/2) Peer Support on
Technical Knowledge Sharing Market Shaping and EU Market Integration Information Sharing on Suppliers Economic Performances Rationale of Italian Government Proposal Public Procurement Learning Lab: Core Contents Expected Results Preliminary Planning Contact Point and Next Steps To compare, across countries, the economic performances of different auctions and/or mechanisms, while focusing on: 1. Auction rules and price dynamics 2. Dual sourcing / procedures for managing dynamic competitions 3. Optimal number and lot size while designing an auction strategy 4. Entry and the issue of small-medium firms 5. Non-competitive behaviors 6. Price and quality comparison There exist various technical problems concerning the development of new e-platforms. Opportunity exists for learning by doing, through technical knowledge-sharing across different procurement entities There exist suppliers like multi-national companies that compete in auctions of various e-procurement agencies. In this context, it might be useful for procurement entities to share information about their supplier to monitor performance across EU Procurement entities open local markets to Europe wide competition through appropriate EU compatible tenders, while ensuring the entry of foreign firms, and shaping, in some sense, future market-structure

6 Expected Results 1 2 Economic Performances Technical Knowledge Sharing Rationale of Italian Government Proposal Public Procurement Learning Lab: Core Contents Expected Results Preliminary Planning Contact Point and Next Steps Cross-country comparison of economic performances of different auctions and/or mechanisms Improved technical performances of each individual procurement entity Public Procurement Learning Lab 3 4 Information Sharing on Suppliers Market Shaping and EU Market Integration Pan-European comparison of suppliers behaviors Proposed relevant reforms of procurement procedures meant to enhance competition and welfare in EU countries L’articolo 26 della legge finanziaria del 2000 ha gettato le premesse normative per la razionalizzazione della spesa per acquisti di beni e servizi delle Amministrazioni dello Stato. Tale legge prevede che il Ministero dell’Economia e Finanze stipuli convenzioni valevoli su tutto il territorio nazionale grazie alle quali l’impresa prescelta si impegni ad accettare ordinativi di fornitura da tutte le pubbliche Amministrazioni. Le Amministrazioni Centrali hanno l’obbligo di aderire a tali convenzioni, mentre le restanti Amministrazioni ne hanno facoltà, ovvero, devono rispettarne i parametri di qualità e di prezzo per l’acquisto di beni e servizi comparabili. Con il Decreto Ministeriale del 24 aprile 2000, il Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze ha affidato a Consip il compito di stipulare le convenzioni sopracitate. The aim is to foster innovation in procurement procedures and to facilitate knowledge sharing 30

7 Preliminary Planning EU Permanent Learning Lab PHASE 1 PHASE 4 PHASE 2
To foster knowledge sharing To update Database and results sharing through Learning Lab To facilitate Solutions reuse To gather basic information and ensure involvement of EU public procurement agencies Rationale of Italian Government Proposal Public Procurement Learning Lab: Core Contents Expected Results Preliminary Planning Contact Point and Next Steps PHASE 1 PHASE 4 EU Permanent Learning Lab To execute data gathering and analysis at national level To integrate and to share results within Learning Lab and via Web To set-up the database and to deliver reports PHASE 2 PHASE 3 To define and share Learning Lab guidelines and contents To kick off the Learning Lab L’articolo 26 della legge finanziaria del 2000 ha gettato le premesse normative per la razionalizzazione della spesa per acquisti di beni e servizi delle Amministrazioni dello Stato. Tale legge prevede che il Ministero dell’Economia e Finanze stipuli convenzioni valevoli su tutto il territorio nazionale grazie alle quali l’impresa prescelta si impegni ad accettare ordinativi di fornitura da tutte le pubbliche Amministrazioni. Le Amministrazioni Centrali hanno l’obbligo di aderire a tali convenzioni, mentre le restanti Amministrazioni ne hanno facoltà, ovvero, devono rispettarne i parametri di qualità e di prezzo per l’acquisto di beni e servizi comparabili. Con il Decreto Ministeriale del 24 aprile 2000, il Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze ha affidato a Consip il compito di stipulare le convenzioni sopracitate. Methodology Resources Information gathering at Country level Knowledge sharing at EU level through Learning Lab Workshops Results sharing also through the Web Total estimated effort for each Country involved is approximately 0,3-0,5 FTE 30

8 Contact Point and Next Steps
Rationale of Italian Government Proposal Public Procurement Learning Lab: Core Contents Expected Results Preliminary Planning Contact Point and Next Steps For further information, please contact: Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze Dr. Giancarlo Del Bufalo Via XX Settembre Rome Consip S.p.A. Prof. Gustavo Piga Via Isonzo 19 Rome Dipartimento della Funzione Fubblica Dott.ssa F.Barazzoni Vittorio Emanuele II , 116 Rome Next steps hypothesis: Confirmation of the involvement on the Public Procurement Learning Lab Learning Lab kick-off October 31st 2003 December (Rome)

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