Study of Bc in CMSSW: status report Silvia Taroni Sandra Malvezzi Daniele Pedrini INFN Milano-Bicocca.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Study of Bc in CMSSW: status report Silvia Taroni Sandra Malvezzi Daniele Pedrini INFN Milano-Bicocca."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Study of Bc in CMSSW: status report Silvia Taroni Sandra Malvezzi Daniele Pedrini
INFN Milano-Bicocca

2 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca
CMS (CMSSW)‏ The feasibility of Bc physics in CMS has been already studied using ORCA. CMS TDR, Vol II, page CMS NOTE-2006/118 CMS CR-2007/078 The Bc production is ~10-3 wrt the B production. In PHYTIA the production rate of Bc is It is necessary to enhance the event generating efficiency A dedicated generator is valuable. BCVEGPY (Comput.Phys.Commun. 174 (2006) ). 17th June 2008 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca

3 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca
Working with Bc In CMSSW BCVEGPY was not implemented. Since the 20th May meeting on ( Id=33720), when we expressed our interest in Bc Physics, we have worked in implementing BCVEGPY in CMSSW. The generator code (Fortran) is available at the author's site: 17th June 2008 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca

4 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca
BCVEGPY in CMSSW First step: Run the generator as stand alone to reproduce the significant distributions ( and ) reported in Comput.Phys.Commun. 174 (2006) 17th June 2008 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca

5 Comparison at the TeV energy
Comput.Phys.Commun. 174 (2006) From BCVEGPY 17th June 2008 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca GeV y

6 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca
BCVEGPY in CMSSW Second step interface BCVEGPY to CMSSW. local customized CMSSW version (which include the generator) with the option to call the generator via a modified in PYTHIA6Interface. untracked bool UseExternalGenerators = true PSet ExternalGenerators = { vstring parameterSets = { "Bcvegpy" } untracked PSet Bcvegpy = { vstring InputCards = { "BCVEGPY" Call in .cfg file 17th June 2008 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca

7 Pseudorapidity and Pt @ LHC from CMSSW
pseudorapidity and transverse momentum distributions. dN/dη /Ntot dN/dpt /Ntot 17th June 2008 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca GeV

8 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca
dN/dpt /Ntot Third step: double check CMSSW and the Stand Alone TeV GeV BCVEGPY stand alone dN/dη /Ntot 17th June 2008 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca η

9 Conclusions and Outlook
The BCVEGPY Generator (already used in ORCA, CDF and D0) is now working in CMSSW. We tested it in a local customized code and checked with reference distributions. We ask the B-Physics WG the green light to go to the Generator WG to implement it in the official generator interface. We are now ready to go to Bc Physics and enjoy ourselves ! 17th June 2008 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca

10 Using the new Bc generator
Full simulation chain for Track selection: more than 8 hits, pt > 2.5 GeV/c Global muons for muon candidates vertex (three tracks) C.L >0.01 Preliminary GeV 17th June 2008 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca

11 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca
backup 17th June 2008 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca

12 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca
BCEVGPY stand alone. Rapidity dN/dy/Ntot y 17th June 2008 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca

13 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca
From 1.96 TeV 17th June 2008 Silvia Taroni - INFN Milano-Bicocca

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