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Presentazione sul tema: "GRID FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF ORAL TEST"— Transcript della presentazione:

8/27/2019 GRID FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF ORAL TEST Criteria Descriptors 5 4 3 2 1 Task achievement Shows complete knowledge and has acquired the concepts related to the topic Learner has acquired most of the concepts related to the topic. Some facts may be omitted. He is able to use the main concepts. Report s coherently the topic Some information are given. He knows the main concepts. Reports almost coherently the topic Only some pieces of information are given. Does not analyze enough aspects of the topic. He doesn’t understand the main points of the topic Cannot provide relevant information. Hasn’t acquired enough basic concepts related to the topic Language Learner uses the specific vocabulary appropriately. Grammar structures are correct or mostly correct. He is able to answer without hesitation and can expand the topic. Fluent speech. Argumentative skills. Learner uses the specific vocabulary adequately although some inaccuracies may be present. Speaks with a good degree of fluency but with some hesitation. Some basic specific vocabulary is used and learner shows a sufficient knowledge of structures. Speech may be suspended to look for vocabulary items. Poor use of specific vocabulary. Learner pronounces making some mistakes. The structures of sentence may be wrong. Inappropriate use of basic specific vocabulary. Many mistakes. Discourse is not coherent.

8/27/2019 Criteria Descriptors 5 4 3 2 1 Range of content Task achievement Content completely relevant to the topic. Arguments supplied with examples. Facts justified with appropriate examples. Evidence of understanding principle of the topic Has acquired most of the concepts related to the topic. Is able to argue in the main concepts. Some facts may be omitted. Has acquired some concepts related to the topic and is able to elaborate the concepts in simple way. Reports almost coherently the topic. Only some pieces of information are given. Does not analyze enough aspects of the topic. He doesn’t understand the main points of the topic. Cannot provide relevant information. Hasn’t acquired enough basic concepts related to the topic.

3 Appropriate use of topic vocabulary to argue the output
8/27/2019 Range of language Specific vocabulary Vocabulary is relevant to the topic. Uses a wide repertoire of vocabulary and terms. Appropriate use of topic vocabulary to argue the output Basic vocabulary is used but its repertoire is limited. Poor use of specific vocabulary. Inappropriate use of basic vocabulary. Accuracy No grammar and spelling mistakes Makes rare mistakes in the use of the structures A few spelling mistakes. Inappropriate use of synonyms The structure of sentences may be wrong Spelling inhibits understanding Coherence Clearly and logically arranged. Linkers are varied and used successfully. Proportions observed Clear layout. Uses some simple but correct devices and give a complete argumentation of the topic It is possible to follow the ideas. Paragraphing are not observed. Too long or too short paragraphs The limited range of content and language doesn’t allow a coherent report Organisation is hard to follow or trace.

4 Questionario finale autovalutazione studenti\lezione + metacognizione
8/27/2019 Questionario finale autovalutazione studenti\lezione + metacognizione TEMPI 1.scarso; 2.mediocre; 3. sufficiente; 4.buono Quanto pensi sia stata sufficiente la quantità di tempo dedicata dall’insegnante all’intervento didattico (lezione e feedback)? MODALITA’ DELLA COMUNICAZIONE 1. mai; 2.talvolta; 3.spesso; 4.sempre La comunicazione in L2 utilizzata dal docente è stata di facile comprensione I supporti didattici utilizzati (material, strumenti informatici, documenti) sono stati alla mia portata Il docente è stato chiaro in merito agli “outputs” da raggiungere STIMOLI E INTERESSI SI NO Ci sono state situazioni particolarmente interessanti durante lo svolgimento della lezione La lezione mi ha fornito strumenti che mi consentono di rilevare concetti riconducibili all’esperienza quotidiana INTERVENTI 1.mai; 2. talvolta; 3. spesso; 4. sempre Sono riuscito a prendere appunti Ho chiesto spiegazioni al professore

5 8/27/2019 Mi sono fatto aiutare da un compagno Sono riuscito a risolvere da solo qualche difficoltà METACOGNIZIONE SI NO Sono riuscito a ricavare nuclei concettuali riconducibili ad altri campi del sapere Ho colto l’evento centrale Sono riuscito a ricostruire la catena degli eventi Sono riuscito a determinare i nessi tra cause ed effetti

6 Cosa ho imparato da questa lezione? (risposta aperta)
8/27/2019 Cosa ho imparato da questa lezione? (risposta aperta) _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

8/27/2019 TEACHER SELF-EVALUATION Have you had other Clil teaching experience?_______________________ Which activities in your module allowed your students to facilitate learning? Useful Quite useful Not so useful Not useful Watching and listening to videos Visiting websites Discussing in classroom Reading and listening to documents, texts… Using images, grids, graphs, maps… Listening to teacher explanations Carrying out tasks Which methodology did you employ to facilitate learning? Scaffolding Cooperative learning Flipped classroom

8 When you teach language you consider …..…
8/27/2019 When you teach language you consider …..… Very important Important Partially important Not important The correct pronunciation The ability to improvise The use of non-verbal language Grammatical correctness Fluency The ability to reformulate The ability to understand and to be understood Which strategies suggested in the module did you employ to facilitate learning? Answering the teacher’s questions Using the examples presented by the teacher Repeating verbally what s\he had previously heard, read or written Expressing orally, in her\his own words what s\he had heard, read or written

9 8/27/2019 Which of these abilities allowed your students to facilitate their language learning? A lot Enough A little Speaking Reading Writing Listening

10 Audio\visual aids (films, graphs, images…) Practical examples
8/27/2019 Which of the tools used have been more helpful to deliver your lessons? Audio\visual aids (films, graphs, images…) Practical examples Web links Textbook Do you consider this experience in clil teaching positive? Yes No Why? __________________________________________________________________________________________ Did you like this teaching experience? ___________________________________________________________________________________________


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