SIES 2014 in Pisa, Italy. Where is Pisa AIRPORT RAILWAY SCUOLA S. ANNA.

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Presentazione sul tema: "SIES 2014 in Pisa, Italy. Where is Pisa AIRPORT RAILWAY SCUOLA S. ANNA."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 SIES 2014 in Pisa, Italy


3 Flight connections (How to get there) NEW YORK PARIS LONDON MUNICH Intercontinental routes European connections Hub for the main low-cost carriers in Europe Pisa airport is only 10 minutes to the city center (with a train connection to the railway station)

4 A city of academic and scientific tradition

5 With lots of events in June …

6 Organizers General chairs Program chairs Roberto Passerone Univ. Trento Marco Di Natale Scuola Sup. S. Anna Giorgio Buttazzo Scuola Sup. S. Anna Enrico Macii Politecnico Torino

7 Train connections … Firenze 80km – 1h Rome 320km – 2h50’

8 Dolci colline…

9 Firenze

10 Siena

11 San Galgano (Siena)

12 Borgo a Mozzano (Lucca)

13 San Gimignano (Siena)

14 Porto Venere (Spezia)

15 and, of course good wines and food

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