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Kelsey Geyer Period 7. Vacation SpotAttractions ClimateFood and Dining TravelPacking HotelPhoto’s.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Kelsey Geyer Period 7. Vacation SpotAttractions ClimateFood and Dining TravelPacking HotelPhoto’s."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Kelsey Geyer Period 7

2 Vacation SpotAttractions ClimateFood and Dining TravelPacking HotelPhoto’s

3 Month JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Average High’s (F) 54.555.859.464.872.779.284.785.179.371.262.656.5 Average Low’s (F) 38.839.742.646.953.860.164.464.259.552.945.941.2 Average Rain In Inches 4.343.53.121.411.

4 U.S. Airways Roundtrip $3,205

5 Country Hotel Borgo Sant’ Ippolito- Ginestra F. $3,460

6 Galleria Vittorio Emanuele ll Acquario Civico Cathedral (Duomo)

7 NameAddressType of FoodPhoto Il luogo di Aimo e Nadi (The Place of Aimo and Nadi) Via Privata Raimondo Montecuccoli, 6 20147 Milano, Italy 02 416886 Italian Cuisine Al Porto piazzale Antonio Cantore, Milan 20123+39 2 832 1481 / +39 28940 7425 Italian Cuisine Giannino Via Sciesa, 8, Milan 20135 +39 2 5519 5582 Italian Cuisine Piazza Repubblica Via Aldo Manuzio, 11, 20124 Milano, Italy 39 02 6269 5105 ‎ Italian Cuisine

8 I am going to pack: Cool clothing for the weather (t-shirts, tank tops, shorts, flip flops, etc.) Comfortable shoes for walking and touring such as tennis shoes. Tour maps of the area.



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