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Progetto Comenius a.s. 2012-2013 Coordinatori:Polidoro, Screpanti

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Presentazione sul tema: "Progetto Comenius a.s. 2012-2013 Coordinatori:Polidoro, Screpanti"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Progetto Comenius a.s. 2012-2013 Coordinatori:Polidoro, Screpanti

2 COMPOSIZIONE PARTENARIATO 1.Wilbury Primary School - London - GB (Coord.) 2.CEIP AZORIN - Rota - ES (Partn.) 3.Pujanke Elementary School - Split - HR (Partn.) 4.Dir. Did. 3° Circ. Chieti - Chieti - IT (Partn.) 5.Szkoła Podstawowa nr6 im Konstantego Ildefonsa Gałczyńskiego - Olsztyn - PL (Partn.) 6.Scoala cu cls. I-VIII Nr. 8 - Sibiu - RO (Partn.) 7.Rodebyskolan - Rodeby - SE (Partn.)

3 Obiettivi del progetto 1.Esplorare ciò che le scuole in Europa fanno per promuovere uno stile di vita sano attraverso la corretta alimentazione, lo sport, la prevenzione, il rispetto… 2.Condividere e celebrare le buone prassi di educazione alla salute 3.Confrontare le scuole in termini di sostenibilità, riciclaggio dei materiali e cura per l'ambiente 4.Promuovere il rispetto della tolleranza verso diverse culture, credenze e fedi

4 Attività pianificate 26 th September 2012 is ‘International Day of Languages’ – possible e-Twinning video chat day (Italy to look into and let us know) Teach children the name of parts of the flower in the other languages (Diagram of Flower: Petal, Stem, Leaf & Roots ) Start preparing GREEN corner in classes with flowers/plants Romania conference 1st-6th October BRING seed packets to give out for other countries to grow BRING 10 questions about ‘clean & healthy school environment’ for the Skype conference in late October (How would the children like to improve their school environment?)

5 November 2012 Paper posters about looking after our environment from school council need to be made by November Analysis of water: How to save water & how water is used in different countries Create a superhero that protects the world from pollution (Recycling stories) Create own comic strip on toondoo about Superhero (Older children) Create story sacks about the Superhero & stories (Younger children) DVD on olive oil production Exchange of Christmas cards: Must be sent by end of November to ensure arrival at schools (use recycled materials)

6 OTHER ACTIVITIES FOR REST OF THE YEAR Grow seeds brought back from Romania Draw steps from seed to flower Use photostory to show the growth of a flower Powerpoint presentation of children cleaning their environment 1 flower for each month: write a short poem/words about the flower Each ‘School Council’ to discuss the school environment Start teaching YOGA in classes and take small videos (Deadline end of January) Use of Fronter/Wiki and E-twinning platform

7 Prossimi incontri di progetto 1-6 Ottobre 2012 Sibiu (Romania) Aprile 2013 Olsztyn (Polonia) Giugno 2013 Split (Croazia)

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