Well and Truly by Roni Horn. Mind map Artist’s name Techniques Life Groupworks Artworks My opinion Her message My artwork inspiried by…

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1 Well and Truly by Roni Horn

2 Mind map Artist’s name Techniques Life Groupworks Artworks My opinion Her message My artwork inspiried by…


4 Discovering the artist: Roni Horn The name of the artist is Roni Horn. She was born in 1955 in New York. Her work was produced in 2009/2010 in the United States but it is now exposed in Italy. To make this work she used some glass blocks.The glass blocks evoke petrified well water: the sides are translucent and the corners ridged. The artist plays on the different meanings of “well”: 1) bene 2) pozzo. The expression “Well and truly” means: “Bello e buono” The work refers to water, a symbol of changeability, ambiguity and uncertain identity because it has an infinity of meanings and forms. The work can appear different if you watch it from a different observer’s position or in a different light. This work is placed in a room with big windows through which you can see real water, Venice and the lagoon. While watching this work we felt immersed in a feeling of soul freshness.


6 Fate clic per modificare il formato del testo della struttura Secondo livello struttura  Terzo livello struttura Quarto livello struttura  Quinto livello struttura  Sesto livello struttura  Settimo livello struttura  Ottavo livello struttura Nono livello strutturaFare clic per modificare stili del testo dello schema Roni Horn Roni Horn is an American artist. She was born in 1955 in New York. One of her works is exposed at “Praise of doubt” in Venice.


8 Sitography and Bibliography http://dailyserving.com/ http://www.palazzograssi.it/http://minimalexposition.blogspot.co m/2009/10/roni-horn-aka-roni-horn.html Artists'file from Punta della dogana Museumhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roni_Hornhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roni_Horn

9 The end This power point was made by: Trovato Cristina, Trevisan Riccardo, Cristofalo Linda, Ballarin Nicolò, Nogarin Samuele. Teachers: C. Richieri and A. Bellot – March 2012 Istituto Comprensivo Parolari, Scuola Enrico Fermi, Zelarino (Venice) 0…/01/12

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