The food Pyramid The breakfast. Food pyramid gives us instructions on how to eat well and stay healthy!!!

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Presentazione sul tema: "The food Pyramid The breakfast. Food pyramid gives us instructions on how to eat well and stay healthy!!!"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 The food Pyramid The breakfast

2 Food pyramid gives us instructions on how to eat well and stay healthy!!!


4 Now it’s your turn:

5 Breakfast is the most important meal!

6 A healthy breakfast includes foods from different groups


8 Survey results

9 Begin with a good breakfast! Breakfast is key to not falling asleep... on the school's bench in the late morning for lack of energy and be more alert to understand what they teach us. You need it every day, rich and various. Connects the syllables in the right way and you will find food for a proper breakfast A TE MI LK HO NEY SU GARCE REA LS FRU IT SOLUTIONS: rusks, tea, milk, honey, sugar, cereals, fruit RU SKS

10 LA PRIMA COLAZIONE: CHE BELLA INVENZIONE! E’ importante fare la prima colazione con calma e con i cibi giusti. Essa ti dà l’energia necessaria per cominciare bene la giornata. Una buona colazione può essere la seguente: latte o yogurt e/o tè e/o spremuta di arancia, pane o fette biscottate, cereali, biscotti. A questo possiamo aggiungere un frutto se non lo consumiamo già a metà mattina. Se andiamo a scuola senza aver fatto colazione rischiamo di non star bene e di non essere concentrati. Allora se bene vogliamo stare, la prima colazione non dobbiamo saltare! ITALIAN WRITING BREAKFAST: WHAT A BEAUTIFUL INVENTION! It’s important to have breakfast calmly and with the right foods. It gives you the energy to start well the day. A good breakfast can be as follow: milk or yogurt and / or tea and / or orange juice, bread or biscuits, cereals, biscuits. You can add a piece of fruit if you do not consume it in the mid- morning. If you go to school without having had breakfast you are in danger of not feeling good and not being focused. So if you want to be good, you should not skip breakfast!

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