The euro. Use this website to answer these questions. n.htm

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Presentazione sul tema: "The euro. Use this website to answer these questions. n.htm"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 The euro. Use this website to answer these questions. n.htm n.htm 1.Which 12 European countries officially adopted the euro as their currency? 2.When did the euro become the official currency of those countries? 3.What was the currency of Italy before the euro? 4.Can you still convert the old currencies to euro? 5.How many coins are there? What are the denominations (amounts)? 6.Explain the designs for the coins. 7.How many paper notes are there? What are the denominations? 8.Explain the designs for the paper notes.

2 Quiz 1.The euro is the official currency of a. 6 European countries b. 12 European countries c. All European countries 2.A European country which has not adopted the euro is.. a. Germany b. Austria c. Switzerland

3 Euro quiz continued 3.The largest euro bill has a face value of... a.100 euro b.500 euro c.1000 euro 4.An American tourist who buys euro in Paris must change money again when visiting... a.London b.Rome c.Madrid 5.A tourist who wants to purchase euro with dollars will have.... a.A better rate in Paris b.A better rate in Munich c.The same rate in both cities

4 Le monete italiane 1 centesimo – Castel del Monte ad Andria 2 centesimi – Mole Antonelliana di Torino

5 5 centesimi – Il Colosseo 10 centesimi – La nascita di Venere di Botticelli

6 20 centesimi – Forme uniche di continuità nello spazio – Umberto Boccioni 50 centesimi – Statua di Marco Aurelio nella Piazza del Campidoglio a Roma

7 1,00 euro – L’Uomo Vitruviano di Leonardo da Vinci 2,00 euro – Ritratto di Dante Alighieri di Raffaello Sanzio

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