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UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA Facoltà di Economia, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria, Lettere e Filosofia, Scienze Politiche Corso di Laurea Specialistica.

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Presentazione sul tema: "UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA Facoltà di Economia, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria, Lettere e Filosofia, Scienze Politiche Corso di Laurea Specialistica."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA Facoltà di Economia, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria, Lettere e Filosofia, Scienze Politiche Corso di Laurea Specialistica Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimedialità IL PERCORSO DELLA NOTIZIA NEI PROGRAMMI DI INFORMAZIONE E IL CASO DI TELEPAVIA Relatore: Dott.ssa Deborah Toschi Correlatore: Prof. Nuccio Lodato Tesi di Laurea di: Elisa Ajelli Anno Accademico 2010/2011

2 The information Knowledge or experience of actual events Backbone of the schedule Immediacy and realism of the images Fascination for the public Shortness

3 What makes an event news? Newsworthiness News values Content ProductPublic Competition

4 Different types of news The news on television Hard News Developing News Soft News Continuing News Spot News

5 The news Paleotv 1952 Models Difficulties 80 years Turn Models Neotv

6 The news in Italy

7 Information process The collection of information materials The selection of news Editing and presentation of news

8 The collection of information materials Sources News agencies Press offices

9 The selection of the news The collected material by the press is reduced to a number of news. In selecting are important the popularity of the characters involved, the location of the event and importance of the situation on the nation.

10 Editing and timing Hierarchy of the news The time given to each service

11 Kind of objectivity and reality Forms of expertise Thematic Interpretative Expressive Relational Perspective of reality and choises of journalist

12 TelePAVIA The editorial The mission The history of the local television

13 TelePAVIA Content and schedule Sport Leisure Social issues Topical Political Culture Costume Art News

14 TelePAVIA Local National The information

15 The news on television needs to ease communication Images have a great importance The work of the news in the choise of event to be treated TelePavia and the importance of local broadcasters Conclusions

16 Thanks to all

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