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Supportare l'innovazione del futuro
Silvia Invernici Education Manager
Basato sulla conoscenza . .
Il mondo è cambiato... Basato sulle risorse naturali . . Basato sulla conoscenza . . Apprendimento diverso Competenze diverse Economia diversa The world has changed from a resources-based economy to a knowledge-based economy This leads to a change in the way…. We work We communicate We create We live In order to prepare for success Learning must be different … Teaching must be different ... "Nell'economia di oggi, la risorse più importante non è la manodopera, il capitale o la terra; è la conoscenza". – Peter Drucker Altri marchi e altre denominazioni potrebbero essere rivendicati da terzi, © Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. Tutti i diritti sono riservati.
Il modello di istruzione attuale NON e’ ancora strutturato al meglio per 21st Secolo
L'istruzione è qualcosa di più che apprendere contenuti L'istruzione è una leva essenziale per la crescita economico-sociale del Paese I Paesi necessitano di cittadini preparati al 21° secolo Now let’s discuss the role that education plays in long-term considerations, such as national competitiveness Education has always played an important role in preparing students for success in work and life. But now it’s also seen as the critical path to enable nations to compete in a rapidly changing, knowledge-based global economy. There’s increasing pressure to improve educational quality and outcomes. [Transition] We need to take education to a new level. One that will enable a future built on knowledge. Education must teach 21st century skills. “L'istruzione e la formazione costituiscono un fattore determinante nel potenziale di ogni Paese per quanto riguarda eccellenza, innovazione e competitività...” Commissione delle Comunità Europee, report 2006 sui progressi della Joint Council/Commission per l'implementazione del programma di lavoro Education & Training 2010.
L'istruzione deve formare le competenze per il 21o secolo
Alfabetismo tecnologico e multimediale Comunicazione efficace Pensiero critico Capacità di risolvere i problemi Collaborazione What are 21st century skills required for citizens and countries to prosper in a knowledge-driven economy? True technology and media literacy Effective communication Critical thinking Problem solving And…collaboration An effective learning environment to acquire these skills is an “eLearning” environment – next slide will provide some data to support this Access to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has emerged as a key strategy to take education to a new level – by creating effective eLearning environments
L'approccio Intel: collaborazione pubblico/privato
Partner impegnati Pubblica amministrazione Docenti Comunità Organismi multilaterali non gov Allineamento e competenze locali Produttori Pc BVAR/Distributori Editori/Produttori di contenuti We strive to work together with educators and governments around the world to improve teaching and learning. We collaborate with governments, educators and leading institutions in every community in which we have a presence. We also recognize the expertise and reach of multilateral development organizations like UNESCO. In November 2004, we signed an MOU with UNESCO around the creation of a worldwide framework for teacher training in the use of ICT to build 21st century skills in today’s students. We are currently working with the Information Society Division of UNESCO to create this framework. We recognize that educators are the key to improving how students learn, thus the Intel® Education Initiative offers programs in collaboration with these educators. Creating localized programs is critical to the success of an international initiative. So while our programs and resources are available in more than 50 countries, they are localized to meet the language and cultural needs of each community.
Stile di apprendimento Personale: le mie preferenze, i miei interessi
Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Musical Visual-Spatial Through-out history, we have knows that people have many different learning orientations and aptitudes. Some things just seem to come easier than others This can be explained by our different learning styles, interests and preferences Howard Gardner described this in his book, “Multiple Intelligences” By understanding our learning styles, we can make education content more accessible to all intelligences Linguistic Logical-Mathematical
To: Personalized Learning
Use ICT to efficiently and effectively mass customize each student’s learning experience Personalized Learning Approach Academic & Skills Performance To: Personalized Learning One-Size-Fits-All Approach Slower Average Faster Pace of Learning From: One Size Fits All Prepare students for the “real” world, and empower each student and give them a more equal opportunity to achieve their personal and economic potential, and contribute to a national economy and society The idea of personalized learning is to make education accessible to each student regardless of learning pace, brain wiring, learning style, interests or preferences. This even helps the average student for which a one-size-fits-all approach was designed What better use of technology than to use it’s ability to keep track of things like memory cycles, provide anytime/anywhere access, and mass customize education to create a personal learning experience. This means taking advantage of technology to deliver a personal learning experience, as well as, the very use of that same technology gives children the experience of using technology in the real world.
Risorse per l'apprendi-mento Risorse e comunità on line
Integrare ICT con l’ambiente esistente Ovunque Classe Esterni Biblioteche Altre scuole Esperti Risorse per l'apprendi-mento Risorse e comunità on line Passaggio da apprendimento basato su docenti ad apprendimento basato su studenti I notebook rendono possibile l'apprendimento ovunque e in qualunque momento Accesso a un mondo di informazioni Apprendimento personalizzato utilizza la tecnologia per raggiungere il potenziale di ogni studente permettendo sempre/ovunque l’accesso all’istruzione che puo’ essere personalizzata in base alle proprie preferenze di apprendimento.
Componenti dell'eLearning
Curriculum digitale Ambienti di eLearning Metodi di apprendimento ottimizzati Sviluppo professionale Whether you’re introducing or expanding ICT in your schools, successful implementation takes several key components working together: Strong technology Connectivity Professional development Improved learning methods and Digital curriculum All of these contribute to an eLearning environment where 21st century skills flourish and students thrive. Technology: PCs, servers, PDA/handhelds, cell phones, iPods*. Also: Wired communications and computing networks; wireless communications and computing networks. Connectivity: Wired or wireless. Wi-Fi and WiMAX are optimum. Professional development: Many flavors available. Intel’s Teach to the Future program offers professional development for teachers in 35 countries today. Improved learning methods: Student-centric learning, project-based learning, group collaboration, goal of developing higher-order thinking skills. Digital curriculum: Includes digital content, but is not the same thing as digital content. A digital curriculum is a teaching/learning approach that assumes that technology and connectivity are involved, and that takes advantage of those. So lesson plans are different, resources are different, AND the content is digital (from the Net, multimedia, CD-ROM, etc. – electronic-based, not paper-based). Tecnologia Connettività
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