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PubblicatoTeofilo Rossa Modificato 11 anni fa
Direzione Didattica Michele Coppino Pupils of Class 2 nd level B G. Falletti di Barolo School Turin Italy
Women were so kindly and so they were called fairies. Then they decided to reveal the secret place where a treasure was located.
Le donne di Mongrando erano molto invidiose della bellezza delle fate così chiesero ad alcuni malandrini di cacciarle via. Women of Mongrando were envy about beauty of fairies, so they asked some wicked for help to send them away.
I malandrini, durante la festa del paese deviarono il corso del fiume, provocando uninondazione. Durig the village festival wicked people deviated the course of the river.
Suddenly fairies rose their long skirts and…..
Tutti gli abitanti di Mongrando si accorsero che le donne avevano i piedi palmati e vennero derise. All the villagers of Mongrando noticed women had webbed feet and all the faires once were mocked.
Le fate, umiliate, se ne andarono e decisero di non svelare a nessuno dove si trovasse il tesoro. Fairies humiliated, left the village and they decided not reveal anymore where the treasure was.
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