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The Mediterranean School of Oncology 45 th course Highlights in the management of ovarian cancer Rome, 5-6 October 2007.

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Presentazione sul tema: "The Mediterranean School of Oncology 45 th course Highlights in the management of ovarian cancer Rome, 5-6 October 2007."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 The Mediterranean School of Oncology 45 th course Highlights in the management of ovarian cancer Rome, 5-6 October 2007

2 Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Bio-Oncologia The Mediterranean School of Oncology An educational program of:

3 Bologna Chieti-Pescara Ferrara Catanzaro Palermo Roma La Sapienza Napoli Federico II Perugia Ancona Teramo LAquila A Consortium among 14 Italian Universities Foggia Messina Milano

4 Two classes: 1. Foreign students (in English); 2. Italian residents All courses are accredited for ECM by Ministero della Salute, Italy or/and ESMO

5 Postgraduate courses; Training courses for health professionals not frequently dealing with cancer patients; Special topics for oncology nurses; Master classes (residential, 2-weeks, with practical workshops) ( Coming soon) Educational program

6 2000200220032004 2 4 6 8 10 Courses/year Students/year 200 500 300 400 600 0 0 By December 2006: 41 courses >2400 students 200120052006

7 Italy Lithuania Jordan USA Turkey Egypt France Spain Iraq Bosnia Israel Russia Polland 15 20 25 30 35 10 Students by country 1954 Belgium Germany Iran 5 78 7572

8 Molecular pathology & cancer genetics Onco-hemathology Medical oncology Radiation oncology Epidemiology/ biostatistics & clinical trials Cancer prevention & early diagnosis ….. A large spectrum of cancer-related disciplines is covered, including:

9 FRIDAY, May 25 10.30 – 13.00 Early Breasy Cancer Aromatase inhibitor therapy for early breast cancer: A review of the most recent data ( G. Mustacchi, Trieste ) Targeted adjuvant systemic therapy: current status and future directions of Trastuzumab ( G. Tonini, Rome ) Novel trials with multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitors ( G. Tortora, Naples ) Taxane- vs anthracycline-containing chemotherapy in the treatment of early breast cancer and the issue of cardiac toxicity ( V. Adamo, Messina - E.Salvatorelli, Chieti-Pescara )


11 CARCINOMA DEL COLON-RETTO SCENARIO GLOBALE 2a causa di morte per cancro nei paesi occidentali! ~1,000,000 nuovi casi ~ 500,000 decessi/anno Alla diagnosi: 70-80% malattia localizata, resecabile 50% stadio II 35% stadio III ~40% (~400,000/anno) ripresa di malattia dopo chirurgia potenzialmente curativa

12 5-FU Infusione continua LevamisoleLD leucovorin HD leucovorin Bolus Anni 90: ottimizzazione del 5-FU

13 Sopravvivenza mediana CRC metastatico, I a linea Best supportive care 06121824 Median overall survival (months) ~4–6 months 12–14 months 5-FU/LV 19–20 months FOLFOX4 or CAPEOX ~15–16 months IFL or FOLFIRI 20.6 months FOLFOX6 FOLFIRI 18.3 months 5-FU/LV + bevacizumab 25.1 months IFL + BV OX 20.3 months IFL + bevacizumab

14 Nel 2007, cosa si può attendere un paziente affetto da carcinoma metastatico del colon-retto? Soparvvivenza globale:24-26+ mesi Risposte oggettive:50-70% Tempo alla progressione:8-11+ mesi

15 Oltre la I linea I a linea FOLFOX + Bevacizumab III a linea Cetuximab +Irinotecan II a linea Irinotecan + 5-FU (Bevacizumab) V a linea FOLFOX + Cetuximab IV a linea Cetuximab + Bevacizumab+ Irinotecan VI a linea FOLFOX + Cetuximab + Bevacizumab VII a linea XX +YY ………….

16 Come identificare i pazienti R e NR alla terapia?

17 50 100 0 25 75 CRC – Criteri di selezione usuali 100 pazienti trattati con CT dopo 5 anni: 70 sono viventi anche senza CT (o-treated) 20 sono deceduti nonostante la CT Usando il profilo despressione genica Only 22.5% of pts will be overtreated

18 Patient goes to Familiy doctor/health centerPopulation-based screening Investigations & diagnostic testing Cancer diagnosedCancer not diagnosed Treatment Palliative care Continuing treatment Follow-upRelapseTerminal care Long-term survival Bereavement Cure

19 Two classes: 1. Foreign students (in English); 2. Italian residents All courses are accredited for CME by Ministero della Salute, Italy or/and ESMO

20 2000200220032004 2 4 6 8 10 Courses/year Students/year 200 500 300 400 600 0 0 By December 2006: 42 courses >2200 students 200120052006

21 Scholarships Available to candidates <30 years of age. To apply for a scholarship: a brief curriculum vitae; a letter of presentation from an authorised officer at the institute of affiliation. For information: www.

22 MSO - 2007 Course Calendar 1-2 February:Highlights in the management of colorectal cancer (E) 16-17 February:Tumori del rene e melanoma: progressi della ricerca traslazionale e clinica 19-20 March :Cardiotossicità da farmaci antitumorali: basi genetiche, diagnosi, prevenzione e terapia 18-19 April :Highlights in the management of breast cancer (E) 25-26 May :Presente e futuro della terapia del dolore neuropatico in oncologia 8-9 June :Personalized diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in oncology (E) 20-21 July :Sessualità e cancro 5-6 October :I tumori dellovaio 26-27 October :New oncology drugs pipeline update: from bench to bedside (E) 23-24 November :Controversie in oncologia (E) Courses in English

23 Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Bio-Oncologia A MSO/CINBOs pilot project The Formazione a Distanza in Oncologia (FADO) Program

24 FADO Program Teaching is made via satellite technology. Designed to build or enhance professional knowledge, skills, and leadership in oncology and related disciplines through distance/online education & training.

25 Target audience 1. Residents in medical oncology; 2. Ph.D. students (Dottorato di Ricerca) in oncology and related disciplines Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Bio-Oncologia

26 FADO - Partners Technologies & services: Organization & management:

27 Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Bio-Oncologia A MSO/CINBOs pilot project The Mediterranean Task Force for Cancer Control (MTCC)

28 courses in modular print format videoconferences; lectures-seminars-lessons; To provide a forum for distance learning discussion among CINBO member Universities and selected medical Institutions within the mediterranean area MTCC An innovative project to raise awareness about cancer prevention and early detection via satellite technology

29 Algeria Croatia EgyptFranceGreece Italy JordanLebanon LybiaMorocco Portugal SyriaSloveniaSpainTunisiaTurkey Palestine Launching Meeting of the Mediterranean Task Force for Cancer Prevention and Early Detection (MTCC) February 2nd, 2007 Rome, Italy With the participation of delegates from: Albania

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