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PubblicatoImelda Barone Modificato 11 anni fa
The six blind men and an elephant in the classroom IV E Liceo A.Modigliani Padova prof.Elianda Cazzorla
Your language is to be as much accurate as possibile as for the vocabulary used and as for the conveyance of thoughts and imagination. Lezioni Americane (I.CALVINO, Lezioni Americane, Garzanti 1988)
OUR SOCIETY Afflicted with the plague Meaningless Images Expressing an automatism Which waters meanings down Language conveys Unbearable nuisance Felling of estrangement and uneasiness
Exactitude Words trying to convency Sensible phenomena Evocative power of images Conveying words/thoughts Painting compositions Description o argomentation One can be translated Into the other
Intersemiotic translation The translation from textual language into iconographic one or vice versa has been the thread which has guided us during our work. We can now state that a translation is never completely trustworthy: the outcome always lacks some information which can only be found in the original language.
LINEAR AND SYNTETHICAL FORM According to R. Jakobson, intersemiotic translations require the identification, description and rating of the differences between written texts and iconographic language, between the linear form and the synthetical form of an image, between the conventions of the written language and those of the iconographic tradition.
STEPS Reading and interpretation of a Sufi legend Comprehension of the meaning of the legend to be translated into icono- graphical language Gino Strada, Pappagalli verdi, Feltrinelli Non-translation with the choice of a blank space expressing sorrow (p.52, 53) The Biennial Exhibition of Modern Art in Venice (video, picture story) and... Northern Countries
Modulo P.A.C.E. novembre 2007 Angelo Beolco, Parlamento de Ruzante che iera vegnù de campo, Scena II e III 1509 Relazioni con I sei ciechi e lelefante: - cecità dellignoranza: ----------------------------------------------- - assurdità della guerra: sono uomini di carne come siamo noi Gino Strada, Pappagalli verdi, pag. 52-53 (foto di guerra e racconto di guerra) Gino Strada, Pappagalli verdi, pag. 66-68 (Bloody Friday: la memoria nellalbum di foto) Bertold Brecht, Generale il tuo carro armato è una macchina potente 1945 J.J Rousseau, Discorso sullorigine della disuguaglianza sociale1754 Dichiarazione dei diritti delluomo e del Cittadino 1789 Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani 1948 approvata dallassemblea generale Onu Fabrizio de Andrè, Smisurata preghiera, da racconto La sagra di Magroll- Il gabbiere di Alvaro Mutis, Einaudi 1999 Gino Strada, I cessi di Oslo, Articolo su Smemoranda 2007- domande di comprensione Gianni Rodari, Il cielo è di tutti, Einaudi 1980
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