Shes got her ticket I think she gonna use it I think she going to fly away No one should try and stop her Persuade her with their power She says that.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Shes got her ticket I think she gonna use it I think she going to fly away No one should try and stop her Persuade her with their power She says that."— Transcript della presentazione:


2 Shes got her ticket I think she gonna use it I think she going to fly away No one should try and stop her Persuade her with their power She says that her mind is made

3 Up Why not leave why not Go away Too much hatred Corruption and greed Give your live And invariabily they leave you with

4 Nothing Young girl aint got no chances No roots to keep her strong Shes shead all pretences That someday shell belong Some folks call her a runaway A failure in the race But she knows whereher ticket takes her She will find her place in the sun And shell fly,fly,fly


6 Mount Rushmore, South Dakota. Can you recognize the four american president. Washinton (1789-97) Lotta per lindipendenza e per la nascita della repubblica. Jefferson (1801-09) simbolo dellidea della rappresentanza del governo. Abramo Lincoln(1861-65)Unione permanente degli stati e uguaglianza dei cittadini. Roosvelt (1901-09)Ha un ruolo internazionale negli U.S.A. nel xx secolo.

7 Washington (1789-97) Lotta per lindipendenza e per la nascita della repubblica.

8 Jefferson (1801-09) simbolo dellidea della rappresentanza del governo.

9 Abramo Lincoln(1861-65)Unione permanente dedli stati e uguaglianza dei cittadini.

10 Roosvelt(1901- 1909)ha avuto un ruolo internazionale degli usa nel xx secolo

11 Martin luther king was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1929.He was the son of a baptist pastor.He wanted to become a minister in the baptist church and to help his people.After studyng theology at Boston university, in 1954 King became the pastor of a black baptist church in montgomery, Alabama, in the south of the United States.

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