Nanoscience Laboratory Silicon nanophotonics Metamaterials Nanobiotechnologies, antioxidants and human health Few lab members.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Nanoscience Laboratory Silicon nanophotonics Metamaterials Nanobiotechnologies, antioxidants and human health Few lab members."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Nanoscience Laboratory Silicon nanophotonics Metamaterials Nanobiotechnologies, antioxidants and human health Few lab members

2 NL Laboratory people 3 professors 4 technical/administrative staff 10 post-docs 9 PhDs 3 MS students facilities Optical laboratories – From vis to THz – From fs to cw – From nJ to J – Macro and micro Nanoprobe laboratory Electrochemical laboratory Electrical laboratory Biochemical laboratory Cluster of PCs

3 Running project and funds

4 Productivity (from web of science)

5 Research activity Mission: Generate new knowledge from phenomena which occur when the matter is of nanometer size. Apply the nanoscience paradigm to silicon or silicon compatible materials – to enable new application of this key material – to develop nanosystems compatible with the main driving silicon technologies. Emphasis is placed on nanophotonics and its applications New projects concern hybrid organic/inorganic nanostructures to tailor atom-by-atom their properties or metals to investigate plasmonics. Research projects span from – fundamental research work on the interaction between biomolecules and silicon nanostructures or on the control of photons by dynamically structuring the dielectric environment – applied research work on the development of integrated optical circuits, optical switches, light emitting devices and amplifiers, novel MIR and THz sources, third generation photovoltaic and biosensors.

6 European project Photonics and electronics convergence in silicon

7 European project Photonics and electronics convergence in silicon

8 European project Photonics and electronics convergence in silicon

9 Grandi progetti PAT Un microchip per la proteomica

10 Grandi progetti PAT Un microchip per la proteomica

11 Grandi progetti PAT Un microchip per la proteomica

12 Grandi progetti PAT Un microchip per la proteomica

13 Progetto europeo Rete ottica su di un chip

14 Progetto europeo Rete ottica su di un chip … R L 8

15 Progetto europeo Fotovoltaico di terza generazione

16 Progetto europeo Fotovoltaico di terza generazione

17 Progetto europeo Rifrazione and riflessione in sistemi dielettrici in moto

18 Progetto europeo Rifrazione and riflessione in sistemi dielettrici in moto

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