Concord A tool for the analysis and concordances of the terminological constituents P. Plini, N. Mastidoro* * - Èulogos, Rome Institute for Atmospheric.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Concord A tool for the analysis and concordances of the terminological constituents P. Plini, N. Mastidoro* * - Èulogos, Rome Institute for Atmospheric."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Concord A tool for the analysis and concordances of the terminological constituents P. Plini, N. Mastidoro* * - Èulogos, Rome Institute for Atmospheric Pollution – EKOLab Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

2 Features Compatibility with SuperThes software; Handling more languages; Possibility to: –mark one term as an atom, which means that the term cannot be split, –accept a part of the term as an atom and to discard the other part as an empty word; –ignore the part of the string closed into brackets; –update the database or to merge additional parts without loosing the already performed actions Capability to: –split one term into its components keeping the term itself as an entry, –store the not allowed terminations, –store the empty words; Recording of the performed actions finalised to the suggestion of future actions; Identification of stop words; Dynamic browsing of terms and term elements as concordance of terms in thesaurus; Generation of a multi-level index (terms + defined term elements) in a standard file Import-export functions basically in TXT and XML format. Institute for Atmospheric Pollution – EKOLab Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

3 Institute for Atmospheric Pollution – EKOLab Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

4 Institute for Atmospheric Pollution – EKOLab Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche + all the other occurrences of ground (i.e. ground movement and of water (i.e. pollution of rainwater)

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