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17 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 1 Stato del progetto RICH di LHCb Preparato da Clara Matteuzzi Presentato da Flavio Fontanelli Partecipanti italiani: Genova.

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Presentazione sul tema: "17 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 1 Stato del progetto RICH di LHCb Preparato da Clara Matteuzzi Presentato da Flavio Fontanelli Partecipanti italiani: Genova."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 17 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 1 Stato del progetto RICH di LHCb Preparato da Clara Matteuzzi Presentato da Flavio Fontanelli Partecipanti italiani: Genova e Milano

2 1. Hardware 2. Commissioning activities 3. Software CSN1-Ferrara 2 Highlights on what is new since the last report Status of the RICH project HPD High Voltage RICH1 – RICH2 settembre 2009

3 CSN1-Ferrara 3 The LHCb spectrometer Vertex Locator RICH counters  /K/p Identification Tracking Calorimeters Muon System Special features: a dedicated trigger and Particle Identification

4 4 HPD status The evolution of each tube is under control all the tubes going bad are predictable Considering the new schedule of LHC, we have time (until probably september 2009) to replace the tubes which are expected to glow in RICH-2 in 2009 and 2010. This will assure a safe and stable operation of the RICH detectors for the next long period of running. Financial aspects: An agreement with DEP-Photonis has been reached and forsees 150 tubes to be repaired at a shared cost 50% -50% between LHCb and DEP over 10 years settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara

5 5 Thresholds of glowing: –no glowing HPD for IFB < 5% – lower threshold at IFB > 5% i.e. HPDs can turn glowing at any point between IFB=5…8% Ion Feed Back (%) number of HPD full HPD sample (550) IFB measurement (cw laser method) settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara

6 RICH2 – Status Map (before intervention) 8_1819_1019_1209_115 00 8_1278_153 9_29_110 01 8_121 9_109_59 02 8_1079_71 8_179 03 8_112 8_609_114 04 8_1478_177 05 9_127 06 9_1559_1488_1359_181 07 8_1338_1249_189 08 9_208 09 9_1379_128_122 9_2659_69 10 8_1609_1428_1979_56 9_3 11 8_1108_134 8_154 12 8_156 9_146 13 8_1578_178 9_159_1259_2508_176 14 8_1199_104 8_1268_141 15 8_1309_1239_118_108 C0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8 27 glowing 10 not glowing IFB>5% already 9 not glowing IFB>5% in 2009 11 not glowing IFB>5% in 2010 57 HPDs CSN1-Ferrara settembre 20096

7 HPD RICH2 replacement summary of intervention march 2009 40 removed HPDs –32 shipped to Photonis-DEP (with 1 bake-out) –7 with 2 bake-outs –1 recovered 28 replacement tubes installed –22 repaired –1 reference tube –5 spare tubes from RICH2 spare column 12 anodes installed (no ‘active’ pd) 17 tubes “at risk” for 2009 and 2010 to be replaced with the new repaired from Photonis-DEP ( if back in time before closing detector) CSN1-Ferrara settembre 20097

8 CSN1-Ferrara 8 00 8_1138_163 01 8_153 9_278_138 02 8_1079_114 9_156 03 9_146 8_1619_203 04 8_609_4 05 8_104 06 9_310_1478_1359_181 07 10_1369_14710_157 08 9_187 09 9_428_1188_160 9_2659_166 10 9_12810_2 91 9_1019_56 10_17 7 11 10_2029_223 4_15 12 8_110 8_155 13 9_369_124 9_699_1259_2408_106 14 8_1198_157 15 C0C1C2C3C3 C4C5C6C7C8A0A1A1 A2A3A4A5A6A6 A7A8 RICH2 map – after repair campaign #1 ( March 2009, from Stephan ) use HPDs LC>3  A redeploy HPDs replace by anode repaired & spare HPD LC pair RICH2 – HPDs status settembre 2009

9 CSN1-Ferrara 9 (as at end of august) 3-4 more glowing tubes seen in RICH2 (“dark green” arrowed tubes on slide 8, during HV ramp-up of 25 th August. 10 repaired tubes available RICH2 access possible and granted till end of october HPD status HPDs status

10 CSN1-Ferrara 10 HPD-related tasks  IFB studies IFB results from pit data (end June) seem to confirm good quality of repaired tubes IFB studies on-going before LHC startup. More data sets required. regular dedicated IFB runs required after LHC startup (ALICE readout mode). settembre 2009

11 RICH-1:commissioning of the MDMS system CSN1-Ferrara 11 The lower photon funnel was installed on February 5 th,the upper photon funnel on February 19 th settembre 2009 News on MDMS measurements –Test with B field on the 27-28 july 2009 2 sets of runs with B on and B off –Possibility of exercising the MDMS again on September 17-18 th.

12 2009.09.02RICH Operation Meeting12 Axial Correction Translational Correction RICH 1 Magnetic Field Distorsion

13 RICH Gas C4F10 circulating in RICH-1 since beginning of July (for cosmics). RICH-2 at present with dry air. CF4 ready to circulate few days before collisions P and T of gas continuosly monitored settembre 200913 CSN1-Ferrara

14 RICH High Voltage In April we had seen a number of channels showing HV glitches with (saturated) over current and large under-voltage.  Histogram below shows the number of spikes seen on each ISEG channel between August 2008 and April 2009. settembre 2009 14 D0 CSN1-Ferrara

15 La Iseg e’ stata contattata e gli e’ stato chiesto di risolvere il problema. La ditta ha riconosciuto il suo torto, ha ripreso tutti gli alimentatori ed ha provveduto a ripararli gratuitamente. Il problema e’ legato ad un errore di fabbricazione della Iseg: “ We think we have found the reason for the sparks. It looks like the HV cable inside of the filtering circuit was placed wrong because of misinterpretations of the manufacturing prescriptions. Not all of these units have been manufactured by the same person, so some show this effect and some not.” Nel corso dell’estate gli alimentatori sono stati reinstallati e sono adesso in funzione sull’esperimento, alcuni moduli sono stati lungamente testati a Genova. I test condotti sull’esperimento in agosto su entrambi i Rich mostrano al massimo una sola microscarica su poche colonne. I test condotti a Genova non mostrano più alcuna scarica. Naturalmente i test continueranno sia a Genova che al CERN per verificare se il problema e’ stato risolto definitivamente. Bologna 4 settembre 2009 Flavio Fontanelli

16 RICH High Voltage RICH 1 and 2 ISEG supplies refurbished by manufacturer.  Possible systematic flaw was identified (by ISEG) in the routing of cables within the HV filtering circuit.  RICH 1 HV re-installation 10 th July. Possible problems identified with two ISEGs (that were replaced).  One tested OK in the lab  One breaks down at 18kV in the lab with audible discharge. One supply discovered with only single output connected.  24 th July. HV back in RICH 2. settembre 2009 16 CSN1-Ferrara

17 17 First ‘real data’ Cosmics in RICH-1 C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Padova, 19 maggio 2009 settembre 2009CSN1-Ferrara Rate: total trigger rate 12 mHz cosmic events 0.38 mHz

18 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 18 First ‘real data’ Cosmics in RICh-1

19 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 19 First ‘real data’Cosmics in RICh-1 Ring in Panoramix mm

20 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 20 Ring radii distribution First ‘real data’Cosmics in RICh-1

21 21 RICH Commissioning The first priority is to be ready for collisions Effort to insure better: reliability, stability and safety Important progress in: HV stability L0 and L1 error monitoring Cooling plant stability and monitoring A few more software coded reactions to alerts and alarms Timing controls System routinely on HV (-18 kV) and Si bias on HPDs settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara

22 22 In preparation detailed schedule for piquets and shifts. At the start-up, regular shifts dedicated to RICH (3 persons/day + 1 for DQ) “On call Piquet” will also activated ( a week piquet for running time) Training course are held for “will be” piquets and shifters. RICH running settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara

23 RICH Calibration and Software Alignment and calibration strategy and studies are progressing well. RICH PID calibration with D* → D (K  )  Calibrate RICH PID using pions and kaons from D* decays selected using kinematics only. Samples need to selected in bins of P and Pt. PID efficiency, mis-ID and DLL for a specific physics channel must be weighted for the relevant P and Pt distributions (using as base the D* decays). Very good progress on study to use also  ->  p, K 0 → , Φ→ KK for PID calibration. settembre 200923 CSN1-Ferrara

24 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 24 K S 0  ππ selection with 98% purity  p π selection with 98% purity PID Calibration

25 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 25 Comparison with PID Montecarlo estimate PID Calibration

26 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 26 RICH system ready to take data Success in detecting and reconstructing cosmic rings:  used for exercising the on line monitoring  events recorded reconstructed with the offline software

27 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 27 Backup slides

28 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 28 Responsabilita’ del gruppo di Genova Rivelatore A.Petrolini Coordinamento RICH ECS Responsabilita’ SW alte tensioni Responsabilità ECS interfaccia del RICH con data-base, servizi esterni e infrastrutture F. Fontanelli Responsabilita’ alimentatori alta tensione

29 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 29 Responsabilita del gruppo di Milano Rivelatore C.Matteuzzi RICH Project Leader Radiatore aerogel D. Perego RICH commissioning G. Pessina Distribuzione e stabilizzazione dell’alta tensione dei RICH Analisi M. Calvi Co-Convenor CP measurements, responsabile per stripping e tagging, membro del PPG C. Matteuzzi Co-Convenor of F-WG (convenor per Exotica), membro dell’editorial board

30 Calibrazione e allineamento del Rich - Genova Nell’ambito degli studi di calibrazione/allineamento degli HPD e` stato sviluppato un GAUDI Algorithm di monitoraggio cha analizza gli eventi e cerca di evidenziare rotazioni e disallineamenti degli HPD. Utilizzando gli spot luminosi generati da un beamer e forzando delle rotazioni artificiali degli HPD nel database si e` studiata la sensibilita` degli HPD ad eventuali disallineamenti dovuti ad es. a rotazioni interne dei sensori. (Un’osservazione dei plot degli spot qui sotto riportati mostra che solo a partire da una “rotazione forzata “ di 20 mrad si osservano delle deformazioni nella locazione dei picchi)  mrad  mrad  mrad

31 settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara 31 RICH MoF cat B for 2010

32 32 Linear IFB Projection into 10 th year 100 HPDs will have >4% projected IFB after 10 years ~30 HPDs in Overflow Definition of ‘glow discharge’ settembre 2009 CSN1-Ferrara

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