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I numeri, l’ora, I giorni della settimana
Lezione Tre I numeri, l’ora, I giorni della settimana
I numeri da 11 a 15 Undici Dodici Tredici Quattordici Quindici 11 12
13 14 15
I numeri da 16 a 20 Sedici Diciasette Diciotto Dicianove Venti 16 17
18 19 20
I numeri Trenta=30 Quaranta=40 Cinquanta=50 Sessanta=60
I numeri The numbers 1-19 are all irregular and must be learned individually. From 20 on, numbers follow a certain pattern Ventuno is a combination of venti + uno, so is trentuno the combination of trenta + uno, etc. Ventotto is the combination of venti + otto, so is trenotto the combo of trenta + otto, etc. All other numbers are formed by adding the units (1-9) to the tenths (20,30,etc.) 20+2=22 ventidue 30+5=35 trentacinque
Write the following numbers in Italian:
Remember: 20=venti 30=trenta 40=quaranta 50=cinquanta 60=sessanta 1.) 26= ______________________ 2.) 32= ______________________ 3.) 48= ______________________ 4.) 59= ______________________ 5.) 67= _______________________
General time Morning Afternoon Evening Night ___________________
Midnight ___________________ _________________ __________________
Telling time To express time, Italians use the verb essere (to be). They don’t say what time it is, they say how many hours there are. Ex: Sono le otto. This literally means “there are 8.” However, it translates to “It’s 8:00.” If it is anywhere from 1:00-1:59, “È” is used instead of “Sono” Ex: È luna e dieci=it is 1:10 Use È also if you are using mezzogiorno or mezzanotte.
Che ora è? It is 8:00 It is 10:00 It is 1:00 It is 5:00 It is noon
_________________ __________________
Telling time To express minutes from the hour to the halfohour, use “e” (and). From the half hour to the next hour, subtract the minutes from that hour using “meno” (minus). Ex: 8:09=Sono le otto e nove. Ex: 8:50= Sono le nove meno dieci You can use “un quarto” or “quindici” for “a quarter past,” “meno un quarto” for “a quarter to” and “mezzo” or “trenta” for the half hour Ex: 6:45= Sono le sette meno un quarto Add a page where they must say various times. Then, do the tv schedule (29H). Page 31 ex. 7
Telling time Italians use military time ( a 24-hour clock).
However, if you wish to use standard time, use di+the general time to clarify what time of day it is. Ex: it is 3:00pm=Sono le tre del pomeriggio If you want to ask “at what time?” the expression is “a che ora?” and the answer will be “alle _____” or “all’una” Pg. 29 last exercize
Che ora è? It is 2:45pm It is 4:09 am It is 6:30 am It is 7:15 pm
_________________ __________________
I giorni della settimana
lunedì martedì mercoledì giovedì venerdì sabato domenica Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Ieri Dopo domani L’altro ieri Vocabolario: Oggi Domani
Calendar of october. Today tomorrow yesterday the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday. Insert activity “if today is ____ tomorrow is _____. Wrksht activity _____is Tuesday ______is Wednesday. Che giorno e ieri? Vocabolario: Oggi Domani Ieri Dopo domani L’altro ieri
Knowing what day is today (oggi), tell what day is yesterday (ieri) and tomorrow(domani).
Ieri Oggi Domani ________ giovedì ___________ ________ lunedì ____________ ________ mercoledì ____________ _________ sabato ____________ _________ martedì _____________
A che ora? Che ora è? La mattina Il pomeriggio La sera La notte Oggi Ieri domani __________________
L’altro ieri dopodomani lunedì martedì mercoledì giovedì venerdì sabato domenica ___________________ _____________________
Il verbo “essere” Io Tu Lui/lei/Lei Noi Voi Loro Sono Sei È Siamo
è vs. e An ‘e’ with an accent is part of the verb essere. It means he, she, or it is. Without and accent, ‘e’ simply means “and” C’è vs. ci sono C’è is used to say “it is.” Ci sono is used to say “there are” Ex. C’è un’albero (there is a tree). Ci sono due alberi (there are two trees)
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