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Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Planetology.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Planetology."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Planetology at IASF/IFSI (1/2) Investigation methodologies: Ground Observations: NEO, Comets. Theoretical approach: numerical modeling, data analysis and interpretation. Laboratory Activity: Instrument prototypes tests, Verification of in- flight Instrument performances, spectrophotometry of laboratory samples. Participation to Space Missions with Hardware production. The planetology group counts about 35 persons including technicians, Art.15, fellowships and temporary contracts. Since the end of 80 there has been a strong cooperation between the two groups in IASF and IFSI.

2 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Planetology at IASF/IFSI (2/2) Participation to all ESA planetary missions with leading roles (PIs) or with qualified participation (Co-Is with H/W production): In-Flight: Mars Express (PFS, OMEGA-VNIR), Smart-1 (AMIE); In preparation: Rosetta (VIRTIS), Venus Express (PFS-2, VIRTIS- 2) Future: BepiColombo (Imaging Spectrometer, Camera), Pasteur P/L (Ma-MISS), Space Station (PFS) Participation to NASA missions, again with a high profile role: In-Flight: CASSINI (VIMS). 5 of the 6 Italian members of the VIMS Science Team are from IASF/IFSI. In preparation : DAWN (VIR). PI-ship of the Imaging Spectrometer VIR Future : JPO (Jupiter Polar Orbiter). Imaging Spectrometer.

3 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Giant Planets : The Personality of our Solar System The Giant Planets are the leading characters of the Planetary System. They account for 99% of the mass of our planetary system and for 99% of the Solar System angular momentum. Jupiters gravitational control of the planetesimal distribution in the inner primordial Solar System has been crucial for the development of Life on Earth. The Giant planets represent our link to the understanding of the observed extra-solar planetary systems.

4 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Giant planets are the keys to understand the Planetary System formation Two competing theories have been proposed: oGas accretion onto a pre-existing solid core (Safronov, 1969; Coradini and Magni, 1979); core mass ~ 15 Earth Masses, timescale driven by core formation and subsequent accumulation of gas. Criticality of the timing between gas accretion and onset of T- Tauri phase. oDirect formation via gravitational instability in the gas (Boss, 2000; Mayer et al. 2002); Growth of Giant planets at same time of central star. Need to stop migration to inner Solar System. How do we choose? oDirect Observations: Is a rock-ice core present? oNumerical Modeling: can the cores accrete their gas envelope fast enough? How does a giant planet interacts with the gas nebula?

5 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Rationale for Nucleated Instability Inner boundary of Giant planets region Hydration waterWater as primary constituent

6 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Modeling Giant Planets evolution at IASF-IFSI Local personnel: Gianfranco Magni, Angioletta Coradini Collaborations: oUniversity of Arizona (J. Lunine) oIAS-CNRS (O. Forni) oObservatoire Paris-Meudon (D. Gautier) Hydro-dynamical evolution of protoplanetary disks and of Giant planets in a 3D scheme (Magni and Coradini, PSS in Press). N-body 3D dynamical interaction of giant planets and a planetesimal swarms. Gas-planetesimal coupling is taken into account by a viscosity term. Montecarlo code for the simulation of the radiative transfer from a protoplanetary disks (Blois, 2001). Evolution of protosatellitary disks around giant planets and formation of regular satellites systems (UofA Press 1989).

7 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Modeling Jupiter formation (1) 3D Evolution of a Jupiter in a 0.02 M sol protoplanetary disk. The disk is simulated between 2AU and 10AU. Initial core mass 15 M Earth Snapshot at 2000 years. The quasi-equilibrium structure of the growing planet and its interaction with the disk is computed simultaneously with the evolution of the disk itself. PSS in press

8 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Modeling Jupiter formation (2)

9 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni CASSINI at Saturn

10 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni

11 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni VIMS-IR (USA) VIMS-Vis (Italy) VIMS is a Hyperspectral imager working in the spectral range 0.3 - 5.0 m with a spectral resolution of 7.3 nm in the Vis and 16 nm in the IR. Its FOV is of 64 mrad with a spatial resolution of 167 rad (Vis) and 250 rad (IR) VIMS Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer

12 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni VIMS-CASSINI at IASF-IFSI Local personnel: 5 Science Team Members 5 Collaborators including temporary contracts Collaborations: U of A, Un. Hawaii, JPL, IAS-CNES, ObsPM, Un. Of Washington, NASA-AMES, DLR-Berlin, Un. of Nantes Scientific Objectives: Titan: Determination of Titan's surface properties, of the vertical distribution of condensable and chemically active gas species, stratospheric temperature profiles from occultation measurements. Saturn: 4-dimensional views (i.e., over latitude, longitude, altitude, and time) of Saturn's atmospheric phenomena, vertical distributions of variable gas species, including condensables and disequilibrium species. Icy Satellites: Determine the surface compositions and in particular the composition of any dark material (organic) on Saturn's satellites, especially Iapetus, Hyperion and Phoebe.

13 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni VIMS-Vis Spare Model VIMS-Vis Spare Model is being extensively used in our Clean Room to evaluate the performances of the In-flight model and to monitor and control the instrument behaviour under specific conditions (Alignment tests, Solar port test, On-board calibration subsystem).

14 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Imaging Spectroscopy Spectral Information Spatial Information Surface Mineralogy Geologic History Atmospheric Composition Spatial-Temporal variations

15 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Venus nightside Observation VIMS saw the surface of Venus for the first time at multiple sub-micron wavelengths, proving that sub-micron spectroscopy of the Venusian surface is possible. VIMS-VIS provided the first ever observations of the emission from Venus surface at 850 and 900 nm. Icarus, 2000 Terminator S/C Motion

16 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Lunar Observation Ilmenite (Fe and Ti Oxide) is abundant in the Maria while Pyroxene is abundant on the Highlands. The mineralogic map points out that differentiation mechanisms have been taking place on the Moon VIMS Image CASSINI Imaging System

17 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni VIMS In-flight Calibration Icarus, 2003 Using Venus and Lunar data we were able to revise the on ground calibration achieving an absolute radiometric calibration with an accuracy better than ±5%.

18 Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica CosmicaIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario Roma, 15 Dicembre 2003 Relatore: Fabrizio Capaccioni Io Spectrum from VIMS SO 2 Frost Absorptions Thermal emission SO 2 Frost Absorption Icarus, 2003

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