Prof. Giacomo Dalseno USARE MOODLE Differenti forme di interazione
Modelli riconosciuti per la didattica con le tecnologie First Principles of Instrution di David Merril L’apprendimento significativo nell’approccio di David Jonassen
Informare non è insegnare Il tuo insegnamento insegna veramente o è mero intrattenimento? Se chi apprende fallisce nel raggiungere gli obiettivi, il tuo insegnamento è perdita di tempo (D. Merrill, in
Merril identifica, quindi, cinque principi che influenzano l’apprendimento: Principio della dimostrazione: l’apprendimento viene promosso quando chi apprende osserva una dimostrazione; Principio dell’applicazione: l’apprendimento viene promosso quando chi apprende applica la nuova conoscenza; Principio della centratura sul compito: l’apprendimento è promosso quando chi apprende è coinvolto in attività didattiche focalizzate su “compiti” (task) reali; Principio dell’attivazione: l’apprendimento è promosso quando chi apprende attiva la conoscenza e l’esperienza precedente; Principio dell’integrazione: l’apprendimento è promosso quando chi apprende integra la nuova conoscenza nella vita di tutti i giorni.
Secondo Jonassen gli studenti apprenderanno in modo significativo quando hanno la possibilità di: investigare esplorare scrivere costruire modelli costruire comunità comunicare con altri progettare visualizzare valutare
Per risolvere ? il problema ecco i LMS
Edmodo is a social networking platform with some assignment/quiz options included. Particularly suited to Primary/Elementary schools and for light duty in Secondary
Edmodo CARATTERISTICHE EdmodoEdmodo is promoted as a ‘secure social networking environment’. The Edmodo interface resembles Facebook, which makes it instantly popular with students! The platform is hosted by Edmodo in San Francisco, and is not able to be installed within your network. It is accessed using a web browser. ( Edmodo can be implemented by a single teacher for their class, with no technical expertise required to get started. Simply visit the Edmodo website, sign up as a teacher and you are up and running. There is some District/School structure available for schools in the US. Edmodo CARATTERISTICHE EdmodoEdmodo is promoted as a ‘secure social networking environment’. The Edmodo interface resembles Facebook, which makes it instantly popular with students! The platform is hosted by Edmodo in San Francisco, and is not able to be installed within your network. It is accessed using a web browser. ( Edmodo can be implemented by a single teacher for their class, with no technical expertise required to get started. Simply visit the Edmodo website, sign up as a teacher and you are up and running. There is some District/School structure available for schools in the US.
UNA CARATTERISTICA INTERESSANTE Edmodo integrates with Google Docs - you can access your Google Drive folder directly from your Edmodo Library and make files in your Google Drive folder available in your shared folders. UNA CARATTERISTICA INTERESSANTE Edmodo integrates with Google Docs - you can access your Google Drive folder directly from your Edmodo Library and make files in your Google Drive folder available in your shared folders.
Schoology leans more to being a Learning Management System, but still maintains a friendly ‘social networking’ feel. Suited to upper Primary/Elementary and Secondary school use;
Schoology cartatteristiche SchoologySchoology leans a little more towards being a LMS than Edmodo while maintaining an easy-to-use ‘social network’ interface. The Schoology platform is hosted on the Schoology servers, and is accessed using a web browser. ( Schoology can be implemented by a single teacher for their class, with no specialist technical expertise required to get started. Sign-up, and away you go. There is a premium District/School structure available for a fee. As a teacher (or, as Schoology describes you, an Instructor) you create Courses, add materials to the courses – assignments, quizzes, files and links, discussions, photo albums and web pages. The free version of Schoology provides 15Gb of space per 100 students.
Moodle is a full-featured Learning Management System, suited to Secondary or Tertiary institutions where there is sufficient technical support available.
Moodle Caratteristiche MoodleMoodle is a Learning Management System. It is an open- source platform, with modules and plugins developed by people all over the world. Moodle has been used for some time in the Tertiary sector, and has now found it’s way into the K-12 sector via Secondary schools, distance education, and to a limited extent Primary / Elementary schools. Moodle is installed on a server within your network and accessed through a web browser. With some technical expertise, the look and feel of Moodle can be completely customised for your school. There are very few free online options for using Moodle with more than a couple of classes. ( is one option if you want to explore Moodle online.)
Elementi della amministrazione di Moodle da parte del docente
Moodle come classe virtuale Moodle come portale interattivo di materia Moodle come ambiente di collaborazione tra colleghi Moodle per contestualizzare e problematizzare una tematica didattica Moodle per attivare le conoscenze precedenti Moodle per presentare Contenuti Moodle per l’esplorazione guidata del web Moodle per l’insegnamento interdisciplinare Moodle per discutere un argomento didattico Moodle per riflettere sulle attività didattiche Moodle per discutere casi Moodle per consolidare un argomento disciplinare Moodle per cooperare e collaborare Moodle per potenziare il lessico generale e tecnico professionale Moodle per potenziare l’apprendimento della lingua 2
Moodle per potenziare il lessico generale e tecnico Professionale Moodle per potenziare competenze trasversali (key skills) Moodle per costruire un elaborato individualmente Moodle per costruire un elaborato collaborando Moodle per realizzare un progetto Moodle per dare Feedback Moodle per raccogliere Feedback Moodle per il learning Journal Moodle per valutare
Esempio di Moodle con un ( 1 ) Corso
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