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Transcript della presentazione:


Following St. Paul’s trail, the “MEDMISSION” project – community programme INTERREG III B ARCHIMED - the city of Reggio Calabria is joining in as a partner - proposes the institution of a network of Mediterranean cities-stations visited by the apostle Paul during his missionary journey; the project aims at the protection, promotion and valorisation of cities’ common cultural heritage. Premise

Overall Aim The overall aim of the project can be synthesised in the development of a sustainable network taking advantage of ITC technologies and exporting synergies among the local key sectors in the Mediterranean area.

Specific Aims EE stablishment of informative monuments in the places-stations of the path (isles). CC reation of a cultural network and promotion of the group activity (meetings, workshops, seminars and festivals). PP ilot improvement of ITC tools for the safeguard and the emphasis of the Apostle St. Paul’s heritage in the area ( DVD, websites, e-learning platforms, study contents and “simulation” games). EE stablishment of the “product”/ “brand” of the “path“ in terms of tourism and culture, as well as the general promotion of the activities of the “path”.

Activities  S Scientific research and documentation of the missionary path of the Apostle Paul in the Mediterranean basin. SS pread of basic knowledge in schools, universities and research institutes thanks to ITC instruments. AA dvertising and promotional material.  C arry out – valorisation of the studies: to determine a common strategy of the network concerning the exploitation of the “brand” in other cities/stations and other fields.  m eeting groups about the importance of a network and of the cultural protection of the area.

THE NETWORK Reggio Calabria Thessaloniki Rhodes Pafos Prefecture of the Dodecanese Lesvos Temi Zammit Foundation

Prefecture of the Dodecanese ( Lead Leader ) It is a local governmental body made up of 15 islands in the south-east area of the Aegean Sea. The prefecture of the Dodecaneso is featured by a wide range of cultural resources. Municipality of Reggio Calabria (Partner) A huge number of activities has been started up with the aim of having an impact on the economic device of the city by means of informative and communication campaigns regarding development opportunities for young entrepreneurs. Municipality of Pafos (Partner) The Strategic Plan of the Municipality of Pafos focuses on the promotion and the safeguard of the local heritage and the repositioning of the local products. Metropolis of Rhodes (Partner) Rhodes is working in cooperation with the ecclesiastic agency RNN. Though their website, they offer visitors the opportunity to access Orthodox websites, ecclesiastic radio stations, e-libraries. “Ministry of Aegean and Insular Policy”(Partner) Established in1985 by the Hellenic Parliament, it is also responsible for the organisation of the “Aegean Theatre Festival”, a Cinema international meeting. Metropolis of Thessaloniki (Partner) It acts as an administrative and spiritual body for all the churches and for many cultural institutions belonging to its territory. Temi Zammit Foundation (Partner) It is a no-profit foundation committed to “the supply of research, education and support services” to the Maltese community. Prefecture of Lesvos (Partner) The prefecture of Lesvos increased the number of projects related to information on local society and development.

ACTIVITY TIMETABLE Pacchet to lavoro n° Azio ne n° Inizio (mm/aa) Fine (mm/aa) Descrizione delle attività,, componenti,significati Numero dei partners respon. Numero partners coinvoltiCittà coinvolte Risultat i attesi WP1 1 01/01/ /12/200 7 Progetto manageriale e amministrazione PP1TUTTI Rodi,Lesvos,Tessalonica, Malta,Reggio cal,Pafos 2 01/01/ /12/200 7 Coordinazione Progetto (6 progetti incontri a Rodi, Lesvos, Atene, Malta,Pafos Reggio Cal.) PP1 TUTTI Rodi,Lesvos,Tessalonica, Malta,Reggio cal,Pafos WP2 301/04/ /10/200 6 Progetto focus area studio- descrizione della vita dell’Ap.Paolo e del suo itinerario dal punto di vista storico scientificoPP3 PP2,PP4, PP7 PP8 Rodi,Lesvos,Tessalonica, Malta,Reggio cal,Pafos 4 Studi (uno in Ogni paese)- descrizi one ell’itine rario dell’Ap. Paolo e conten uti storico – Scientif ico della preghie ra 415/04/ /09/200 7 Serie di eventi per la creazione di un Network Mediterraneo culturale sull’Ap. Paolo. PP1 TUTTI Rodi,Lesvos,Tessalonica, Malta,Reggio cal,Pafos 4 incontr i del networ k(Mitili ni, Pafos, Reggio, Malta ) 1°festiv al Rodi Pacchet to lavoro n° Azio ne n° Inizio (mm/aa) Fine (mm/aa) Descrizione delle attività,, componenti,significati Numero dei partners respon. Numero partners coinvoltiCittà coinvolte Risultat i attesi WP1 1 01/01/ /12/200 7 Progetto manageriale e amministrazione PP1TUTTI Rodi,Lesvos,Tessalonica, Malta,Reggio cal,Pafos 2 01/01/ /12/200 7 Coordinazione Progetto (6 progetti incontri a Rodi, Lesvos, Atene, Malta,Pafos Reggio Cal.) PP1 TUTTI Rodi,Lesvos,Tessalonica, Malta,Reggio cal,Pafos WP2 301/04/ /10/200 6 Progetto focus area studio- descrizione della vita dell’Ap.Paolo e del suo itinerario dal punto di vista storico scientificoPP3 PP2,PP4, PP7 PP8 Rodi,Lesvos,Tessalonica, Malta,Reggio cal,Pafos 4 Studi (uno in Ogni paese)- descrizi one ell’itine rario dell’Ap. Paolo e conten uti storico – Scientif ico della preghie ra 415/04/ /09/200 7 Serie di eventi per la creazione di un Network Mediterraneo culturale sull’Ap. Paolo. PP1 TUTTI Rodi,Lesvos,Tessalonica, Malta,Reggio cal,Pafos 4 incontr i del networ k(Mitili ni, Pafos, Reggio, Malta ) 1°festiv al Rodi Pacchet to lavoro n° Azio ne n° Inizio (mm/aa) Fine (mm/aa) Descrizione delle attività,, componenti,significati Numero dei partners respon. Numero partners coinvoltiCittà coinvolte Risultat i attesi 33 0/06/2007 : Establishment of 5 informative monuments in Rhodes : Kos, Lesvos, Reggio, Pafos, and one concerning arts in Malta. 11 5/09/2007 : 4 meetings of the network (Mitilini, Pafos, Reggio, Malta) 1°festival in Rhodes. 33 0/09/2007: Seminars for the protagonists of the tourist industry. 33 1/12/2007: Creation of a multilingual website giving information on the Apostle Paul’s path.

Study of the City of Reggio Calabria on the Apostle St. Paul’s life and journeys by an historical and scientific point of view The Municipality of Reggio Calabria has a population of about inhabitants. The city enjoys a Mediterranean climate and the most common products of the area are olive and lemon trees, beech, wheat, oats, maize etc., and two particular plants that only grow up in this area: jasmine and bergamot. In the promotional structure of the city, a huge number of activities has been started up with the aim of having an impact on the economic device of the city by means of informative and communicative campaigns concerning development opportunities for young entrepreneurs, tourist systems and promotion of activities for cultural exchange.

Advertising campaigns, exhibitions, the production of promotional videos and significant cultural and national events are frequently held in order to relaunch the city as “Mediterranean City” in international tourism, and they suggest tourists the best way to enjoy the cultural opportunities the city offers all the year long. One of the most important resources of the city is the deseasonalisation of tourism and the creation of an economic and productive activity basis including small and large facilitations allowing to employ young generations and to discover the historical heritage and the natural attractions of the city. The history, the artistic heritage and the real conversion of the City to Christianity are strictly connected to the history of St. Paul. Study of the City of Reggio Calabria on the Apostle St. Paul’s life and journeys by an historical and scientific point of view

THE LEGEND OF THE COLUMN The Legend of the Column of St Paul tells the origins of Christianity in Reggio Calabria and in Calabria. The Church of Reggio has its origins in the preaching of the apostle Paul who landed in the city coming from Syracuse “ We made a circuit and arrived at Rhe'gium " as written in the Acts of the Apostles (28, 13). He was embarked on a roman ship as a prisoner, around 61 AD. Once left Syracuse, it was determined to stop at Reggio which was a visible place from the sea because of its high walls and its imposing buildings. St Paul thus landed in the city hoping to evangelise the citizenship and to undertake his mission. The legend tells that during his missionary journeys St. Paul stopped in Reggio Calabria. The Apostle Paul walked through the people gathering in the Temple of Diana; he started then to pray, astonishing all the present people. The piece of column kept in the Cathedral.

The priests tried to silence him, but Paul asked them to let him talk until a candle burned and they accepted. The candle was positioned on a column and Paul started to preach. His words were so quick that the people were captured and nobody noticed that time was running out. Once the candle extinguished the whole column started to burn lighting up the face of the apostle. It astonished the crowd that started listening to the apostle’s speech with a high reverence. From that night on the heart of the inhabitants was touched by the divine message and the city was the first being converted to Christianity. In the Cathedral of Reggio Calabria the burnt column can still be visited; on the top of it a piece of wood is placed, getting out of the furnace to recall the event. The piece of column kept in the Cathedral. THE LEGEND OF THE COLUMN

PICTURES St Paul The Conversion of St. Paul Extasys of St Paul

Churches dedicated to St. Paul Sanctuary “San Paolo alla Rotonda” in Reggio Calabria Cathedral of Reggio San Paolo Apostolo