D. Menasce. Specific challenge: There is yet considerable potential and room for development in the use of virtual research environments. The objective.


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Transcript della presentazione:

D. Menasce

Specific challenge: There is yet considerable potential and room for development in the use of virtual research environments. The objective is to address this challenge by supporting capacity building in interdisciplinary research communities to empower researchers through development and deployment of service-driven digital research environments, services and tools tailored to their specific needs. These virtual research environments (VRE) should integrate resources across all layers of the e- infrastructure (networking, computing, data, software, user interfaces), should foster cross-disciplinary data interoperability and should provide functions allowing data citation and promoting data sharing and trust.

Scope: […] Over time VREs will be composed of generic services delivered by e-infrastructures and domain specific services co-developed and co-operated by researchers, technology and e-infrastructure providers, and possibly commercial vendors. The VRE proposals should clearly identify and build on requirements from real use cases, e.g. for integration of heterogeneous data from multiple sources and value- added services for computing, modelling, simulation, and data exploration, mining and visualisation, taking due account of privacy aspects. They should re-use tools and services from existing infrastructures and projects at national and/or European level as appropriate. Contd…

[…] Where data are concerned, projects will define the semantics, ontologies, the 'what' metadata, as well as the best computing models and levels of abstraction (e.g. by means of open web services) to process the rich semantics at machine level (the so called 'how' metadata), as to ensure interoperability. They may also support proof of concept, prototyping and deployment of advanced data services and environments, and access to top-of-the-range connectivity and computing. VREs may target any area of science and technology, especially interdisciplinary ones, including ICT, mathematics, web science and social sciences and humanities. Focusing on the ICT infrastructures needed for addressing the Societal Challenges is especially encouraged. Proposals should indicate the number of researchers they target as potential users. Contd…

[…] This topic is complementary with topic INFRADEV /2015, as VREs integrate data, network and computing resources for interdisciplinary research communities, whereas INFRADEV /2015 addresses interoperability of services and common solutions for cluster of ESFRI and other research infrastructure initiatives in thematic areas. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 2 and 8 million would allow this topic to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected impact: VREs are expected to result in more effective collaboration between researchers and higher efficiency and creativity in research as well as in higher productivity of researchers thanks to reliable and easy access to discovery, access and re-use of data. They will accelerate innovation in research via an integrated access to potentially unlimited digital research resources, tools and services across disciplines and user communities and enable researchers to process structured and qualitative data in virtual and/or ubiquitous workspaces. They will contribute to increased take-up of collaborative research and data sharing by new disciplines, research communities and institutions.

In questo contesto: 5 proposte, tutte con implicazioni, a diversi livelli, nel Cloud Computing OKScience - Beyond Open Data: Open Knowledge WeST - Worldwide e-Infrastructure for Structural Biology (ESFRI di riferimento: INSTRUCT) LinkD VRE-CH (nome provvisorio) CMMST-VRE - Chemistry, Molecular & Material Science and Technology Virtual Research Environment

OKScience Argomento: The aim of this project is to demonstrate how Open Data and more specifically “Open Knowledge” can enable much more effective discovery, access and re- use of data, opening up capabilities that are hard, if not impossible, to achieve today. Consorzio CNR (coord.), CERN, EU-JRC, NATO-CMRE, Gothenburg, INFN Budget ~3 Meuro forse 30 mesi Coinvolgimento INFN, da discutere. Opinione personale (di Donatella): 1 fte 150 kEuro per lo scenario HEP, implementazion LHCb e/o CMS (Pd o Pi) 1 fte 150 kEuro per lo scenario Astro, implementazione CTA (Ba) 1 fte 150 kEuro per la parte eInfrastrutturale OpenAccessRepository come presentatio già varie volte. (Ct) Si tratta di un uso temporaneo di qualche decina di TB e di sw già in sviluppo basato su Invenio e portare le VM sulla tecnologia CERNVM. Uso di Cloud per i processi di analisi.

WeST (I) Goal: implementazione di PoC che prevedono la ricostruzione di strutture di complessi biologici attraverso l'integrazione e l'analisi combinata di dati raccolti da diverse tecniche di indagine, es. X-ray crystallography, NMR e cryo-Electron Microscopy Budget totale/durata: 4 MEuro / 4 anni (anche sarebbe forse meglio concentrare tutto in anni, da vedere se la durata è negoziabile) INFN: Coordinamento e sede coinvolta : Verlato (Pd) attivita' proposte: WP4- Data storage and computational infrastructure (Service), help in the evaluation and adoption of the cloud services developed by INDIGO (or other EINFRA-1 projects) for the building/integration of the community specific services eventuali servizi hw e sw: in-kind contribution di capacitàdi calcolo e storage attualmente disponibile best-effort per WeNMR ( ~6000 CPU-core dai siti grid INFN-Padova, Catania, LNL-2, Roma3 e Trieste, che nell'ultimo anno hanno fornito quasi il 6% dei 3M di job / 6 M CPU.hours (normalizzate kSI2K)) + server per VOMS e LFC per la VO enmr.eu operati da IGI (sedi di INFN-CNAF e INFN-PADOVA).

WeST (II) Da decidere se si puo' riservare al progetto delle quote/tentant dei siti INFN della EGI-Fedcloud (Bari, Catania e Padova, che ad oggi contano un totale di ~500 VCPU shared tra diversi progetti), e/o acquistare hardware per fornire risorse aggiuntive dedicate via cloud (es. con 10kE si comprano 40 CPU-core (80 se in HyperThreading) e 192 GB di RAM) - budget previsto: 354 kEuro / 1 FTE

LinkD (I) LinkD aims at augmenting existing VREs by leveraging previous community– driven efforts. LinkD primary objective is to deliver a coherent and accessible ecosystem of federated services and deploy a network of research and collaboration enabling tools. LinkD goal is to provide the highly responsive framework needed to coordinate, facilitate and drive European and global biodiversity research. By building upon accrued domain experience, LinkD will provide access to a set of services, with emphasis on operational function over demonstration and proof of concept. The augmented VRE will link data, processes and communities towards the long-term vision of identifying global patterns and predicting trends of diversity of Life on Earth. Budget Totale : 8M€ Durata : 36 mesi Coordinamento: Giacinto Donvito Sedi coinvolte : Bari

LinkD (II) Attività di sviluppo di servizi per l’accesso alle infrastrutture Grid e Cloud Supporto ai workflow con long-running application su grid e cloud Fornire esperienza per il supporto per implementare container per le applicazioni e i servizi degli utenti Forse soluzioni di cloud computing e storage già implementate in altri progetti (PRISMA, OCP, eventualmente INDIGO, etc) Fornire personal storage as a service (dropbox-like solutions) fornire risorse hw nel contesto del supporto alla JRU Lifewatch ITA. l’INFN può contare di ottenere circa 230k€ più overhead.

VRE - CH (I) progetto: titolo ancora da definire (Progetto su DCH) Argomento: An important feature of the VRE tools will consist in modularity, allowing combining them to provide services that model typical and real research workflows. Together with existing generic platforms for collaborative research and data analysis, they will enable virtualizing most of the laboratory tasks. It is anticipated that the following communities will be involved: Conservation and preservation Archaeology Medieval history (as closely related to medieval archaeology) Palaeoanthropology Physics (applied to conservation)

VRE - CH (II) Coinvolgimento INFN: chi coordina : Lucchesi e Marcello Maggi rappresentano l'INFN sedi coinvolte : Sezioni di Bari e Catania Attività proposte: eventuali servizi hw e sw: alcune decine di core e qualche TB di spazio disco dei siti cloud di Bari e Catania che sono registrati in EGI FedCloud; Open Access Repository; gLibrary Framework; e-Culture Science Gateway basato sul Catania Science Gateway Framework; servizi di CHNet (da definire meglio man mano che il proposal evolve) Budget totale e durata: 3 o 3.5 MEuro per 24 o 30 mesi (il dettaglio per partner non è ancora definito ma all'INFN dovrebbero andare circa 350 keuro)

VRE - CH (III) A preliminary list of the services provided is the following: I.Generic e-infrastructures services (to be developed using/adapting existing tools) i.Data services: from acquisition to access, management, curation, and long-term preservation ii.Data access policies and services: authentication, authorization, access iii.Data integration across datasets, including IPR management and quality control iv.Services for collaborative research (e.g. document and process sharing, annotation) II. Domain specific services (also using existing tools to be adapted and made modular) v.Creation and management of a Resource Registry as starting point for resource discovery vi.Definition and management of common semantics and ontologies (the latter as service), including crosswalks and mappings among different metadata systems vii.Creation of homogeneous reference tools (thesauri, taxonomies, gazetteers, etc.). …….

CMMST –VRE Chemistry, Molecular & Material Science and Technology Virtual Research E. argomento: creare una VRE per la comunita' dei chimici computazionali e delle science dei materiali budget in fase di definizione (intorno a 5 M€), durata: 36 mesi budget previstoper infn: circa 50 PM (1.4 FTE), c’è un po' di margine di trattativa sedi coinvolte: potrebbero essere CNAF e Catania attività: partecipazione al management (WP1), coordinamento del WP3 (user support, dissemination and knowledge transfer), partecipazione alle attivita' JRA sui Scientific Gateway, partecipazione alle attività di definizione dei pilot/scenari (SA) risorse richieste: continuare a usare le risorse grid (in best effort) che supportano la VO Compchem (Padova, Bari, Pisa, Ferrara e Trieste) e abilitarla eventualmente su qualche altro sito e poi usare le risorse cloud INFN che fanno parte della FedCloud di EGI

Anubi (I) Specific challenge: Several clinical situations would be prevented or better monitored and managed with the participation of the patient him or herself. In order to promote the self-management, predictive personalised models can be combined with personal health systems and other sources of data (clinical, biological, therapeutic, behavioural, environmental or occupational exposure, lifestyle and diet etc.) and used by the patient him or herself, in order to raise individual awareness and empower the patient to participate in the management of his or her health, with application in lifestyle, wellbeing and prevention, in monitoring of the disease etc. This will improve the quality of life of patients and the self- management of disease and lifestyle.

Anubi (II) Scope: Proposals should focus on predictive systems based on computer modelling and will develop decision support systems (DSS) that will be used by the individual. The DSS should include the collection of various data (patient, clinical, biological, therapeutic, behavioural, environmental or occupational exposure, physical training and performance, lifestyle and diet, environmental data, social data etc.). Connected existing predictive models should process these data in real-time to predict how the health of the patient will evolve in the near future and such predictions, accompanied with all relevant information regarding their uncertainties and limits should be used by the patient / citizen him or herself for self-management of health and wellbeing. These DSS may also help to improve interactions between individuals / health professionals and co-decision making in healthcare. Proposals may also include combination with monitoring personal health systems and other technologies and sources of data, as e.g., tools for data collection on external factors potentially linked to disease. Gender and ethical issues should be duly considered.

Anubi (IV) Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di un flusso dati paziente-storage raccolti (sensori) spediti ad un opportuno repository (trasmissione dati wireless) federazione di repositories distribuiti sul territorio immagazzinati (storage) gestiti: questo ha implicazioni di sicurezza privacy (dati sensibili di tipo medicale) ridondanza analizzati: stream continui da parcellizzare analisi statistica di ogni parcella analisi statistica del trend complessivo confronto con una baseline shape personale identificazione di pattern interpretabili in senso diagnostico feedback col paziente in casi blandi e col medico curante in caso di allarme

Anubi (V) Budget range: The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 3 and 5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. In questa fase si è ancora lontani dal definire i budget: Occorre finalizzare la partnership italiana Individuare partner Europei nei vari settori di competenza