Training Week for Students University Haxhi Zeka Peje 10th May – 12 th May 2016 BUSINESS PLAN DEVELOPMENT Basic Methodology
Business Plan Inadeguacy Product inadequate in connection with customers The cost of first clients acquisition The time length of product development cycle
The entrepreneurial project Il progetto imprenditoriale deve contenere una parte descrittiva nella quale evidenziare: l’impresa, la mission aziendale, la forma giuridica e la composizione societaria, i principali ruoli e l’assetto organizzativo interno, le performance trascorse, gli obiettivi economici e finanziari il mercato di sbocco a cui si rivolge l’impresa simulata, i segmenti di particolare interesse, le prospettive di sviluppo della domanda anche sulla base di ricerche di mercato precedentemente svolte; la possibile evoluzione del mercato, i prodotti o servizi offerti, il loro stadio di sviluppo, la loro caratterizzazione rispetto a quelli presenti nel mercato simulato, il loro utilizzo, la loro evoluzione dal punto di vista tecnologico la concorrenza, descrivendo la struttura dell’offerta, il profilo dei principali competitor, i punti di forza e debolezza delle altre aziende, le condizioni per rendere competitiva l’impresa i mercati di approvvigionamento, identificando le caratteristiche principali dei fornitori e i rapporti contrattuali che si instaureranno il piano di marketing, con particolare riferimento alle politiche di prezzo, alla strategia di comunicazione, alle modalità di vendita, alle quote di mercato interno e internazionale che si intendono raggiungere, agli accordi commerciali con altre imprese simulate. La fattibilità tecnica, illustrando la tipologia di investimenti che l’azienda intende realizzare, analizzando e descrivendo le immobilizzazioni interessate; lo stato della tecnologia e i cambiamenti che si rendono necessari a partire dalla situazione dell’impresa La fattibilità economica e finanziaria, prevedendo le vendite e i budget correlati fino a quello di esercizio per ogni anno di prevsione. Il tutto è finalizzato a illustrare i risultati attesi attraverso il calcolo dei principali indicatori della situazione economica, finanziaria e patrimoniale, del break even point e del rendiconto finanziario.
A good business plan ( The imaginary in the theory ) A business plan contains all of your product information, manpower and financial estimates and your plans for the future. As you look to grow your business, you should refer to your business plan, according to the Small Business Administration. When you decide to make changes to your business, those changes should be reflected in your business plan. When you make updates to your business plan, you get to see how your proposed changes will affect your entire business. Your business plan reminds you of why you started your business in the first place, what your original goals were and how business changes will affect your original vision
The Lean Start Up Business model framework Customer Development Slim development
Management versus S.M.E. Traditional theories S.M.E. are … Undercapitalized Hardly to change their work methods Oriented to local market New Theories S.M.E. are … Supported by family estate Strongly innovative and flexible Easy moving in globalization flows
Push and pull approaches to Enterprise creation. PushPull Professional trainingThe commitment ↓↓ Financial supports and facilities The achievement of entrepreneurial practice ↓↓ The join of minimum size of economic production. The building of strong ties with customers and suppliers
The Clustering and the Networking Approaches in Business Creation Ho many resources we need to ensure an enterprise successful start up ? Ho many time we need to be sure about the survival of the new organization ?
Some hypothesis in the classification of enterprises by dimension. Micro enterprise less than 10 employees Annual total turnover not exceeding Eur Assets value not exceeding Eur Small enterprise From 11 to 49 employees Annual turnover not exceeding Eur Assets value ( Tangible ) not exceeding Eur Medium enterprise – employees –Annual total turnover not execeding Eur –Assets value not exceeding Eur
U.S. Statistics 2003 N° firms establishments employees Annual payroll ( x 1000$ )
To make evident less obvious items (1) An Enterprise Yearly Turnover
To make evident less obvious items ( 2 )
To make evident less obvious items ( 3 )
To make evident less obvious items ( 4 )
The Results of an Empirical Research on a Sample of E.R. SMEs of # Sectors
x y A B
x y A B
High Renewal- Weck Economic Relevance Low Renewal Strong Economic Relevance
The Clustering and the Networking Approaches in Business Creation Ho many resources we need to ensure an enterprise successful start up ? Ho many time we need to be sure about the survival of the new organization ?
Push versus Pull approach Push ApproachPull Approach Professional trainingThe commitment ↓↓ Financial supports and facilities The achievement of entrepreneurial practice ↓↓ The join of minimum size of economic production. The building of strong ties with customers and suppliers
Activities size, cooperation culture and network dynamics are strictly and deeply interconnected. The models detected are fundamentally : –Network structure –Hyperlinks –Correct balance between exploring and exploiting strategies of organization New statements on Enterprise Start Up
Different approaches
Targets Services to grant Needs to satisfy Resources Human Professional Financial Economical Managerial Know How PROCESSING RESULTS The Basic Framework of Business Plan
PROCESSING INPUT: Resources Targets OUTPUT: Results Process1 EFFICIENCY = Results/ Resources Productivity Performance Profitability EFFICACY= Results/ Targets Progress % of fulfillment The process and the control indexes
EFFICACY How we fulfilled the scheduled objective ( Or target ) ? Progress index ( Or report ) Punctuality Performance
EFFICIENCY How many Resources we used to obtain the results ? Profitability Cheapness Effectiveness ( As it concerns managerial approach) Cost per unit ( of result )
RESULTS TARGETS RESOURCES EFFICACY= Results / Targets EFFICIENCY = Results / Resources ? The problem of evaluation in the improvement of entrepreneurial projects.
RESULTS TARGETS RESOURCES EFFICACY= Results / Targets EFFICIENCY = Results / Resources ? ADEQUACY = Resources/Targets The problem of evaluation in the improvement of entrepreneurial projects.
ADEQUACY How and if we will be able to fulfil targets scheduled with resources available ? Sustainability Feasibility Quality Ethics