STMan Advanced Graphics Controller. What is STMan  STMan is an advanced graphic controller for Etere automation  STMan is able to control multiple graphics.


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Transcript della presentazione:

STMan Advanced Graphics Controller

What is STMan  STMan is an advanced graphic controller for Etere automation  STMan is able to control multiple graphics for a single primary event  STMan can send parameters to the graphics retrieving from Schedule Asset form

Stman Advanced Graphics

Example Coming Next  The coming next is retrieved from schedule using a query, so it’s not the next line but the logical next  As parameters all the metadata can be sent, title, scheduled time, but also graphics icons  The role can retrieve one or more Next so also a dynamic TV guide can be retrieved


Example Music Title  Music title data are retrieved  Also Album data, or publisher  Different titles can be retrieved at the beginning or at the end

Titles – Sample 1

Data From External Sources  External txt or db files can be used as data source  This is useful for applications as SMS on screen

SMS Sample With Picture Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Nick: alexdelarge Costo Sms iscrizione: 0,5 €. Per tutti i costi, p. 400 del Teletext. Invia i tuoi sms al Per iscriverti a MtvClub manda un sms con: mc star…..