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Transcript della presentazione:

AXIAL Fe-LNL-MiB-TIFPA A study of axial and quasi-axial phenomena in crystals for beam steering and intense electromagnetic radiation generation.

2 State of the art 1976 Tsyganov proposed to use planar channeling in bent crystals to steer particle beams. 2000s investigation on hadron beam collimation at LHC started by the H8RD22 collaboration at CERN (INFN-FE was part of it). 2010s INFN ICE-RAD radiation generation in bent crystals, which is far more intense than for an amorphous medium. November 2015, first LHC collimation results at 6.5 TeV by using a bent crystal made in INFN-Ferrara as a primary collimator.

Motivations Up to now, only preliminary results on beam steering through axial and quasi-axial effects. Axial and quasi-axial potential larger than for planar case Higher deflection efficiency and larger angular acceptance. Quasi-axial phenomena are ideal tools to steer negative beams at future high-energy accelerators such as ILC, FCC or muon colliders. Lower rate of nuclear interactions ideal for beam collimation/extraction.

Beam steering: axial channeling Only preliminary data are available. Demonstrated for both positively and negatively charged particle beams. Higher deflection efficiencies than for planar channeling. Innovative sources of high-energy e.m. radiation. Axial channeling W. Scandale et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (2008) 164801  400 GeV/c protons W. Scandale et al., Physics Letters B 680 (2009) 301–304  150 GeV/c pions

Beam steering: quasi-axial channeling Multiple volume reflection Only preliminary data are available. Demonstrated for both positively and negatively charged particle beams. Angular acceptance ~50 times larger than acceptance for axial channeling. Well studied and exploited effect of volume reflection is amplified by a factor 5. Innovative sources of high-energy e.m. radiation. W. Scandale et al., Physics Letters B 682 (2009) 274–277 400 GeV/c protons W. Scandale et al., EPL, 93 (2011) 56002 150 GeV/c pions

Radiation emission at quasi-axial orientation Energy loss spectral intensities Radiation emitted at quasi-axial alignment is stronger than radiation emitted as the particle beam interact with the crystal planes. For axial channeling the energy loss is expected to be even larger than radiation emitted at quasi-axial alignment, but there are still no experimental data. Axial MVROC Planar VR amorphous Combination of deflection and radiation generation could be exploited for a new scheme of ultrarelativistic electron/positron beam manipulation. L. Bandiera et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111(2013) 255502

Experiment at CERN-H4 with ultrarelativistic energies Extracted beamline H4 from the Super Proton Synchrotron, “clean” beams of e ±, µ± and π± are available  ideal facility for the studies with bent crystals at high-energy (> 50 GeV).

Experiment at CERN-H4 with ultrarelativistic energies Extracted beamline H4 from the Super Proton Synchrotron, “clean” beams of e ±, µ± and π± are available  ideal facility for the studies with bent crystals at high-energy (> 50 GeV). The lower energy case also deserves investigation: Very little is known in the literature of axial and quasi-axial effects at non ultrarelativistic energies; A deep knowledge can open the possibility of exploitation of such effects in new fields. 8

Particle steering by straight crystals. Only preliminary data are available. Demonstrated for the fist time at LNL with a 2 MeV proton beam interacting with a nano-thick silicon membrane Straight crystals are ideal tools to manipulate low energy beams Si SiO2 beam V.Guidi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 014801

Axial channeling at 70 – 250 MeV Axial potential is stronger than planar potential Properly shaped crystals could steer particle beam in the 100 MeV range at angles of some degrees. Delivery of innovative tools for beam steering at an energy range relevant for proton therapy.

Axial channeling at 70 – 250 MeV INFN-TN collaborates with FBK. FBK will be responsible for the construction of the necessary detectors for the experiment and will assure the access of the AXIAL team to the FBK laboratories for the realization of the crystal samples.

Personale coinvolto Nome Posizione AXIAL Brizzolari Claudia Dottorando Vincenzo Guidi Prof. Ordinario 40% Andrea Mazzolari Ricercatore tempo det. 20% Valerio Bellucci Assegnista 50% Alexei Sytov Dottorando 100% Andrea Gaiardo Vittore Carassiti Dirigente tecnologo 10% Luca Landi Tecnico categoria C Michele Melchiorri Collaboratore tecnico E.R. Nome Posizione AXIAL Bazzan Marco Ricercatore 40% Carnera Alberto Prof. Ordinario 50% De Salvador Davide 70% Mariotto Gino Napolitani Enrico Carturan Sara Maria Tecnologo Maggioni Gianluigi Tecnico Categoria D 20% Argiolas Nicola Tecnico Categoria C 100% Bacci Luca Pieri Ugo D3 (ex funzionario tecnico) Nome Posizione AXIAL Ferrario Lorenza Ricercatore 40% Mulloni Viviana 20% Piemonte Claudio 10% Alberto Quaranta Prof. Ordinario 50% Nome Posizione AXIAL Brizzolari Claudia Dottorando 40% Prest Michela Prof. Associato 50%

Profilo finanziario Capitolo Ferrara LNL Bilano-Bi TIFPA Missioni interne 3.5 2.5 1 3 Missione estere 7.5 5 4 Consumo 22 16 18 Trasporti Manutenzione Inventariabile 70 7 Apparati 20