Overview dell’attività C3S A Settembre 2015 in CCR avevo parlato soprattutto di WG… Logico, ma l’attività principale per ora è News e discussioni su panorama EU, calls , progetti, agreements Talk centrato su questo, specificatamente Eu-T0-IT, con slides in inglese riprese da DL Ma in meeting mensili ( vedi indico agenda.cnaf…) molto altro Discussione su progetti in corso, EGI, INDIGO, infrastruttura…. 14 Settembre 2016 - CCR L.Perini
EU_T0 initiative continues in Europe to coordinate actions of the major FA in terms of computing strategies for HEP and astro-particle. In Italy C3S organizes monthly meeting where European activities and the Italian ones are discussed. The EU_T0-it is organized by working groups: Distributed Infrastructure Infrastructure and applications for other science Open access and data preservation New technologies
C3S follows the two main activities on future e-Infrastructure in Europe European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) position EU in a leading role in scientific infrastructure and data environment give European Scientists services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data Pilot calls: infradev-04-2016,10 ME and einfra12-2017 (see later) Funds coming from EC H2020 and dedicated project to be defined European Data Infrastructure underpin EOSC world-class supercomputing, high-speed connectivity, leading-edge data storage also for other users from industry (including SMEs) and the public sector Pilot project: Important Project of Common European Interest on High Performance Computing and Big Data Enabled Applications Italy participates with the “The Italian Data Infrastructure” Support from National funds, Ministerial funds, Structural and Regional funds European funds, H2020, ESFI, special projects. Large and important cooperation with national industries, administrations, banks, etc.
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Proposal EOSCPilot on European Open Science Cloud for Research, submitted 22/6 Aim: “launch of a pilot action that should demonstrate how wide availability of scientific data and data-analysis services for European researchers can be ensured through a cloud infrastructure.” Budget: ~10M€, INFN: €254.400,00. Period 24 month Consortium: 33 organizations: STFC, CSC, MPG, EMBL, SURF, EGI, CNRS, KIT, U-Edinburgh, LIBER, TRUST-IT, Athena, JISC, PRACE, CNR, INFN, DESY, INGV, BSC, U-Gottingen, KNAW-DANS, ICOS-ERIC, GEANT, INAF, BBMRI-ERIC, ESS-ERIC, NERC, EXFELF, ECRIN, U-Manchester, PIN-Firenze, CEA, CINECA
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Next Projects E-INFRA12-2017 (a) Data and Distributed Compu1ng e-infrastructures for Open Science Secure and agile data and distributed computing e-infrastructures (correlated with INFRADEV4 EOSC) to be led by EGI and EUDAT. Pillar I : consolidation of services. Pillar II: platforms for technical integration. Coherently with the EOSC INFRADEV 4 proposal, the EU-T0 consortium would propose the integration of national and regional HTC and HPC centres, including software applications and services for a pilot interoperable platform. Such a platform will be evaluated against some scientific uses-cases of our research domains. It will be the product of many Activities offered to be funded within the project. Pillar III: human network. EU-T0 partners could: - act as potential training centres; - participate in network activities with other communities supporting similar pilot platform for their own domain. EU-T0 partners can contribute to all three pillars.
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Next Projects E-INFRA21-2017: Platform-driven e-infrastructure innovation (B.2) Computing e-infrastructure with extreme large datasets to be led by EU-T0 Development potential and Big-Data use-cases. They fit in the EU-T0 capacity. EU-T0 partners will lead one (or two complementary) proposal(s). EU-T0 aims at leading one-two proposals: Develop prototypes and proofs-of-concept which will enable the agile handling of scientific data from future large scale facilities and will allow data centres with massive storage capabilities to participate in a common data backbone into a virtualized data infrastructure able to manage extremely large data sets. Develop and test services to help users to access large data sets and heterogeneous computing facilities in a coherent and efficient way (also inspired by the indigoDataClould project current achievements) Under discussion during the EU_T0-It meeting how to collaborate.
European Data Infrastructure Important Project of Common European Interest on High Performance Computing and Big Data Enabled Applications European exa-scale technology prove the capacity of the European industry to answer the challenges of building an exa-scale machine by 2023 via a prototype to be ready by 2020. Large test beds and applications Establish Centers of Excellence, starting from research, to develop and test HPC-enabled and big data based applications in specific and strategic sectors at regional, national and pan-European scale; Deploy application test beds: Personalized Medicine, Smart Space, Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, New advanced Materials, Fintech, Smart Agrifood and Smart City Applications.
In Italy INFN, GARR, CNR and CINECA are collaborating to build an Italian infrastructure We (all together) are participating to all the test beds deeply involved in industry4.0, smart city applications , fintech and smart space. First example of this cooperation is the Emilia Romagna: Process supported by Regional (EU) funds: Survey of: research computing capacities competences in HPC, Big Data and software development research communities Design and implementation test bed: Definition of applications domain: Research, PA, Health, education, smart- …. involvement of the partners (i.e. private companies, SMEs)
Riconfig riunioni Tier1 Proposta per meeting congiunto infrastruttura T1 e T2 Gianpaolo Carlino, Luca dell’Agnello CNAF, 11marzo2016 14 Settembre 2016 - CCR L.Perini
• Why • Who • What • When • Where • “Luogo” per discutere e controllare andamento infrastruttura di calcolo INFN • Tier1 e Tier2 • LHC solamente? • Tutti gli exp multi sito che insistono sui Tier*? • Who • Tier1 e Tier2 (responsabili calcolo esperimenti e responsabili centri) • Meeting aperto!!! • What • Discussione upgrade middleware, availability etc..... • Coordinamento per attività schedulata exp • Analisi performance/problematiche siti • Primo passo per maggiore integrazione • When • Una volta al mese (in coincidenza con EU-T0-IT) • Where • In (parziale) sostituzione meeting CdG Tier1 (stesso giorno di EU-T0-IT) • Sezione locale con (alcuni) argomenti specifici per il Tier1 • Sezione comune a Tier1 e Tier2 14 Settembre 2016 - CCR L.Perini
Report di gruppo studio evoluzione CNAF Vi riporto la slide iniziale come ultima di questa presentazione Tanto ottimo lavoro, ma non vi do dettagli Le necessità degli esperimenti LHC sono cambiate ( il run va troppo bene ) e il lavoro diventa obsoleto… Esempio tipico della situazione di moving target con cui spesso dobbiamo confrontarci… 14 Settembre 2016 - CCR L.Perini
Studio dell’evoluzione infrastruttura CNAF Gruppo di lavoro nominato da A. Zoccoli per uno studio dell’evoluzione dell’infrastruttura del CNAF fino alla fine del Run3 Gianpaolo Carlino, Luca Dell’Agnello, Donatella Lucchesi, Gaetano Maron, Daniele Martello, Ruggero Ricci, Ugo Rotundo, Vincenzo Vagnoni 1) Quali sono le richieste per il Tier1 del CNAF da parte di LHC, fino al Long shut-down 3, e di CTA, nello stesso periodo, assumendo di avere il Data Center a Bologna 2) Quali sono le caratteristiche del Tier-1 del CNAF ad oggi in termini di potenza elettrica e di raffreddamento (usata e disponibile), spazio disponibile, costi di funzionamento 3) Come potrebbe evolvere la tecnologia nei prossimi anni e come potrebbe impattare sul Tier1 4) Come potrebbe evolvere il Tier-1 del CNAF con investimenti dell'ordine di ~300 k€/anno, da qui a 5/6 anni Con il prezioso aiuto dello staff del Tier1 e i responsabili nazionali degli esperimenti LHC C3S - 15/01/16