2. Key Concepts and Main Theoretical Issues


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Transcript della presentazione:

2. Key Concepts and Main Theoretical Issues Crediti: 3 n° massimo iscritti: 20 Orario: 9.00 – 12.30 13.30 – 18.30 Dal 28.09 al 05.10.2016 WORKSHOP ONTOLOGIA DELL’ARTE E DELL’ARCHITETTURA Docenti: M. Robiglio (PoliTo) e T. Andina (UniTO) Outline | Daily Work 1. Case Studies 2. Key Concepts and Main Theoretical Issues (in Philosophy of Art / Philosophy of Architecture) 3. Papers – Discussion – Testing Theories WORKSHOP 2016

Ontological Puzzles (Art) Crediti: 3 n° massimo iscritti: 20 Orario: 9.00 – 12.30 13.30 – 18.30 Dal 28.09 al 05.10.2016 WORKSHOP ONTOLOGIA DELL’ARTE E DELL’ARCHITETTURA Docenti: M. Robiglio (PoliTo) e T. Andina (UniTO) Ontological Puzzles (Art) Philosophizing on Contemporary Art (concepts and theories) What is an Artwork? Theories of Art and the Role of Context Shirin Neshat, RAPTURE, 1999. Wang Guangij, GREAT CRITICISM , 1990. Rirkrit Tiravanija, DO WE DREAM UNDER THE SAME SKY" Art Basel in Basel 2015. WORKSHOP 2016

Ontological Puzzles (Architecture) Crediti: 3 n° massimo iscritti: 20 Orario: 9.00 – 12.30 13.30 – 18.30 Dal 28.09 al 05.10.2016 WORKSHOP ONTOLOGIA DELL’ARTE E DELL’ARCHITETTURA Docenti: M. Robiglio (PoliTo) e T. Andina (UniTO) Ontological Puzzles (Architecture) Philosophizing on Architecture (concepts and theories) What is Architecture? Form, Function and Comunication in Architectural Objects Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Farnsworth House, 1945-51. Robert Venturi, Chestnut Hill House, 1962. WORKSHOP 2016