MACCHINE NARRANTI VIDEOGAME E LETTURA GABRIELE FERRI Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences Convegno Leggere in Europa (XVIII-XXI sec.) Università di Milano – centro APICE 12-13 Dicembre 2016
Macchine per esperienze straordinarie Macchine narranti Macchine per esperienze straordinarie
Automi, programmazione algoritmica Repertori figurativi Strutture discorsive Strutture semionarrative, valoriali, logiche
Esperienze narrative, spesso agonistiche, ognuna unica e differente dalle altre
“Meaning emerges in interaction” (Kees Overbeeke)
Empatia e Speculazione
“A Breathtaking Journey” (Kors et al., 2016)
“SUBMERGED” (Ferri, Korte, 2016)
Macchine per esperienze straordinarie Macchine narranti Macchine per esperienze straordinarie
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences MACCHINE NARRANTI VIDEOGAME E LETTURA GABRIELE FERRI Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
PER APPROFONDIRE: Ferri, G.. “Narrating Machines and Interactive Matrices: A Semiotic Common Ground for Game Studies.” In Proceedings of the Digra 2007 Conference, edited by Akira Baba, 466–473, 2007. Ferri, G. “Touchscreen Poetry: Analyzing Gestural Digital Poems.” In Interactive Storytelling, 3–13. Springer International Publishing, 2015. Koenitz, Hartmut, Gabriele Ferri, Mads Haahr, Digdem Sezen, and Tonguç Ibrahim Sezen, eds. Interactive Digital Narrative: History, Theory and Practice. New York: Routledge, 2015. Kors, Martijn J.L., Gabriele Ferri, Erik D. van der Spek, Cas Ketel, and Ben A.M. Schouten. “A Breathtaking Journey.: On the Design of an Empathy-Arousing Mixed-Reality Game.” In Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 91–104. CHI PLAY ’16. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016. doi:10.1145/2967934.2968110. I RITRATTI DEI GIOCATORI: Phil Toledano, Gamers, 2011, VIDEOGIOCO: Burly Men at Sea, Brain & Brain, 2016,